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Now at Dollar General: New Barbasol PR AS Balm

The Barbasol Pacific Rush After Shave Balm arrived at my local DG (Owensville, IN) yesterday. I tried it out. Works great in my opinion. This morning I applied it following an application of Pacific Rush After Shave Lotion. Fantastic!
They had it at my local Dollar General today. It had a 'NEW!!!!' sticker attached to it. Smell pretty much just like the splash (which I love!!!!) minus the menthol. I do believe the scent is a less pronounce than the splash though.
Dollar General .....is..I swear...a heavenly creation.
No store this wonderful could have been created by fallible humans.

I tried the balm last night and it is every bit as good as the splash, although it lacked the menthol. Not a problem for me, as I already purchased the splash.

It really is a good store. They have a hyper focus on selling items that they can sell a lot of at a good price. If it doesn't fit that mold, they clearance it out and find a new product. They did have Nivea Sensitive Balm for awhile. Apparently the $5.50 price point was a little steep, so they blew it out (70% off :thumbup1:) and in comes the barbasol products. Price point of under $2 and a great product to boot!

Also, I found a hidden gem of a cologne there yesterday. You can read about it here:

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