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One and done?

I have a coarse beard and usually do 3 passes (WTG, XTG, ATG) plus touch ups. Lately, I've been tossing my blades after one complete shave. I know, I know... YMMV. Does anyone else use their blades for a single use or am I being wasteful?
I don't have a coarse beard. I find a lot will depend on the blade and razor you are using. On a good blade such as Feather or Astra, I can get 8 shaves usually. But if I shave with my R41 2013 I can only get 4 shaves out of them.
If you feel it is pulling after one shave then toss it.


Needs milk and a bidet!
I generally get one use out of a blade as well.

I don't hesitate to bin a blade if I don't feel a great shave coming from it. even after a couple strokes, if it is too rough I switch it out for a different blade.

In my experience there are not many blades that are acceptable to use more than once.

I do have 7 shaves on a vintage Boots though.
One and done wouldn't work for me--too expensive. I have a medium beard, and I almost always do a three-pass with touch-up. Like shave/brush, I can usually get 8 shaves or more from a good blade. With my injector razors, I usually get 12 or more. I have discarded blades after 3 or 4 shaves, but I always considered those blades to be duds. YMMV, but that's the way it works for me, and I don't use a blade that becomes uncomfortable.
Ive only used Dorco ST301 blades (newb here) and I only get 2 shaves out of them before it is uncomfortable. Since they cost $.08 each, 2 shaves is ok....plus I get to try out something else sooner!
My magic # is 4 shaves doing a 2.5 pass (2 on face, 3 on neck). But when the performance drops off is what dictates a blade change. For example Astra SP goes 4 days tops, #5 always produces nics/weepers. Feathers I can push to day # 5 no problem. Trial and error!
Whew, am I relieved. When I saw the title of this thread I thought you knew something about me that I try to keep secret.
With most quality blades I usually get 3-4 shaves, but if using a blade only once works for you, I say go for it. Sure it may be a little wasteful but with blades being as cheap as they are it is still a lot cheaper than buying cartridges.
Since I have so many blades, I typically toss them out after 2-3 shaves. I bet they could be stretched out a bit further but they're so cheap!!!
I have a very light beard, I can usually use mine for a week at least, especially when I use Wilkinsons or Astras. I try to stretch my dollars with DE shaving!
I get 6 out of a Feather. I consider a blade good if I can get 4-5 shaves out of them. I tossed 2-3 samplers out after one shave that were not sharp enough and had to make too many passes.
I usually don't bother keeping track of how many shaves I get, I would say around 4, sometimes 5. I'll toss a blade out when I feel it getting rough though, it just happens to take a few shaves.
I have very thick facial hair and by in general can make a razor blade last up to 4 uses. Lately, I've been using cheaper blades that cost little when bought in large amounts. Since I primarily use Astra SP and ASCO (the occasional Derby) I toss them after one use, I prefer comfort rather then trying to reuse a cheap blade.
One for me. I have a tough beard and do 3 passes and a touch up. I could push most blades for one more shave, and have used one blade for 7 shaves as an experiment. However, given the low cost of blades I don't feel like sacrificing the quality of my shave. For me a blade is at it's best the first shave. Thereafter I immediately feel signs that the sharpness is deteriorating. Of course, blades are the most subjective item in shaving. Everyone should get whatever number of shaves per blade they feel most comfortable with, whether it's 1 or 7. On this issue, we should not care what any other guy is doing.
I have a thick but soft beard so that contributes to me getting multiple (3-4 any) shaves per blade. I would not use one for an uncomfortable shave, i also would not toss one if it's still cutting great.

On this issue, we should not care what any other guy is doing.

BINGO! A person with a wire stiff beard will dull one quicker than a soft/fine beard. It's kind of like asking what size shoes one is comfortable with.
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Hi, all. Not a frequent poster, but I've been wet shaving for almost two years now... I started with a 100 pack of Dorco ST-301 (just now on the last pack). My results have varied with how much mileage I can get. I've noticed lately that I'm getting a shadow much earlier in the day than I was even a few months ago (I'm in my mid 30's, so it's not like I've suddenly hit puberty). Initially I was trying for 4-5 days, then settled on 3 for awhile, and now it seems that 2 is the limit.

I also seem to have noticed that the shaving soap/cream can have a determining affect. If you get a good lube going, the blade isn't scraping along your skin the whole way, both dulling the blade, as well as rending flesh. I would be alarmed if I only got one good shave out of a blade (unless I purchased cheap in the knowledge I would get low mileage).
Many years ago I hoarded a ton of Derby's. Later, I started doing the math on how many I actually had. Yeeesh... Let's just say I have ample preps for shavepocolypse.

I put only one or two shaves on each blade, lately. At about $.10 a shave (for all supplies), a fresh blade doesn't cost much more than a big sip of my morning coffee.

I do own some pricey blades, like Feather... These *may* be a tad sharper, so I usually use them when I have gone several days without shaving. I generally get one extra shave on them after that, then toss them too.
I don't think it's wasteful. When I first started shaving with a DE I had a strict two use policy. Now I stretch some blades to 7. The important thing is to do what works for you.

There are some blades that get better with use.
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