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Question for Vintage Gillette Experts-1966

I decided to channel my growing RAD into collecting L4 Gillettes, my birth quarter.:biggrin1:

According to the wiki and Google, 1966 Gillette models include Techs, the Slim Adjustable, FlareTip and Black Handle Superspeeds, Lady Gillette, and "The Knack" (cue My Sharona).


1. Regarding the Techs, did Gillette make Travel, Ball End, and Fat Handle versions?
2. Are there various models of the Lady Gillette?
3. Did Gillette make gold razors in 1966?

Thanks for your answers, gents.
You might find that certain models were made in L3 or M1 but not L4. I think Gillette rotated production of DE razors in the later years, something like the way the St Petersburg factory seems to rotate blade brands.

But for 1966 in general, I would expect to find Tech in travel and ball-end variants. The fat-handle stopped around 1945 or 1946. You might find a long-handle type like the G1000, but 1966 is probably too early for that.

The period Lady Gillette had four colors, no other variations.

For gold, you might look for the Aristocrat - basically a gold-plated Slim. It should have been available through 1967.
Hey now, don't go scooping up ALL the 1966 L4's. Save some for a brother from another mother who's also getting into some collecting. :001_cool: I already have a flair tip super speed in nickel, but want to add a slim adjustable and maybe one or 2 others. I couldn't and can't afford guitars and/or tube amps from the 60's, but razor's I can swing for the most part.
Hey now, don't go scooping up ALL the 1966 L4's. Save some for a brother from another mother who's also getting into some collecting. :001_cool: I already have a flair tip super speed in nickel, but want to add a slim adjustable and maybe one or 2 others. I couldn't and can't afford guitars and/or tube amps from the 60's, but razor's I can swing for the most part.
I have a Slim Adjustable out fojr replating, so the rest are yours! Nov. 2nd, by the way.
I have an L2 Travel tech.
You might find that certain models were made in L3 or M1 but not L4. I think Gillette rotated production of DE razors in the later years, something like the way the St Petersburg factory seems to rotate blade brands.

But for 1966 in general, I would expect to find Tech in travel and ball-end variants. The fat-handle stopped around 1945 or 1946. You might find a long-handle type like the G1000, but 1966 is probably too early for that.

The period Lady Gillette had four colors, no other variations.

For gold, you might look for the Aristocrat - basically a gold-plated Slim. It should have been available through 1967.
BTW - I should have said that 1966 was a VERY good year :)

I wonder why?.............i need clues. It has to be somewhere.

South Pole Santa
Mark, I've always wondered, if I type "1966" here, does it look something like "9961" down there? And do you have a lot of razors on your ceiling?

Don't know about that, I'm still waiting for those Toggles to drop from the undisclosed location when I shake the ground sometime :)
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