I decided to channel my growing RAD into collecting L4 Gillettes, my birth quarter.
According to the wiki and Google, 1966 Gillette models include Techs, the Slim Adjustable, FlareTip and Black Handle Superspeeds, Lady Gillette, and "The Knack" (cue My Sharona).
1. Regarding the Techs, did Gillette make Travel, Ball End, and Fat Handle versions?
2. Are there various models of the Lady Gillette?
3. Did Gillette make gold razors in 1966?
Thanks for your answers, gents.

According to the wiki and Google, 1966 Gillette models include Techs, the Slim Adjustable, FlareTip and Black Handle Superspeeds, Lady Gillette, and "The Knack" (cue My Sharona).
1. Regarding the Techs, did Gillette make Travel, Ball End, and Fat Handle versions?
2. Are there various models of the Lady Gillette?
3. Did Gillette make gold razors in 1966?
Thanks for your answers, gents.