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Hi new here. Mild Acne/rosacea dealing with. Opinions on products etc.

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One more piece of advice… find yourself a really good dermatologist.
Yeah so I tried the shaving soap It was good. But I'm not a guy that likes filling up a cup of water and dropping soap in there to shave. I may use it as a preshave rinse or to wash my face before shaving though, that I can do.

I noticed on Amazon the soap comes in aloe vera or sandalwood. Sandalwood is a good scent too.
Yeah so I tried the shaving soap It was good. But I'm not a guy that likes filling up a cup of water and dropping soap in there to shave. I may use it as a preshave rinse or to wash my face before shaving though, that I can do.

I noticed on Amazon the soap comes in aloe vera or sandalwood. Sandalwood is a good scent too.
I had issues with chasing the puck around in the bowl then, I saw a post in here somewhere of someone shredding the puck into a bowl and packing it down. Worked perfectly! Now I just swirl my brush over it to create a luxurious fantastic lather.
Hello Bruegger85410 - Welcome to the forum - I hope you resolve your troublesome dilemma soon.

In my experience of treating clients in over fifty Countries,
traditional Coconut Oil soap, African Black Soap, French Black soap, high Laurel Oil content Aleppo Soap and 72%-100% white or green Olive Oil soap is fabulous for rosacea and serious skin conditions and has been used successfully for Centuries.

I'm a medical herbalist of 35+ years with 2 degrees and an advocate of simple soaps with no preservatives, dyes, emollients, emulsifiers, colours, stabalisers, fixatives, artificial fragrances and harsh chemical detergents meant for air fresheners, commercial disinfectants, washroom supplies, medical sanitisers and poor quality petroleum wax candles.

My philosophy and experience is using food grade ingredients that banish a lot of serious skin problems like itching, soreness, redness, bad body odour and swelling in over 95% of my clients.

The remaining tiny proportion of problems are resolved with narrowing down stressors, environmental toxins and allergies and usually a change to a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Discontinuation of chemical junk soaps and swapping to trad soaps with 3-4 ingredients resolves skin complaints in the vast majority of cases (over 95%) but is bad for big Pharma profits and repeat custom caused by sensitivity to chemical E-numbers and artificial additives.
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What 3-4 ingredient shave soaps do you recommend, @roaduck? How about face soaps?



Hello spacemonkey - generally traditional soaps are made with Olive oil or Coconut oil with water and lye (Sodium Hydroxide) - that is it ; it's all that's needed to make soap and if you want a scented soap it contains essential oil - so four ingredients only.

Any pure traditional soap is fine for the face unless one has a nut allergy for instance.

In my experience 50% Laurel oil Aleppo soap sorts out facial skin complaints virtually immediately.

If the essential oil is a high enough concentration (floral, herbal or flower oil) it acts as a transdermal topical herbal drug along with the medicinal benefits of the pure Olive or Coconut oil soap lasts for decades without additional oils or preservatives which are needed in commercial soaps otherwise they go rancid.

Simple is always better because our bodies are not used to the man made chemicals and the trad soaps don't generally provoke an immune response and/or a skin allergy.

Personally I would recommend going for 72% minimum Olive oil or Coconut oil soaps like Savon de Marseille and Syrian Aleppo soaps with 50% - 70% Laurel oil content or Black African Moroccan soap.

I tend to avoid any soaps with more than a handful of pronounceable ingredients and the rougher looking the soap - the better because you know it is handmade and not machine pressed and processed for production speed and profit.

Good soap takes a minimum of a year to dry and will get better with age like a good mature wine or cheese.
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My elbows leak
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Internet advice on medical issues are worth their weight in gold.
How much does internet advice weigh?
That's why our terms of use SPECIFICALLY prohibits seeking medical advice.
See a doctor and follow their advice if you are so inclined.
You have no idea of the qualifications of anyone here to answer your questions accurately or honestly.

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seeking or providing advice or suggestions on medical conditions or treatment in any form is prohibited beyond recommending an individual contact the physician or medical expert of their choice. Discussion of medical conditions is discouraged here, please contact your medical health provider if you desire to talk about the issue


My elbows leak
Staff member
I wanted to clarify gents:
Not all advice asked or given is medical in nature!
Plenty of folks talk about having dry skin or oily skin. Lots talk about being sensitive to some ingredients.
Our intent is not to stifle conversation, rather to direct legitimate medical condition questions to someone who can actually help.
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