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Pictures of Gillette store display from late 50's

Going through an old album from my mother's I came across these pictures of a nice Gillette store display in a G. C. Murphy Company "dime store." I think it was about 1956.
Picture on the right shows a salesgirl stocking blades. Lower photo show 3 salesgirls from the store selling Gillette goodies on the street wearing baseball type costumes.
My mother is the one on the right. She started working at the store as a stock clerk while in high school and ended up as store manager by the time she retired in the 1970's.
The company is no longer in business.........Couldn't keep up with Wally World.

Just thought I would share a walk down memory lane with everyone........


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Yes!!! Thank you for sharing these photos....with all the confusion and excitement of this day and age, we need to slow things down and bring this kind of world back...
These are excellent photos. It's interesting to see the way they marketed to light, medium, and heavy beards, today it is just one size cartridge fits all I guess.

Even though i'm not yet 30, thus cannot have any memories from the 50's, photos like this make me nostalgic for what on the surface seems like a simpler time.
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