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Moisturizer or Lotion? Differences for your face?

I'm getting a lot of weepers in this cold weather with artificial heat these days. I attribute this to the increased dryness of the skin on my face where my whiskers are. I also find the bleeds are a lot harder to stop as well. And yes, my platelets are doing fine! 🧛‍♂️

I looked into Vitamin supplements being a part of the cause but, I never noticed any meaningful change due to "common" vitamins. I should note I take AHREDs for eyesight, a Multivitamin, and a bit of Vitamin D and E in the Winter months.

So, I started with the Lotion I had already (Jergens) which was really meant for my hands. It was hard to work into my face and seemed a bit oily and clammy for hours after application. Nivia Maximum Hydration seems to be a lot better in this regard but, looking at all the options in town was a bit overwhelming with numerous options within a single brand, compounded by store and multiple brand lines of lotion and moisturizers for way too many linear feet of shelving to look at!

So, what is different with Moisturizers compared to quality lotions? What are the better lotion or moisturizer options that aren't super expensive (>$1.50/oz)? I'm sure those 3oz tubes for $10 to $18 each are good but, that is cost prohibitive for me. On the flip-side, a 36 oz container of Great Value random lotion isn't appropriate either. I am thinking about options from Cerave, Nivea, Cetaphil, and similar options without super expensive additives.

Lastly, perhaps a different shave soap, foam, or gel would help. Right now, I mainly use Aveeno shave gel but, Nivia "cool" in the warmer months is pretty nice too. I should note that this occurs when using known long term "good" razors and my "normal" blades not, some new razor or PIF blades which is why I am considering my skin which dries out some during the Winter months.

So, moisturizer or lotion, and which one? And no, an electric razor or multi-bladed disposable isn't really an option for me to fix this problem! 🤣
Perhaps it is overkill, but I use a good quality soap (most of mine are Stirling or B&M) that seems to leave my skin in decent shape. I follow with Witch Hazel, an after shave splash, and finally an aftershave balm. Like I say, probably overkill but my face is comfortable, even when I nick myself, through summer and winter. In the winter I also have to run a stand alone humidifier since I am on an electric heat pump that doesn't allow adding moisture within the HVAC system.
I hear ya on the options and long aisles of these products
I’ve had good luck with CeraVe's moisturizer.

Moisturizer every time, I feel my skin tightens after a hot wash and shave, a good moisturizer relaxes it very quickly.

For whatever stupid reason my products are bought on a budget, the Australian made QV cream is around £11 for 500ml, which is about $14, an excellent product imho, in fact a good range of products in skin care. The quality is comparable to Kheils but at nowhere near the price.

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I use Nivea moisturiser 'soft' it is an all purpose moisturiser. In the winter I tend to get very dry hands so I apply it to my face and hands.
I can also recommend cella extra bio soap and Aftershave balm. NOT the Preshave as it is alcohol based!


I smell like a Christmas pudding
I tried a few hyaluronic acid products which were all the rage at one time but found they did nothing for me. My wife uses The Body Shop shea body butter on her hands and I tried it on my face and it is excellent. At first I used it just after shaving but now apply twice daily and my skin is noticeably better. There are generic shea butter brands and it is not expensive, it can be a little thick so is best warmed up between the palms prior to application.

I am not good with anything like lotions or moisturizers, not even spelling them, 3 times this early morning, lol.

They have always made me feel wet on my hands and arms. The best choices for this type of stuff is balm like stuff and not over using them. A tip my brother recently gave me if i start balming my hands again.

Another little bit of advice. The cold almost frozen air where i currently live up here is very dry. 10% most of this winter so far. A humidifier in the room i sleep in has kept me waking up choking and gagging awake in the middle of the night. And other people i know use a humidifier throughout their house/apartment all day/night. It is reccomended a 40% humidty is needed for most people. And an ocean level person like me 80% with a salt additive i reccomend... hahaha...

I have used mainly Stirling soaps and shaving balms for my showers and shaves. Or a local company's homemade bar soaps. My brother uses their hand lotion/balm all the time. A small maybe a few ounce jar he still has had for nearly a year or more. And for him works good especially using less of it. And i believe was/is under $10.

And the advice is use only a little lotion/balm. Like a finger length full or so for 2 hands.

I typically shave after a shower. And any weepers stop bleeding after a few minutes during my shave or the alum i use after my shave stops the blood. And i finish my shave with an alum rub and a Stirling aftershave balm (over 2 years old and still has plenty of shaves left).

Good luck with finding out what works for you.
Moisturizer every time, I feel my skin tightens after a hot wash and shave, a good moisturizer relaxes it very quickly.

For whatever stupid reason my products are bought on a budget, the Australian made QV cream is around £11 for 500ml, which is about $14, an excellent product imho, in fact a good range of products in skin care. The quality is comparable to Kheils but at nowhere near the price.

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I need to look a bit more but, those 500ml bottles are ~$35 plus taxes on Amazon.
Lotions made for the hands tend to form a barrier on the skin, that does not feel good on the face, IME.

I've been most happy with Cerave moisturizer in the jar. Even so, I apply only a tiny amount with wet hands and wet face, this dilutes it and helps it sink in. Skin feels good for hours. Especially good in cold and dry weather. Cerave is totally fragrance-free, also.
I can also recommend cella extra bio soap and Aftershave balm. NOT the Preshave as it is alcohol based!
3oz tubes seem to run $13~$18! 😳 I saw a bunch of those at Walmart recently too. $2~$3/oz seems too expensive for most people these days and for a large segment of the Walmart shopping community. And, yes I see $100K pickups and expensive European cars in the parking lot but, most shoppers drive much more modest vehicles.

Generally, I see diminishing returns at the price increases so, I'm also willing to apply more product or more frequently something a bit cheaper even if it costs more in the end!
I tried a few hyaluronic acid products which were all the rage at one time but found they did nothing for me. My wife uses The Body Shop shea body butter on her hands and I tried it on my face and it is excellent. At first I used it just after shaving but now apply twice daily and my skin is noticeably better. There are generic shea butter brands and it is not expensive, it can be a little thick so is best warmed up between the palms prior to application.

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Shea butter was one of the things I saw in the miles of shelving of lotion options I saw! Sounds like it is worth grabbing one to try. Thanks!
I'm a big fan of Ponds Cold Cream after shaving. The 'Cold' in the cream's name cools the skin, it cleanses and moisturizes. Sometimes I follow application with a cold splash. Fantastic stuff...no wonder it's been going for over 100 years

It is an emulsion of Mineral Oil which seems to be the difference with this option. Locally available so, it might be an impulse buy for me.
3oz tubes seem to run $13~$18! 😳 I saw a bunch of those at Walmart recently too. $2~$3/oz seems too expensive for most people these days and for a large segment of the Walmart shopping community. And, yes I see $100K pickups and expensive European cars in the parking lot but, most shoppers drive much more modest vehicles.

Generally, I see diminishing returns at the price increases so, I'm also willing to apply more product or more frequently something a bit cheaper even if it costs more in the end!
Wow that is that. I can find them for 9 euro. Which is a lot more economic. I guess it is the import cost to the US inflating the price.

I guess in today's economy it really pays off to look for either bigger or local brands/ product
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