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Souplex Owners Club

Let's face it, we're not doing much to drive up prices at any rate!

It seems our careers as 'influencers' aren't very likely to get off the ground 😆
Crushing news.

Just as I was about to post a destined-to-be-incredibily viral video of me shaving off a ridiculous growth with my Souplex on Margate beach, wearing a fetching costume.

It's a winner and guaranteed to drive up Souplex prices by over £3.50

I Like Swimsuit GIF by MOODMAN

If that isn't influencing, I don't know what is.
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366 daily shaves

Souplex OCGillette Minora (1)Omega 10108
Cold splash
KCG Face Wash
Hampshire Wool Fat (1)Cold splash
Proraso Green

PassesWTG XTG ATG and touch up
Process Quality
Blade Sharpness
9.75/10 (Almost clean)5/10 (Sharp)
EffectivenessShave Comfort
9/10 (Butterysmooth)


Summary. A fantastic shave with a new to me razor and soap. I had a wonderful shave today thanks to @Lee Van Cleft . Thanks!!

For extended shave notes click here.

Enjoy your shave!
First shave with the new Souplex OC 😍

What a mighty razor this is! Very efficient without ever being harsh; what wasn't caught on the first pass was swept away with the second.

To me, from memory it seems just a wee bit smoother than the Big Ben, albeit with a lovely hint of aggressiveness and good feel.

As @Obetron Rex observed previously here the comb length and thickness on the two is just ever so slightly different, but it seems on first impression to make quite a difference - although our assessments of the relative smoothness of each razor seem to be the complete opposite of one another 😂 It has been a while since I've used the Big Ben though so I'll have to go and test that out again.

Great result for under a tenner though - and a lovely addition to the British razors I own. Now I really need a Double Six! 😆
366 daily shaves

Souplex OCSharp Super Platinum (1)Razorock 400
Cold splash
KCG Face Wash
BSS #1 (1)Cold splash
Proraso Green

PassesWTG XTG ATG and touch up
Process Quality
Blade Sharpness
9/10 (Some red spots)5/10 (Sharp)
EffectivenessShave Comfort
10/10 (GlideFest)


Opening High Efficiency Razors with the venerable Souplex OC I received in May. It was just one shave but man what a shave! Today was no different with a fresh platinum blade loaded. The blade felt sufficiently smooth and comfortable.

Extended shave notes can be found here.

Enjoy your shave today!
:crying: I think that was posting to internet while "Under the Influence"
Not at all Wombat, my self-identifying marsupial chum!

It is actually based on a real incident. I just thought I would use it for satire.

A couple of summers ago, Mrs Ladd and I were walking along Hastings beach. I noticed a rather attractive and absurdly pneumatic young woman wearing an extremely brief yellow bikini at the waters edge, as you obviously do.

She had a camera tripod and was painfully contorting herself in various odd positions.

Either an 'influencer' for some wretched social media channel, or worse, an onlyfans girl.

I hollered to Mrs Ladd, "Don't look Ethel!"

But it was too late. She had already been traumatised.

My post was merely a satirical reference to that, adding myself as a Souplex influencer to an imaginary audience.

The comic possibilities should be obvious, if one shares my humour.

Anyway, back to our usual Souplex service.
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