A little over a year ago Joel completed a High End Briefcase Comparo as a belated kickoff to this great sub-forum (The Haberdashery). In his comparison he reviewed Solo, Saddleback Leather, Hlaska and Mitchell Leather.
Like many who read his comparison last year I was absolutely smitten with the quality and craftsmanship of the cases from both Saddleback and Mitchell Leather.
However, to be honest the Solo and Hlaska cases didn't do anything for me at all. 
I started digging and doing a little research. I just couldn't imagine paying a grand for a briefcase (or even $500+ as in the case of SB Classic Briefcase). However, I was impressed with both Joel's review and the appearance of the SB and Mitchell products. Based on Joel's thoughts on the SaddleBack I simply wasn't sure I'd want anything that heavy or rugged in appearance. So instead of deciding to rush out and order a case I decided to start small and test the waters. My wife ordered me the large bi-fold wallet in dark coffee brown from Saddleback Leather. I figured the wallet would allow me a glimpse of their craftsmanship and the quality of their leather. I decided to go with the coffee brown because of all the colors available from Saddleback it was my favorite. Right away I could tell the craftsmanship and quality of the leather was top notch. The bi-fold looked like something Indiana Jones would carry around. I also quickly noticed that it weighs a ton. I could only imagine what a large briefcase would weigh. Looking at the dark coffee color and reflecting on Air Force expectations I also came to the conclusion that I'd have to get a basic black. The majority of the time that I'd need/want to carry a briefcase or attache I'll be wearing either a suit or the military equivalent, service dress. When wearing my service dress uniform (like those pictured below) if I want to carry a briefcase it must be black and "conservative".
Since the dark coffee brown was out of the picture I needed (yeah right, needed
) a sample of a black leather product from Saddleback. So, I did the responsible thing
and ordered a Carbon Black notepad holder from them. Once again, like the large wallet I got from them the craftsmanship was superb and the quality of the leather was outstanding. However, just like the wallet it was very thick, and much heavier than similar products. The carbon black bears a dull flat appearance and since I'd be carrying my case while wearing classier clothes I simply couldn't go with Saddleback. The more I looked at pictures of them and read reviews on them the more I felt like Saddlebacks entries into the briefcase world simply have to much metal on them. While I like the idea of converting the case into a basic backpack I simply wouldn't have a need for it so all the extra buckles, clasps etc. were a bit of a turn off for me. Ultimately weight, the overly rugged (Hollywood adventurer) appearance and the dull finish of the Saddleback products helped me eliminate them as a possibility for a case.
So, now I had to ask myself what to do next? How do I sample Mitchell Leathers goods? Well as luck would have it they do make a small leather money clip that is quite affordable. As I started thinking about what I may want in a case I decided to email Mitchell Leather and get their opinions. To my surprise I got a return email from Dave Mitchell the owner of the company. He asked that I give him a call so we can discuss my interests. All it took was one phone call and I knew without a doubt that Mitchell was a company I wanted to do business with. I explained my situation and my needs/interests. Dave quickly explained it was all too easy. I asked about getting one of the money clips made with my leather choices so I could see first hand the contrast of the leathers. I decided to go with the Black Italian Steel leather for the outer and a soft gray for the inner. Dave said, it wouldn't be a problem and a couple of weeks later I had a one off money clip in the leather combo I was considering for my case. I was very impressed with both the quality of the Black Italian Steel leather and the quality of the craftsmanship that went into such an affordable product. So, once again I fired off an email to Dave. I told him I wanted to start with their Classic Briefcase as a foundation for my case. I told him I had a few additional requests. I wanted my case in Black Italian Steel (outside) and light grey leather (inside). My hope was that the contrast would give it a touch of style and make it easier to find items inside the case. I also told him that because I'd be using this case while in uniform I needed all of the metal accessories (buckles, feet, handle parts etc.) to be in a silver finish. This was my first and only roadblock with Mitchell. He told me that they did not offer their metal parts in any finish other than brass. This was going to be a problem for me and not something I was willing to settle on. All of the accouterments of my military uniform are polished silver. I told Dave thank you, I'd consider it and get back to him. As I was thinking about it I considered something we've seen done around here several times.... plating! I got online and started searching for plating services in the Milwaukee area. I found a great company and called Dave back. I asked him if he'd be willing to build my case as I requested if I'd pay for the plating of the parts. He said, he'd contact the company and get back to me. A couple of days later I got a phone call from Dave and he was onboard with my idea. So, I payed a deposit and the work was started. I asked Dave if he could send me some pics of the case in development and to my surprise he did!

I imagine the process went something like this:
My leather would need to be selected from the impressive array of leather in their warehouse.
Once the leather was selected the assembly process could begin. As Joel mentioned in his original comparison:
Here Bernardo is seen sewing part of a case.
The assembly process is really quite impressive. The care that goes into every stitch is simply unbelievable. As Joel mentioned in his review:
Here are several shots of Bernardo working his magic on my specific custom one of a kind case:
Pre-stitching the Gussets
Briefcase Parts Cut and Partially Assembled
Gusset Strap Holder
Assembled Flap
Sewing the Strap
Stitching Flap Detail
Assembling the Lower Front
Installing the Handle
Bernardo Clamping
I asked Dave when I made the deposit on my case if he'd be kind enough to take some pictures of the assembly process. He was happy to oblige. Once again I was blown away by the level of customer service and detail. If I were in the states I have no doubt that I would have taken the time to go to the factory and pick out my own leather in person. Mitchell Leather is a family business and is still run like a true family business.
Dave sent me the photos above when my case was ready. I made the final payment and it was on its way.
I couldn't wait!

Much to my surprise my case arrived only 4 days after being shipped from Milwaukee, WI. I was amazed, remember I live in Japan!

Like any great AD here on B&B I had to document this momentous day.
Below are pictures as I was unpacking my new pride and joy:
It's here, It's here! It's finally here!!

Opening the box I discovered it was well packed...
..very well packed...
...very, very, very well packed!!
I was absolutely astounded at the level of care and precision that went into every aspect of this case, even the packaging was impeccable. This case could practically survive in a war zone the way it was packaged up.
Finally after a year of debate, research and communication I had my case in hand. The smell of leather filled my house!
The moment of truth had arrived. My case was in hand and all I had to do was take it out of the large ziplock type bag. I was absolutely dumbfounded by the fantastic odor that filled my living room. I got my case in nearly two weeks ago and my house still smells like new leather!
Keep in my mind, my goal was basic, elegant and classy.
Here are pictures of my completed case:
In the picture above you can see the business card holder, four pen holders and the removable key holder. The pen holders are different sizes and will accommodate everything from a standard cross pen to larger pens like my Parker 21's.
Overhead Interior Shot
The Black/Gray contrast is fantastic.
The beautiful and highly functional handle as well as the nearly invisible rear exterior pocket.
The handle feels fantastic in hand and evenly distributes the weight of the case and its contents. The rear/flat pocket is perfect for folders, papers, newspapers etc. The velcro used to close this flat pocket is of a very high quality. It is nearly silent when opening but is very strong/sturdy.
Closeup of the divider used to secure laptops from 11-17"
The divider can be turned around for smaller laptops or other items.
The divider as I need it to secure a 13" MacBook
Interior Zippered Pocket (Great for cables and other small items)
I turned the pocket out so you could get a rough idea of its size. This pocket easily holds all of the cords and cables I need for my various electronic devices.
Below are a few closeups of the detailed stitching on this case. Can you see where there are double stitches, I bet not!
Front Flap Buckle (beautiful stitching)
The Perfect Carrying Handle
I've had this case for nearly two weeks now. I've looked it over countless times. It is nearly flawless. I am amazed at the level of craftsmanship that has gone into this custom one of a kind piece.
I've been carrying it back and forth to work to get a feel for it and how well I like carrying it. I have to say it is a pleasure to carry and the compliments are never ending. The quality of this case is evident to anyone I come across. The wide shoulder strap helps to evenly distribute the load no matter how I carry it.
I can carry it just by the handle, with a single shoulder assist or cross body for heavier loads:
One Hand Carry
Single Shoulder Assist
Cross Body Carry (for heavier loads)
So after reading all of this and seeing these great pictures you must know this is a masterpiece as far as briefcases are concerned but I'm sure many of you are curious how much it will hold. Luckily in my zeal to share this case with all of you I've got that covered as well. I'll be flying to the states in a couple of weeks for the holidays so I decided to see if I can get all of my "goodies" into this case for the trip. Fortunately, I was able to fit everything I'd like to have in a carryon:
Everything I'd hoped to fit
These are the items I'd hoped it would hold. Our flight to the states is very long so entertainment and comfort are a must.
Pictured above:
13" MacBook (stored in a neoprene sleeve, not pictured)
Mac Magic Mouse
2x Bose Noise Canceling headphones
Small tripod
Sony eBook Reader
2x Books
Sunglass case
Saddleback Leather Notebook Holder
All associated cables for electronics
What do you think, did it all fit?
All loaded up!
Everything fit, but could I close it?
Fully Loaded and Closed
Not only was I able to get everything I wanted in the case it was still very easy to lift/carry. The handle holds up great and the shoulder strap helps distribute the weight.
I cannot stress enough just how high quality this item is. This is the nicest accessory I've ever owned and the process in having it designed and built was absolutely a pleasure.
Dave Mitchell of Mitchell Leather is carrying on a family legacy any family could be proud of. He was always a pleasure to talk to and was always eager to work with me to achieve the end result I was looking for.
It is very cool knowing that I was the first person ever to receive a Mitchell custom case with polished nickel parts in a design exactly as I envisioned it. It is also cool to know that it was custom made specially for me. There are other manufacturers out there who make quality goods, Saddleback comes to mind, but they are still mass produced/faceless factory items. No one in the world will ever have a case exactly like mine!

Mr. Mitchell and Bernardo are absolute masters of their art.
If anyone is interested in possibly purchasing a Mitchell and have any questions please don't hesitate to ask in the responses or PM me, or better yet simply give Dave a call I know he'd be happy to help.
All in all the process took a couple of months from concept to completion though I suspect it is typically faster than that. I knew making a special request for polished nickel accouterments would slow things a bit. It was worth every single second of extra time!
Mitchell Leather is most definitely "Luxury in Leather"!!!
A year after his initial comparo Joel had this to say about Mitchell:
I have to admit I have absolutely ZERO buyers remorse. Even the Mrs. (The frugal member of our family) is thoroughly pleased with my choice in going with Mitchell Leather for my custom case.
Like many who read his comparison last year I was absolutely smitten with the quality and craftsmanship of the cases from both Saddleback and Mitchell Leather.

I started digging and doing a little research. I just couldn't imagine paying a grand for a briefcase (or even $500+ as in the case of SB Classic Briefcase). However, I was impressed with both Joel's review and the appearance of the SB and Mitchell products. Based on Joel's thoughts on the SaddleBack I simply wasn't sure I'd want anything that heavy or rugged in appearance. So instead of deciding to rush out and order a case I decided to start small and test the waters. My wife ordered me the large bi-fold wallet in dark coffee brown from Saddleback Leather. I figured the wallet would allow me a glimpse of their craftsmanship and the quality of their leather. I decided to go with the coffee brown because of all the colors available from Saddleback it was my favorite. Right away I could tell the craftsmanship and quality of the leather was top notch. The bi-fold looked like something Indiana Jones would carry around. I also quickly noticed that it weighs a ton. I could only imagine what a large briefcase would weigh. Looking at the dark coffee color and reflecting on Air Force expectations I also came to the conclusion that I'd have to get a basic black. The majority of the time that I'd need/want to carry a briefcase or attache I'll be wearing either a suit or the military equivalent, service dress. When wearing my service dress uniform (like those pictured below) if I want to carry a briefcase it must be black and "conservative".

Since the dark coffee brown was out of the picture I needed (yeah right, needed

So, now I had to ask myself what to do next? How do I sample Mitchell Leathers goods? Well as luck would have it they do make a small leather money clip that is quite affordable. As I started thinking about what I may want in a case I decided to email Mitchell Leather and get their opinions. To my surprise I got a return email from Dave Mitchell the owner of the company. He asked that I give him a call so we can discuss my interests. All it took was one phone call and I knew without a doubt that Mitchell was a company I wanted to do business with. I explained my situation and my needs/interests. Dave quickly explained it was all too easy. I asked about getting one of the money clips made with my leather choices so I could see first hand the contrast of the leathers. I decided to go with the Black Italian Steel leather for the outer and a soft gray for the inner. Dave said, it wouldn't be a problem and a couple of weeks later I had a one off money clip in the leather combo I was considering for my case. I was very impressed with both the quality of the Black Italian Steel leather and the quality of the craftsmanship that went into such an affordable product. So, once again I fired off an email to Dave. I told him I wanted to start with their Classic Briefcase as a foundation for my case. I told him I had a few additional requests. I wanted my case in Black Italian Steel (outside) and light grey leather (inside). My hope was that the contrast would give it a touch of style and make it easier to find items inside the case. I also told him that because I'd be using this case while in uniform I needed all of the metal accessories (buckles, feet, handle parts etc.) to be in a silver finish. This was my first and only roadblock with Mitchell. He told me that they did not offer their metal parts in any finish other than brass. This was going to be a problem for me and not something I was willing to settle on. All of the accouterments of my military uniform are polished silver. I told Dave thank you, I'd consider it and get back to him. As I was thinking about it I considered something we've seen done around here several times.... plating! I got online and started searching for plating services in the Milwaukee area. I found a great company and called Dave back. I asked him if he'd be willing to build my case as I requested if I'd pay for the plating of the parts. He said, he'd contact the company and get back to me. A couple of days later I got a phone call from Dave and he was onboard with my idea. So, I payed a deposit and the work was started. I asked Dave if he could send me some pics of the case in development and to my surprise he did!

I imagine the process went something like this:
My leather would need to be selected from the impressive array of leather in their warehouse.
Once the leather was selected the assembly process could begin. As Joel mentioned in his original comparison:
Where the proprietary secret lies in the bags impeccable stitching is in Bernardo, who is in his 80’s and has been working with leather/stitching his entire life. Bernardo handles the most difficult stitches on the Mitchell bags and with seven decades of experience, you can be assured you’ve probably got the most skilled and experienced leather craftsman in the world making your bag. Whenever the bag catches my attention, I can’t help but admire and contemplate the history and tradition Bernardo has stitched into the bag.
Here Bernardo is seen sewing part of a case.
The assembly process is really quite impressive. The care that goes into every stitch is simply unbelievable. As Joel mentioned in his review:
Every stitch on this bag is perfect. I don’t know how to quite describe it, or show it visually in pictures – but the stitching is something inexplicable, it takes a VERY keen eye to spot they double stitch high stress areas. Stitching and sewing leather is an incredibly difficult task – let alone perfectly hitting the same holes twice, which takes decades to master. The interesting thing with a Mitchell though is not just that you’re getting a skilled hand making your bag – it’s the fact that there are only two gentlemen who make Mitchell bags so you know the name of the craftsman making your bag and talk to him about how you'd like each element. Dave Mitchell, the son of Jerry Mitchell and an Argentinian gentleman by the name of Bernardo, who has been working for Mitchell for around 40 years.
Here are several shots of Bernardo working his magic on my specific custom one of a kind case:

Pre-stitching the Gussets

Briefcase Parts Cut and Partially Assembled

Gusset Strap Holder

Assembled Flap

Sewing the Strap

Stitching Flap Detail

Assembling the Lower Front

Installing the Handle
Bernardo Clamping
I asked Dave when I made the deposit on my case if he'd be kind enough to take some pictures of the assembly process. He was happy to oblige. Once again I was blown away by the level of customer service and detail. If I were in the states I have no doubt that I would have taken the time to go to the factory and pick out my own leather in person. Mitchell Leather is a family business and is still run like a true family business.
Dave sent me the photos above when my case was ready. I made the final payment and it was on its way.
I couldn't wait!

Much to my surprise my case arrived only 4 days after being shipped from Milwaukee, WI. I was amazed, remember I live in Japan!

Like any great AD here on B&B I had to document this momentous day.
Below are pictures as I was unpacking my new pride and joy:

It's here, It's here! It's finally here!!

Opening the box I discovered it was well packed...

..very well packed...

...very, very, very well packed!!
I was absolutely astounded at the level of care and precision that went into every aspect of this case, even the packaging was impeccable. This case could practically survive in a war zone the way it was packaged up.

Finally after a year of debate, research and communication I had my case in hand. The smell of leather filled my house!

The moment of truth had arrived. My case was in hand and all I had to do was take it out of the large ziplock type bag. I was absolutely dumbfounded by the fantastic odor that filled my living room. I got my case in nearly two weeks ago and my house still smells like new leather!

Keep in my mind, my goal was basic, elegant and classy.
Here are pictures of my completed case:


In the picture above you can see the business card holder, four pen holders and the removable key holder. The pen holders are different sizes and will accommodate everything from a standard cross pen to larger pens like my Parker 21's.

Overhead Interior Shot
The Black/Gray contrast is fantastic.

The beautiful and highly functional handle as well as the nearly invisible rear exterior pocket.
The handle feels fantastic in hand and evenly distributes the weight of the case and its contents. The rear/flat pocket is perfect for folders, papers, newspapers etc. The velcro used to close this flat pocket is of a very high quality. It is nearly silent when opening but is very strong/sturdy.

Closeup of the divider used to secure laptops from 11-17"

The divider can be turned around for smaller laptops or other items.

The divider as I need it to secure a 13" MacBook

Interior Zippered Pocket (Great for cables and other small items)
I turned the pocket out so you could get a rough idea of its size. This pocket easily holds all of the cords and cables I need for my various electronic devices.
Below are a few closeups of the detailed stitching on this case. Can you see where there are double stitches, I bet not!

Front Flap Buckle (beautiful stitching)

The Perfect Carrying Handle
I've had this case for nearly two weeks now. I've looked it over countless times. It is nearly flawless. I am amazed at the level of craftsmanship that has gone into this custom one of a kind piece.
I've been carrying it back and forth to work to get a feel for it and how well I like carrying it. I have to say it is a pleasure to carry and the compliments are never ending. The quality of this case is evident to anyone I come across. The wide shoulder strap helps to evenly distribute the load no matter how I carry it.
I can carry it just by the handle, with a single shoulder assist or cross body for heavier loads:

One Hand Carry

Single Shoulder Assist

Cross Body Carry (for heavier loads)
So after reading all of this and seeing these great pictures you must know this is a masterpiece as far as briefcases are concerned but I'm sure many of you are curious how much it will hold. Luckily in my zeal to share this case with all of you I've got that covered as well. I'll be flying to the states in a couple of weeks for the holidays so I decided to see if I can get all of my "goodies" into this case for the trip. Fortunately, I was able to fit everything I'd like to have in a carryon:

Everything I'd hoped to fit
These are the items I'd hoped it would hold. Our flight to the states is very long so entertainment and comfort are a must.
Pictured above:
13" MacBook (stored in a neoprene sleeve, not pictured)
Mac Magic Mouse
2x Bose Noise Canceling headphones
Small tripod
Sony eBook Reader
2x Books
Sunglass case
Saddleback Leather Notebook Holder
All associated cables for electronics
What do you think, did it all fit?

All loaded up!
Everything fit, but could I close it?

Fully Loaded and Closed
Not only was I able to get everything I wanted in the case it was still very easy to lift/carry. The handle holds up great and the shoulder strap helps distribute the weight.
I cannot stress enough just how high quality this item is. This is the nicest accessory I've ever owned and the process in having it designed and built was absolutely a pleasure.
Dave Mitchell of Mitchell Leather is carrying on a family legacy any family could be proud of. He was always a pleasure to talk to and was always eager to work with me to achieve the end result I was looking for.
It is very cool knowing that I was the first person ever to receive a Mitchell custom case with polished nickel parts in a design exactly as I envisioned it. It is also cool to know that it was custom made specially for me. There are other manufacturers out there who make quality goods, Saddleback comes to mind, but they are still mass produced/faceless factory items. No one in the world will ever have a case exactly like mine!

Mr. Mitchell and Bernardo are absolute masters of their art.
If anyone is interested in possibly purchasing a Mitchell and have any questions please don't hesitate to ask in the responses or PM me, or better yet simply give Dave a call I know he'd be happy to help.
All in all the process took a couple of months from concept to completion though I suspect it is typically faster than that. I knew making a special request for polished nickel accouterments would slow things a bit. It was worth every single second of extra time!
Mitchell Leather is most definitely "Luxury in Leather"!!!

A year after his initial comparo Joel had this to say about Mitchell:
1.) I tend to use/carry the Mitchell substantially more than the other bags (more than the others originally compared).
1.) Mitchell - clearly the superior bag. It's been used nearly every day, has been in dozens of business trips, and looks/feels no different than the day it first arrived. I'm sure this case will be around longer than I. As absurd as this sounds, I think they're actually worth (from a value perspective) more than their asking price. I truly think if you did your part to take care of it (regular cleanings/conditionings 1-3 times per year) and weren't abusive to the bag, it could realistically provide 40+ years of service (and quite a few of the original bags have been reported to be fine after 30 years - and still counting). When you figure, if you purchased this bag fresh out of college (assuming you could muster/stomach the cost), when you retired in your 60's you'd have still been using the bag you purchased when you started your career.
I have to admit I have absolutely ZERO buyers remorse. Even the Mrs. (The frugal member of our family) is thoroughly pleased with my choice in going with Mitchell Leather for my custom case.
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