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Not understanding any coolness factor with stubble

If you are good looking with a chiseled face it will proably look good, if your not it won't help. To work it, hair and clothes need to be sharp. Facial hair tends to bring out the eyes if have that going for you. YMMV with women is more applicable than anthing. Giving up shave soap for a while is big sacrifice. I wish I had to shave twice a day.
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I don't understand the concept of worrying about how other guys decide to maintain or not maintain their facial hair. There is nothing inherently special or correct about being clean shaven. I prefer to be clean shaven (hence my membership on this board) but it doesn't bother me a bit of other guys do something different. More power to 'em.
I don't understand the concept of worrying about how other guys decide to maintain or not maintain their facial hair. There is nothing inherently special or correct about being clean shaven. I prefer to be clean shaven (hence my membership on this board) but it doesn't bother me a bit of other guys do something different. More power to 'em.

The fact that we are on a forum discussing shaving would categorize many of us, to some extent, as at least mildly OCD.

As such, we just can't accept the fact that some things on this planet are not perfect :wink:
Yup... Started with Don Johnson on Miami Vice back in the '80s, and it's come and gone since then.
Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp brought it back the last couple of times.

Yes, the Miami Vice look. Saw a trailer today for the next Superman movie and Clark Kent had the look. Funny, last time I remember Supe having facial hair, Supergirl and Pluto had to burn it off with their heat vision.
those two are jason statham and george clooney.

I used to have the stuble look some years ago and you could tell if you rocked it or not when you wore a suit. These guys still looked good, where as I Just looked like I'd forgotten to shave! Clean shaven works for me now.
I believe the look is supposed to convey manliness or toughness or whatever, but guys with stubble just look like they came off a bender and need a shower and shave to me. I reflexively look in their eyes too to see if they're on something.
Every so often this comes up on the board, ostensibly so you can get a bunch of "Yeah! Slobby guys!" replies. But it's such a pretentious viewpoint. Seriously, you think people with stubble are high? Drunk? Unhygienic?

How about judging people on things other than facial hair?

Thankfully it is no longer 1957. We don't all have to look the same. Thankfully not every job is a corporate one where every employee has to be clean-shaven.

I have very sensitive skin. I shave every 2-3 days, and yes, that means I rock the stubble. Guys who would make a judgment on me based on that are tiresome. Very tiresome.
I don't understand the concept of worrying about how other guys decide to maintain or not maintain their facial hair. There is nothing inherently special or correct about being clean shaven. I prefer to be clean shaven (hence my membership on this board) but it doesn't bother me a bit of other guys do something different. More power to 'em.

Yeah, pretty much this.

I have no real problem with the direction of this thread -- but it reminds me that we could all stand to be a little more accepting of one another.

At the end of the day, a shave is just a shave.
used to be, if I wasn't working that day, I wasn't shaving. I could go about 5 days till it bothered me and it had to come off. it looked good, but didn't necessarily feel good to all that touched my face. my daughter didn't like it.

now I shave because it's pleasurable to do so.
I think it depends on two things:

1. How you feel about shaving vs. not.

2. Whether or not you're a bachelor.


Women judged faces with heavy stubble as most attractive and heavy beards, light stubble and clean-shaven faces as similarly less attractive....Masculinity ratings increased linearly as facial hair increased, and this effect was more pronounced in women in the fertile phase of the menstrual cycle, although attractiveness ratings did not differ according to fertility. Our findings confirm that beardedness affects judgments of male socio-sexual attributes and suggest that an intermediate level of beardedness is most attractive while full-bearded men may be perceived as better fathers who could protect and invest in offspring.
some guys with dark beards and light skin look stubbly even when freshly shaven. if that was me I'd be tempted to maintain the three day shadow- just to make it look deliberate.
I'm only 29 but the younger guys in my office think I'm old fashioned because I shave everyday. I don't believe it has anything to do with age.
Hmm. I love shaving and really look forward to it: but I don't like how I look when I'm clean shaven, I like a few days stubble but then I prefer to shave it off once I start feeling scruffy.

I've grown a bushy beard in my past (it's cheaper than a scarf) and also had a neatly trimmed beard - I felt the latter looked very smart.
If we are talking about why women find it attractive..... I don't understand it because I'm not a woman. What one woman finds attractive, another does not..... it's pretty random. When I think of a guy with stubble, I think about the context of why he has stubble. With characters in movies who had stubble like Harrison Ford (Indiana Jones), Humphrey Bogart (Fred Dobbs in Treasure of the Sierra Madre), or Cary Grant (Father Goose) who are all pretty universally considered to be good looking guys with or without stubble..... their stubbly faces might have been attractive to women in those movies, but they were also in situations where they could not shave because they were too busy fighting Nazis, looking for gold, or stranded on an island somewhere. You will always notice that at the beginning or the end of the movie, they are clean shaven..... and that's sort of what they strive for. The stubble on their face in the movie signifies a "desperate situation" that they don't exactly want to be in.

The average guy walking down the street "going for the stubbly look" comes across as sloppy and one dimensional to me. A guy who is clean shaven sends a message that he is NOT ONLY interested in being well groomed, but that he is interested in how EVERYONE percieves him..... not just the drooling foolish women who like the "stubbly look". It's sort of like if a woman told you "I love the way you look in your pajamas".... would you wear them to work or out in public? Same thing with "bed head".... some guys actually strive to achieve it in public (??).

In the end, fashion and trends are up to the individual. But what you decide to do about your appearance affects how people percieve who you really are.

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I don't understand the concept of worrying about how other guys decide to maintain or not maintain their facial hair. There is nothing inherently special or correct about being clean shaven. I prefer to be clean shaven (hence my membership on this board) but it doesn't bother me a bit of other guys do something different. More power to 'em.

It's a debate and it's our human nature to be insecure to some extent and debate/argue about things that may or may not really matter too much. Some days I feel pretty secure and another guy's fashion choice or personal hygiene don't really bother me, and then some days I feel a little unsure and I can have an opinion. I'm not typically someone who debates topics.... but that's alot of what this forum is about.

I used to wear stubble all the time. Quite frankly, about 3 months ago before I got into wet shaving. It was out of laziness though. I hated shaving. I cannot go to work now without a clean shave. My wife did like the stubble look though. Kirk
I remember being stopped on Ft. Myer and practically assaulted by a young NCO for being "unshaven" on post. It was a late Sunday afternoon and I had shaved late evening the night before (16 hours growth?) ... Some subcultures do not consider it trendy or fassionable.
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