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Removing the smell from natural horn?

I'm happy with how my latest rescale job looks. However, I did notice one unexpected side effect after I actually used the razor. I rescaled it in natural bison horn not realizing that once the scales get wet, they smell like wet dog. Is there any good way to remove the odor permanently from the scales?
I never had a problem with smell. Don't get the scales wet-EVER.

They really should not be getting wet.
FOr starters you should be not getting the scales wet when shaving other than maybe a drop or two of water but other than that sealing them may help. It should go away on its own over time.
Some are worse then others. Most aren't a problem. But ram horn... that stuff can stink.
Once you have your horn scales finished up. Try a really light (feel / texture wise) car wax. That should help give a little protection from the water and prevent some o the smell.
Thanks for the tips, guys. While I don't soak the scales, wet hands were enough to bring out the wet dog smell. I took your advice though and applied a few coats of wax (Turtle Wax, to be exact) and it passed the wet hands test with flying colors. It added a nice sheen to the scales to boot. I then took a sprinkling of water directly to them as a test and it worked perfectly. Thanks again!
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