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SOTD April 25 through 1 May, 2011

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Pre-Shave: Hot shower + L'Occitane Almond Shower Oil

Brush: 23mm Simpson "Chubby #1", 2-band, Super Badger
Razor: 6/8" Solgen "Real Japanese Hollow Ground", Full Hollow Ground, Truncated French/Angled Spike Point
Strop: 50/60 laps (Neil Miller linen/Premium IV leather)
Überlather: Tabac Shave Creme + Tabac Shave Soap + Glycerin
Toner: Thayer's Witch Hazel (Rose Petal, no alcohol)
Moisturizer: Trumper's Fragrance-free Moisturizer
After Shave Splash: Ogallala "Bay Rum, Limes & Peppercorns"
Cologne: Ogallala Bay Rum EdC (Extra Strength)
Results: I had missed shaving with this Solgen, razor extraordinaire
. Small, but extremely nimble and agile. No messing around with this blade. The überTabac was überlicious with tons of wholesome and moist lather
. The shave was extraordinary today. My skin felt so smooth, irritation free and soft that I had to remind myself that I had just shaved. The Ogallala gave the fabulous finish to this wonderful shave. The Limes & Peppercorns is a very nice scent. I like it a lot. I think I have figured out how to make the scent last long. Give the bottle a very good shake (I mean very good and vigorous shake - to put the oils into emulsion with the water and alcohol). Pour some in the palm of your hand (not a lot) and rub on face and get a dab of it onto your undershirt (especially the cologne). You will smell this stuff all day long (if not you, then those around you for sure). I received lots of positive comments yesterday. Of course, as with anything, YMMV...don't come blaming me if your skin chemistry is different

Have an EXTRAORDINARY Wednesday gentlemen
. Happy shaving

New DeLuxe Big Boy • Bleue Extra • Rooney Heritage 2XL • MdC • PdP • Caron 3rd Man


Simpson Chubby 3 Super
Tabac soap
Feather SS with Iridium Super
Thayer's Original witch hazel
Clinique Post-Shave Healer
Creed Royal English Leather
Excellent, Robert! :thumbup: Simply excellent! :thumbup:

P.S. I love my Chubby 1 Super, too! :001_wub:

Grazir maestro. That Chubby was used just for you :001_smile

Thank you kindly, my friend. :001_smile

My pleasure. Thank you :001_smile

Great picture as always Robert, sounded like a great shave too.

Thank you Keith...it was a fabulous shave. That Solgen can deliver on a dime :thumbup1:

Once the razor doesn't remove a section of my ear it will continue to be a good home for it :thumbup: If it does take some of my ear though, all bets are off.

hehehehe :lol:...I hear you (unless my ear is chopped off, LOL). That goes with any blade. Although I have a Kamisori that has given me a couple of ultra sharp nicks over time, but I will never get rid of her. She's a keeper

It won't be a happy one as my grandfather died last night/this morning. I wasn't close with him, so it won't be as bad as when my other grandfather died at Christmas but it still sucks.

My deepest condolences on your loss. My thoughts are with you and your family at this time. I know how you feel. 2 days before my wife's birthday (March 2011), she lost her father. it's been devastating for the whole family. How are the grandmothers doing? It's important to have family support in these difficult times. Nothing more important than family. Hang in there my friend and be strong. Our thoughts are with you.

Thank you, Robert. I have just about come to grips with Cade. My initial impression was a soap more difficult to lather than MWF, but the master of all things wet shaving, my friend Marco, soon rectified that for me. Love the shave, love the scent, what's not to like about Cade? Divine!!:001_wub:!:001_smile:thumbup1:

Great soap indeed (when you get the hang of it). What did you do differently? Marco is da man (wealth of knowledge...I am sure beyond wetshaving too) :thumbup1:. That's why he's the maestro :001_cool:.

The masterpieces just keep coming!:thumbup1: Superb, Robert!:thumbup1:

Thanks David :001_smile
SOTD Wednesday, April 27, 2011

6/8 Loeffler & Sykes, "Columbus" Full Hollow, Spike Point
Proraso PSC
The Real Shaving Co. SC
Barbershop Badger
Nivea ASB
Mennen Skin Bracer
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Great soap indeed (when you get the hang of it). What did you do differently? Marco is da man (wealth of knowledge...I am sure beyond wetshaving too) :thumbup1:. That's why he's the maestro :001_cool:.

Now come on, Robert, I wouldn't go so far as to say that!:wink2: (Only joking, Marco, my friend!:lol:) No seriously, I was using a squeezed brush, so fairly dry. Couldn't load enough soap for the life of me. Used Marco's "WET" brush approach and, Hey Presto, more lather than I new what to do with. As a result, I now give the brush one small shake to remove a little water, and I get my desired effect.

PRESHAVE: Wash w/ Yardley English Lavender; Hot wash-cloth soak
SHAVE OIL: Blend of Baby Oil w/ Menthol
SHAVE SOAP: HBS Old Spice Type - Lathered in a warmed glass bowl
BRUSH: Tweezerman Badger
RAZOR: Parker 90R
BLADE: Gillette 7 O'Clock (2)
A/S: English Leather

RESULT: 2 full passes w/ touch-up in the usual spots. DFS. :001_smile

Razor: Merkur 38C Barber Pole
Blade: Wilkinson Sword
Brush: Omega Boar 10049
Soap: Omega
A/S: Aqua Velva Musk
EdT: Quorum

Burham 1909 single edge/Pella blade/Williams Mug soap/Turkish Horsehair #7/ Ogallala​

This Burham delivered a DFS today. Of coarse it benefited from Old school lather whipped by a horsehair brush. Then Finished with an old school scent. A shave to be savored.

Great shaves today, Gentlemen.
My deepest condolences on your loss. My thoughts are with you and your family at this time. I know how you feel. 2 days before my wife's birthday (March 2011), she lost her father. it's been devastating for the whole family. How are the grandmothers doing? It's important to have family support in these difficult times. Nothing more important than family. Hang in there my friend and be strong. Our thoughts are with you.

Thanks Robert

Well the grandmother who lost her husband at Christmas is doing good. She has family around her almost everyday so that's helping.

The other grandmother though, I'm not so sure how she'll do. She has always been pretty standoffish to most of the family for some reason. Maybe that will change now but I'm not so sure.
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DFS today

Hot shower - while the brush soaked.

Gillette Super Speed (1966)
Wilkinson Sword Classic blade
Wilkinson sword brush
Crabtree & Evelyn Sienna cream
The Real Shaving Company a/s balm

enjoyable :thumbup1:
Merkur 1905 Vintage Razor
with Supermax (2)
Thäter 49125/1 Silvertip
Erasmic SC
Juicy Couture`s Dirty English EdT

Have a nice day! :001_smile

Henckels Platinum 401
Omega Pro 49
Speick Cream
Adidas A/S

Close, Comfortable & Enjoyable !!!

Gooo Henckels :tongue_sm. Nice razor Mark :thumbup:

Thanks Matthew :001_smile

SOTD Wednesday, April 27, 2011

6/8 Loeffler & Sykes, "Columbus" Full Hollow, Spike Point
Proraso PSC
The Real Shaving Co. SC
Barbershop Badger
Nivea ASB
Mennen Skin Bracer

Wowwww Bruce. That Loeffler is an amazing looking piece of steel :thumbup1:. Veeeery nice indeed :thumbup:

Now come on, Robert, I wouldn't go so far as to say that!:wink2: (Only joking, Marco, my friend!:lol:) No seriously, I was using a squeezed brush, so fairly dry. Couldn't load enough soap for the life of me. Used Marco's "WET" brush approach and, Hey Presto, more lather than I new what to do with. As a result, I now give the brush one small shake to remove a little water, and I get my desired effect.

Haaaaaaa :lol:. Too funny...But that wet brush (or rather super moist) approach is what I use for most soaps and it works wonders :thumbup1:.

Burham 1909 single edge/Pella blade/Williams Mug soap/Turkish Horsehair #7/ Ogallala​

This Burham delivered a DFS today. Of coarse it benefited from Old school lather whipped by a horsehair brush. Then Finished with an old school scent. A shave to be savored.

Great shaves today, Gentlemen.

Sounds amazing. Well done :thumbup:

Thanks Robert

Well the grandmother who lost her husband at Christmas is doing good. She has family around her almost everyday so that's helping.

The other grandmother though, I'm not so sure how she'll do. She has always been pretty standoffish to most of the family for some reason. Maybe that will change now but I'm not so sure.

I know what you mean Keith. Well, hopefully she will change her ways and let people in. Time will tell.

Merkur 1905 Vintage Razor
with Supermax (2)
Thäter 49125/1 Silvertip
Erasmic SC
Juicy Couture`s Dirty English EdT

Have a nice day! :001_smile


I love this shot. Looks like the TOBS (stick?) is sticking out of the picture. Well done :thumbup::thumbup:

I admire your good taste again and again, Robert :flowers:

Thanks maestro :001_smile. I could say the same about you :thumbup:

Bengall Cast Steel : Ever-Ready : Tabac : Ogallala Bay Rum w/Sandalwood


Awesome Kevin :thumbup:. The Ogallala w/ Sandalwood is one nice scent, eh:thumbup1:?
SuperMax Super Platinum (4)
VDH Deluxe Boar
Williams ss
Nivea Sensitive balm
Aqua Velva Classic Ice Blue
Eternity edt
Wonderful work, Gentlemen. I have almost caught up on some things that I had hanging around my neck and hope to be able to spend more time reviewing the thread over the next few days. Thank you for your kind (and encouraging) comments and yes, the Fitjar soap is terrific but this puck won't be with me much longer :thumbup1:
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