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Old Type Pocket Edition

I haven't bought too many razors lately, but the collecting bug is still strong. I'm just a little more discriminating in what I will part with my hard-earned cash for. :wink:

An antique dealer acquaintance who knows of my hobby picked this up for me at an estate sale in Florida. It was a little cruddy, but polished up nicely. A little leather conditioner on the case didn't hurt either. It's serial number is an "H", putting it in the 1918 manufacturing year, and the last run before all the "J" numbered military razors. It's not mint by any means, but in pretty god shape to 91 years old. It has assumed it's place of honor in my basement office next to my Old Type Aristocrat with the bell-shaped handle. I thought they looked good together.
That is a very nice find Scott. Has anyone ever seen a case like that before?

Not in person, but one can be seen on page 143 of Krumholz. It is identified as Pocket Edition Leather case (soft roll). It is supposed to have a metal mirror under the razor storage area. They were triple plated silver, as was the blade box.

Does it have the mirror, Groundhog?

i like that its so similar to the khaki, i guess it worked well so when they had to do war production, the soliders counted as 'out-of-doors' men
I have not either. I do want to know if the mirror is in place. It is identical to the Khaki Set, but in leather.

Ask and ye shall receive...:wink:
Thanks Guido.....I hadn't even gotten around to looking it up in my Krumholz book yet, but I remembered seeing it. As soon as I saw your post, I realized I hadn't remembered the mirror, and voilà, there it was. As I said, I've restrained myself from buying just anything I see, but when I was shown this one, I knew I was going to go ahead and get it.

Thank you to all the generous comments.

Achim, If I should find a second one, I'll send it along.:wink:
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