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Soap storage for small spaces

I live in a ~50 year old house. While I have plenty of room for the things I need, space can get a little tight when an expanding collection of stuff creeps into a small bathroom. I think I got the idea for using these magnetic spice jars from Ikea for soap from someone here on the forum. (Thanks B&B for the inspiration!) Of course I don't have a refrigerator in my bathroom to stick them on so I picked up a small magnetic strip from the Container Store and affixed it to the inside of my bathroom cabinet. (My kids use larger versions of these for displaying their art.)

Boom! Made room for three soap pucks where none existed before. :001_cool:

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Now it appears I need to order two more pucks of soap.
I just purchased the same thing 2 days ago. 6 canisters & one bar (Ikea sells the metal bar, also, FYI).

Haven't mounted yet, but that's on the weekend project list.
Oh, one thing to consider before you start drilling holes -- check the length of the screws that come with the metal strip against the depth of your cabinet door. I had to go with a shorter screw or else I would have had screws sticking out the front of the cabinet. D'oh!
I do this for spices in the kitchen. You can purchase cheap candle tins at a craftstore and simply hot glue/epoxy a magnet to the back and attach it to the side of your fridge. Great idea for shaving stuff as well. Nicely done.
I do something similar with magnetic containers from the container store. And a few rare earth magnets for my straight. Luckily my medicine cabinet is metal. When you close the mirror on it, the shaving goods are hidden.

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