I waited around most of the day yesterday for my package to arrive containing Tabac shaving soap and a bottle of Tabac cologne. I had to leave for wotk at 4 so as I was about to step into the shower , I heard the fed ex truck outside , so I yelled down to my wife to bring the box in for me. I went downstairs to quickly open the box , took out my Tabac shave soap and cologne , went upstairs again to shower and came downstairs sfter shaving with the soap and using the cologne. My wife loves the smell of Tabac !! When I got home from work that night she was already in bed and she told me she put a little Tabac cologne on her wrists because she loves the smell !! The soap is a fantastic latherer!! I now know why it is held in such high regard with so many of the members of this forum !! I used a Rooney brush and one of my 1957 flare tip super speeds.