Well, when I shave with a Gillette adjustable, be it Fatboy, Slim, Super Adjustable, or Soviet copy of Super Adjustable, I crank that thing to "11" (9) and blast "Stonehenge" by Spinal Tap while I shave.
My own recent observations of Gillettes lately...
The Tech, regardless of vintage, pre or post war, beats my Fatip Piccolo and Merkur 34C. I mean not even close. If somebody from Botswana was to post and say their dream razor is a 34C, I would step forward and eat the shipping cost to send my 34C to Botswana. And the fact I only paid $5 for my 34C has nothing to do with my generosity...
The only Super Speed that gets any face time these days is my red tip. I have a Korean War-era Super Speed with a black plastic tip and stainless steel handle, and probably three flare tips, but I just haven't used them in a while. They are just...boringly...adequate. I like a challenge. This is "sport shaving", after all. Not Ralph Cramden prepping for his job as a bus driver.
The Fatboy 195 was the high water mark of Gillette razors. Prior to that, all roads led to the Fatboy. I got that line from somebody on this forum. The Toggle? A mere essay in the craft. Like one of the lesser rings. Every adjustable after the Fatboy was an exercise in reducing cost. Less brass...then anodized aluminum.
My own recent observations of Gillettes lately...
The Tech, regardless of vintage, pre or post war, beats my Fatip Piccolo and Merkur 34C. I mean not even close. If somebody from Botswana was to post and say their dream razor is a 34C, I would step forward and eat the shipping cost to send my 34C to Botswana. And the fact I only paid $5 for my 34C has nothing to do with my generosity...
The only Super Speed that gets any face time these days is my red tip. I have a Korean War-era Super Speed with a black plastic tip and stainless steel handle, and probably three flare tips, but I just haven't used them in a while. They are just...boringly...adequate. I like a challenge. This is "sport shaving", after all. Not Ralph Cramden prepping for his job as a bus driver.
The Fatboy 195 was the high water mark of Gillette razors. Prior to that, all roads led to the Fatboy. I got that line from somebody on this forum. The Toggle? A mere essay in the craft. Like one of the lesser rings. Every adjustable after the Fatboy was an exercise in reducing cost. Less brass...then anodized aluminum.