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PILS polished has arrived!

Wow and what a gorgeous beast it is. From time of order to the west coast of Canada took 1 month 2 days. It only took 3 weeks and 2 days for shipping and one week for processing.

And boys let me tell you it was worth the wait. And NO DUTY to pay either.
I'm on the East Coast of Canada - where did you order from?
Here she is. Beside an the iconic 34C. Also bear in mi d these pics were taken with my iPad so quality may be lacking some.




There tissue paper even says PILS what quality!





Wow even says PILS on the bottom cap! Divine!

If better pics are needed I can probably dust off the SLR


Great looking razor! Looking forward to hearing how she drives (do we ever stop with our demands?). Nice collection of enticing boxes you've got there as well...

Thanks I didn't put the ikon in and the feather but I do have a well rounded collection indeed
It took a few minutes to master the shave angle. Once that happened she sang like the fat lady. Truly a close comfortable shave and no problems with grip either.
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