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Rummage-O-Ramma Score!

Just got back from a local flea market in my area. Picked up an Everready ShovelHead in case, a Schick Eversharp injector and a German Gillette Travel knock off for under $25. Pics shall follow soon. I'll post before and after clean up pics. For the first time SWMBO and I went somewhere for me to look for razors and I wasn't shut out.
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I chose the Injector to start out with. I've already used several ASR razors but never a Schick. I'm glad I did. Awesome effortless shave. Easy to use, milder than my G-Bar but with an overall better shave. Great razor.
Hit R-A-R again yesterday. Was able to score a OCMM and Schick case for myself and a Star 1912 for Honorable Son #1. I'll post pics when I can. These are going to be post clean up for I was in a hurry to get the 1912 ready for my son as a surprise before he came home.
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