I'm thinking about getting a slant bar. The way i am interpreting everything I have read about it, I have never used one, it seems like you get a close shave with fewer passes but you must [B]respect the razor. It also seems like this is the closest shave you can get to a straight without using one. I do use a straight and usually have my best shaves with one, however I usually only have the time necessary for a straight shave a couple times a week. In order to duplicate the closeness I get from my straights I need to do about four passes with a DE, especially on my neck. The problem with this is that my neck starts to get irritated on the third pass and really gets red after four. Am I crazy to think I would have a closer shave with a slant bar and less irritation due to less passes? What do you guys think? try to talk me into it, or try to talk me out of it. This will probably end up about 50/50 and I'll just end up flipping a 2 headed coin to decide if I should buy one.. I also wonder if anyone has a blade recomendation for the slant bar, currently I use derby blades almost exclusively. Has anyone foound a blade that works well for them in the slant bar but not in a regular DE.