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Hi new here. Mild Acne/rosacea dealing with. Opinions on products etc.

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Hi everyone.

I first got into shaving when I was young and just wanted to smell nice. So I first was into grooming products like hair gel. Then in the 90s, Products like Nivea shaving cream, lotion, and balm came out. That was my first and most favorite shaving cream or gel that I encountered. Sure Barbasol was decent but the smell of the Nivea was damn good. So from there I got a bunch of various aftershaves and even tried the heated foam device that seemed to help a bit with shaving.. I've always had a red rosacea-ish style skin, some pimple, or rather acne issue. Which I am still treating.
2 years ago, or somewhat recently I picked up Clubman Pinaud shaving cream and I have to say that it was a step up from most of the foams/creams ive tried. I also on a whim tried Carbonic acid soap(carbolic.) The carbolic acid soap although the smell is somewhat offputting, seemed to leave my skin clean and not dry like other soaps had. I generally have a bad response to sensitive shaving creams, not sure why, don't get what sensitive means, but for me it wasn't good for my skin.
I also was trying a bunch of Shaving creams, can't really think of some of them, most were in the tubs. Ill run through a bunch ive tried which I didn't seem to like.
Proraso (wasn't awful but I had more hopes of it since it was old-fashioned)
Bad Ace (their charcoal scrub was sooo good, so I had hopes for this, but alas wasn't great.)
Bevel(not bad, not that great either)
Weleda(not good)
Cremo(caffeinated cooling- decent but the fragrance was too strong IMO)
M skin care(nothing worth mentioning)
Buttery, soapy ones that I disliked
Royal shave luxury(very hard to rinse off)
Vikings blade(good smell, not good though)
Art of shaving(seemed made for sensitive skin people)

Taylor of Old bond street(the one standout of all the non-foam creams, had the best scent out of any shaving cream out there)

I'm looking through some threads and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for me to try. The Gillette Barbershop Fresh shave seems like one to try, also another someone mentioned which was a quick rinse one was Elegance shaving gel.
Yes well its close to normal now that I went through a round of antibiotics(doxycycline). So if you had any advice on normal to somewhat dry skin, it would be appreciated. Maybe small advice. I think I will try the Gillette Barbershop fresh, it seems like a product that I would like since it is being discontinued and is no frills. Too much frills with products these days I think!
Hi @Bruegger85410, welcome!

I have some rosacea too. I'd recommend going to a dermatologist and getting their professional advice. What the heck do we know??!? ;) I did that and got a prescription and advice from the doctor. I should have asked about shaving. I wonder if they would have advice there. Specifically I wonder if going ATG has any effect.

Beyond that, I have not been able to correlate individual shaving soaps with outbreaks. There are so many other variables. One thing I do is shave before showering. It seems that the less residue I leave on my face the better, so this way I wash it off. Have you tried that?
Thank you spacemonkey! I will try that! What does ATG mean? Oh against the grain, okay.

Also another note is I recently got the Gillette heated razor as a gift, and although it was somewhat worth it, makes shaving a bit easier, I haven't noticed my skin feeling any better from it, I get better results from my Freeman Dead Sea antistress mask.
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First, welcome. Second, I was diagnosed with rosacea several years ago and was prescribed a sea buckhorn shaving soap. Later I discovered that it was manufactured by MÜHLE as a dermatological medicine. If you google sea buckhorn, you will find that it has a calming effect against rosacea. Whenever I feel like there’s a flare up coming, I’ll use the MÜHLE soap. Also, aerosol shaving creams are the worst for someone who is dealing with rosacea, so stay away from those. Best of luck to you!
Thank you spacemonkey! I will try that! What does ATG mean? Oh against the grain, okay.

ATG = Against The Grain. I was wondering if any shaving irritation was exacerbating the rosacea. I'm still not sure.

I did try some different soaps, lotions, etc., but didn't see much difference. So now I've been trying doing less, hence showering after shaving to remove soap residue. Nothing has solved it for me though.
I am not a doctor.
Rosacea is most likely an autoimmune disease. My sister developed it and she told me the immune systems fails to fight off skin lice. This causes the skin lice to proliferate causing the skin to develop rosacea. Topical treatments can only help so much. There is an underlying medical condition requiring treatment. See a doctor.
I am not a doctor.
Rosacea is most likely an autoimmune disease. My sister developed it and she told me the immune systems fails to fight off skin lice. This causes the skin lice to proliferate causing the skin to develop rosacea. Topical treatments can only help so much. There is an underlying medical condition requiring treatment. See a doctor.
Thank you. I am kind of a hypochondriac at times so you best believe I was going to get this treated lol joking. But, Well I was treated for it like 3 to 4 months of an antibiotic called doxycycline, which on it's own wasn't too bad of a treatment. It was a low dose treatment because the doctor who prescribed it said my case a severe case, I didn't have blotchiness, or a veiny redness, more of a redness on the outside of my cheeks, whereas someone with bad rosacea has it underneath the skin a bit. I have red cheeks, and definite blushing from time to time.
First, welcome. Second, I was diagnosed with rosacea several years ago and was prescribed a sea buckhorn shaving soap. Later I discovered that it was manufactured by MÜHLE as a dermatological medicine. If you google sea buckhorn, you will find that it has a calming effect against rosacea. Whenever I feel like there’s a flare up coming, I’ll use the MÜHLE soap. Also, aerosol shaving creams are the worst for someone who is dealing with rosacea, so stay away from those. Best of luck to you!
It says it is for sensitive skin, in my case anything which says for sensitive skin usually dries my skin out really bad.

I don't have experience with rosacea so unfortunately can't offer anything in the way of personal experience, but wanted to say:

1. I love the smell of carbolic soap. It brings back childhood memories for me. Both my parents worked in medicine so maybe it was around or something.

2. I'm not sure of carbolic acid shaving soaps, but I know that carbolic acid [phenol] and phenolic compounds were historically found in pine tar, and there are pine tar shaving soaps. Kaliflower is one that is popular? You might also try a regular pine tar soap and see if that works. Pine tar of course smells like a campfire, which might not be to your liking, but it's an option.
First, welcome. Second, I was diagnosed with rosacea several years ago and was prescribed a sea buckhorn shaving soap. Later I discovered that it was manufactured by MÜHLE as a dermatological medicine. If you google sea buckhorn, you will find that it has a calming effect against rosacea. Whenever I feel like there’s a flare up coming, I’ll use the MÜHLE soap. Also, aerosol shaving creams are the worst for someone who is dealing with rosacea, so stay away from those. Best of luck to you!
I do use the aerosol, mostly because I am used to the texture of the foam that comes out and for me it doesn't dry my skin too much, in fact sometimes they put too much moisturizers in the non-aerosol ones, which makes it hard for me to shave my whiskers. My favorite shaving cream is Clubman Pinaud, and how it smells like an old barbershop which I like. Not a terrible feel afterwards either. I did use an exfoliating razor from Gillette, it that seemed to help out overall. But I know there are people that use those old style razors where you put the razor blade in, not sure if they are any better.
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