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Shiny Head advice

To all head shavers:

I've been head shaving for years. Have tried many different lotions, creams, etc. in search of something that will take the "glaring shine" off my head. I wouldn't go to say its embarassing, but it's something if I could fix simply, I would. I've found many other solutions here on B&B so I figured I'd check here to see what others think.

Do you use something to take the shine away? Is there a powder? Lotion? Wax? Lack of a better term 'makeup'?
Hi BigBull:

I am a head shaver also and I love my shiny chrome dome. If U want 2 reduce the glare... try Headblade Matte Lotion. There is another product that reduces the shine that is also a sunscreen lotion. I do not recall the name but will let ya know later today.

That was quick. Looked into the HeadBlade Matte lotion...gets good reviews - will probably try. It says its natural ingredients but doesn't list them. Anyone know?
Hmmm... Two thoughts. Just started shaving my head. I too have a very shiny result.

One (female) reaction "Oh, I like the shine. It looks like your skin is well taken-care of."

I'm not necessarily opposed, but wanted to see if I could knock down the glare. Tried Clubman talc and it was effective, makes my skin feel good (and cool), and was relatively cheap ($9 for big bottle) and readily available at local drugstore (CVS).

I got a sample of L' Occitane Cade balm, and the LOTH said that my head was not as shiny. I personally don't care one way or the other. I have read talc is good.
Carry a handkerchief like I do and regularly give it a swab to absorb excess sebum.

All the anti-glare, matt-finish, oil-reducing concotions did was take the shine off my wallet.
+1 on the handkerchief. I have found that after I shave in the morning if I just wipe my head with Witch Hazel and leave off any after shave then it is less shiny than with other lotions or creams but as the day wears on the oil returns and a handkerchief is the only good course of action.
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