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Pop culture things you don't "get"

I am at a loss to understand the public's fascination with:

People who are famous for being famous
Reality TV
College Football, especially rooting for a school not your alma mater
Jennifer Aniston

Can anyone explain?

What are yours?
I like your list!

Here I go alienating myself to the forum, but I just don't get Seinfeld. But then, I don't get sitcoms in general. Or much TV for that matter. I'm missing the funny gene, I guess.
I'm not a TV person at all.

Idle time is better spent sitting in your Den: A quiet place where you can smoke fine cigars, read some Dumas or G.M.Fraiser :)D), listen to Vivaldi and capture some solace in a busy world.

I don't get... my generation (Y).
Ah, a chance to get in touch with my "inner fuddy-duddy". :smile:

Since I haven't watched any prime time TV in about 25 years, there's a whole bunch of stuff that I flat out don't even know about, let alone don't get. Any reference to a reality show or sit-com character just goes right by me.

I'm afraid rap music has always eluded me and I've not taken the time to work on acquiring that particular taste (darn, darn, darn).

When my kids were in high school (probably about 12 years ago) I started to see "Mean People Suck" bumper stickers. It was so simplistic and shallow that I thought that it must be some sort of ironic joke or parody. I asked my kids. No, apparently it was a social commentary on "mean people". :confused:

Maybe it would be easier to list the pop culture things that I "get". :smile:
Yeah, I definately don't get those World Wildlife Fund yokels.

Duh, just exactly what is it that you don't understand about fascination with Jennifer Aniston?

Yes, she's very beautiful, I get that and enjoy looking at her. But the almost hourly reporting of her life is what I am talking about. There are countless beautiful celebrities that get no attention...so why with this one?

Jerry Springer
Messianic Presidential Campaigns
Body Piercings
Baseball caps
Che Guevara
Reality TV
"All Natural Organic" everything

I agree with you on ink and piercings. Huh?
Che, I sorta/kinda get...the whole counterculture bad guy thing. Have you noticed just how many people are wearing Scarface shirts these days? Its the same thing, do they realize that its a 25 year old movie remake of a 65 year old movie about a guy who is as rotten as they get?

Ipods however are all they are cracked up to be. All your music, and movies and TV if you want (this I dont get though), in one place easily stored and easily transportable. Add to that podcasts (which I love) and the fact that if and when you want a song you can have it in 30 seconds for $.99 or 90 seconds for free and its just the bees knees.
Ehh, if I'm not in my car, at a concert, a theater, or in my home, I have no need for radio, TV, film, or music. I never understood Walkmans or transistor radios either. :blush:

My grandfather (a very old grandfather, actually) would not buy a car with a radio in it, on principle. Until the '62 Lincoln. They wouldn't take it out. :smile:

- Chris
Ehh, if I'm not in my car, at a concert, a theater, or in my home, I have no need for radio, TV, film, or music. I never understood Walkmans or transistor radios either. :blush:

I actually got a Nano last Christmas. Re-gifting FTW!

Yes..the car is a perfect place for an ipod. All you music whenever you want, plus podcasts and books too, with an Audible account. You might as well lump in an commute on public transportation as well...its the same thing.
I don't understand why people end a statement in a conversation by just fading away mid sentence, pausing for a moment and then saying "yeah."
Yes, she's very beautiful, I get that and enjoy looking at her. But the almost hourly reporting of her life is what I am talking about. There are countless beautiful celebrities that get no attention...so why with this one?

Aniston isn't the only one in whose Kool-Aid the press is all up in. Jolie, the Kardashians, it's all over the place. They are hot and all, but enough is enough! I don't care if she was spotted shopping at Snobbery, Inc. on Pretense Dr. yesterday, or seen coming out of Ché Overpriced restaurant.
I don't understand why people end a statement in a conversation by just fading away mid sentence, pausing for a moment and then saying "yeah."

Haha! Very true. Or the murmurs and absent minded muttering to fill awkward silences, like:


"Yes... well."

"Wonderfull times." "Oh yes, good times indeed." "We did have a good time, didn't we?" "Yes, good times."
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