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Sandalwood Shaving Cream Roundup

I use the AoS Sandalwood and love it. Really a great sent. Can't shave in the shower with my straight. The idea scares me!
Update: Here are my thoughts on Vulfix Sandalwood. I'll provide an updated roundup post once I use and review all of the new creams I have acquired: eShave, QCS, and Salter in addition to this Vulfix.

Vulfix Sandalwood Luxury Shaving Cream (Vulfix): Scent is a mix of the "spicy, floral barbershop" endemic to so many "sandalwood" products, mixed with baking spices, predominantly cinnamon. It is delicious smelling, but unfortunately not at all authentic sandalwood. Contains parabens. Color is unique: a deep orangish-yellow. Viscosity is also unique: Thin, gloopy, like a runny cake batter. It is pretty gross, to be honest, but an interesting alternative. Good latherability, but takes some getting used to as so unlike other products. Hard to face lather. Once lathered, however, lubrication is great and the product is incredibly moisturizing. Cheap jar.

Overall it is among the top in lubrication and moisturizing. The scent is my favorite rendition of the "spicy, floral barbershop" style that so many creams produce instead of authentic sandalwood. Think GFT Sandalwood mixed with cinnamon-spice cookies. I can't get over the consistency, however. This is the only cream in this whole roundup where if you turn the jar over, the entirety of the product will run out. Between the odd color and runny viscosity, I was hesitant to touch my shaving brush to the product. I'd pass in favor of other creams, but if you like the consistency and that barbershop version of sandalwood, Vulfix is a fine product.
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I had forgotten about mystic waters until this morning when I pulled it out for its turn in my rotation:

Mysore Sandalwood
Sandalwood essential oil is used as a base note in 30% of all men's fragrances. Since real sandalwood oil is becoming rare and is very expensive, we use a fragrance oil that duplicates the warm, sweet, woody scent with delicately spicy undertones. Because it is a base note, this scent lingers on the skin. (From her website)

It is a tallow based soap and it delivers a great lather and wonderful sent.
This was a great review. I just put an order in with AOS for their Sandalwood creme. I'll let you know how it goes.

Dr. Matt
Update: My review of Salter's Sandalwood shaving cream. I'll redo the full roundup once I finish reviewing the remaining creams: eShave and QCS are left.

Cyril R. Salter Indian Sandalwood Shaving Cream (Salter): Scent is the spicy, floral old-barbershop style, but there is some real Sandalwood lingering in the back. Label lists Sandalwood EO. Overall, a nice rendition of the style. Paraben free. Viscosity is airy and whipped like AOS, but rather dense like a croap...an interesting combo. Great latherability. The thickness made face lathering a little difficult, but once I got it going it explodes. Good lubrication. Nice jar—attractive and solidly constructed.

Overall, Salter is the underdog of the classic British offerings. Cheaper, less known and acclaimed than the three T's or DRH, yet an excellent product. I'd put Salter's on par with any of them, but it has a scent that beats all of the T's (I do like DRH's scent better). I don't think it will nudge into my standard rotation, but I'd certainly consider it if looking for a classic British cream and that spicy, barbershop scent.
I've only used TOBS and I quite like it. For the price it's a great cream. I've been wanting to try C&F but can't quite justify the extra £20 yet. I just got a new cream and balm last week!
Great review on the Cyril Salter Sandalwood. I don't know why it doesn't get more attention in this forum. I think it is a very good cream at an attractive price. Lots of thick, slick lather and a nice sandalwood scent.
Great review on the Cyril Salter Sandalwood. I don't know why it doesn't get more attention in this forum. I think it is a very good cream at an attractive price. Lots of thick, slick lather and a nice sandalwood scent.

Thanks, John.

The lack of love here for Salter is confusing. It is a comparable product at a superior price than the three T's, particularly for sandalwood—T&H and TOBS are pretty poor in the sandalwood department (GFT is similar to Salter, but I'd put Salter ahead). If you like that spicy barbershop version of sandalwood, Salter is hard to beat.
Update: My review of eShave Orange Sandalwood Shaving Cream. I'll update the full roundup once I review my last remaining cream: QCS.

eShave Orange Sandalwood Shaving Cream (eShave): Scent is citrus, predominantly orange and grapefruit. The base note adds cedar. I don't get sandalwood, although the ingredient list includes the essential oil Sandalwood Australian. The mixture of citrus and wood is nice, although you can't avoid the association with furniture polish. Paraben free. Viscosity is moderately-thick and creamy. eShave isn't designed for shaving with a brush and the cream applies well without one. With a brush, latherability is mixed: This product explodes with lather, but it can be tough to get the water level right. Lubrication is good. Nice jar.

All in, eShave is a solid product and the citrus/cedar scent is uncommon among shaving creams and a nice change. Unfortunately the sandalwood isn't detectable and thus this product won't satisfy my sandalwood craving. I'd recommend this to folks who shave without a brush—it is clearly designed for brushless use and while it can of course be used with brush, it isn't easy to lather right, particularly on the face. eShave sells a "mini travel kit" of 1/4 ounce jars—perfect if you travel without your brush but still want a nice shave.
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Thanks especially for the Cyril Salter review -- been wanting to read up on that one, as a sort of preview. And especially wanted it compared to TOBS, which is the only of these creams I've used.

Thanks rlove for doing all of these.
I just received my order of AOS Sandalwood cream. I had the balm and liked the scent so I purchased the cream and the cologne. I would differ on the original posters findings as to lubrication. Maybe I havent hit the sweet spot with water to cream mix, but I dont find the AOS Sandalwood that great with lubrication. I get a bit of a harsh shave with it. I also use Pannacrema, Mikes, Prorasso and MWF. All of these give me a smoother shave. The AOS Sandalwood makes a pretty creamy lather very easily, but so far it doesnt seem to lay down a good slick coating on my face. Maybe I need more water in the mix.
My AOS SANDALWOOD arrived. It didn't even make it to my face...I got a little dab and put in under my nose and HATED it...smelled just like English Leather Cologne, one of my least favored men's product. Too bad...I was really looking forward to it!
My AOS SANDALWOOD arrived. It didn't even make it to my face...I got a little dab and put in under my nose and HATED it...smelled just like English Leather Cologne, one of my least favored men's product. Too bad...I was really looking forward to it!

Too bad, I just ordered one too and it hasn't arrived but if I didn't, I would have bought yours as I like like the English leather scent.
Great thread and thank you for such a detailed concise review.

Based upon your thread I decided to swing by my local Art of Shaving and pick up a tub of the Sandalwood. Absolutely amazing scent. Beautiful lather. Smells and feels great on the third pass and beyond! The gold standard.

The other three Sandalwoods I have tried (all from a sampler pack) are Proraso red - not bad. Great price point. Great lather. Edwin Jagger - very little scent, great lather. Taylor of Old Bond STreet - best of the three but I prefer their Avocado over the Sandalwood.
Update: And the long-awaited QCS Sandalwood review. I will update the full roundup soon.

Queen Charlotte Soaps Mysore Sandalwood (QCS): No wood, let alone sandalwood, on the nose. There is a pleasing earthy smell, possibly the kaolin clay. Paraben free. Viscosity is thick and dense—a croap, if not somewhere past that, between a croap and a soap. So thick this is not easy to lather, but once you get it right the product explodes with gobs of thick, slick, beautiful lather. Lubrication is excellent. Moisturization is excellent. Nice jar.

QCS has the greatest efficacy of any shaving cream tested. It is easily the best performer in the lot, although it sure can be a pain to lather (I do have two jars, and one is a bit thicker and harder to lather than the other—as a handmade product there is some variance.) QCS would easily be the hands-down winner of this roundup if not for the lack of sandalwood scent on the nose. This is doubly disappointing as the product claims to use nothing but pure Mysore sandalwood (a particularly heralded variety) essential oil. Unfortunately all I smell is an earthiness likely from the various oils or clay.

Nonetheless, everyone ought to give QCS a try. It performs phenomenally. If only it had half the nose of AOS, there'd be a single clear winner in this roundup.
Must say...never was a huge fan of AoS but all the hype over their sandalwood cream; just had to try it. Surely glad I did. At present this ranks at top of the heap for any and all sandalwood creams/soaps I have used to date.
I just shaved with the AOS sandalwood. I loved the smell, texture and lather. I do think it was lacking a smidge in lubrication compared to my tub of GFT tho.
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