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Need help with Fat Boy rehabilitation

Hello --

I'm a long time wet/shower shaver new to the DE world in the last few months. I started off with a Fatboy (thanks Magic Man!) and had been making progress towards BBS and working through a mountain of blades from West Coast Shaving. Sadly, early morning lack of coordination struck and I dropped the razor on the tile shower floor. Silo doors stuck, etc. After some research in the forums I tweaked things a bit and the doors now open. Still out of whack, though, as I notice that one side shaves well and one poorly -- I think the gap on the poor shaving side is smaller. Probably the side that hit the floor.

Anyway, part of the reason I went to DE was to reduce the waste of tossing cartridges. Don't want to toss the FB (or just use one side) but I'd rather have someone with some experience give the razor a once over and get it back in shape. Searching the forums hasn't really revealed an obvious place that I can send it or someone who advertises their razor repair skills.

Any thoughts? Any takers? Obviously, I'd pay for shipping and whatever the going rate for repair is (if there is such a thing...)

As an aside, although there appear to be plenty of folks with a wide variety of skills -- brush restoration, razor replating, custom stands, etc., there doesn't seem to be a thread or section of the forum where these people can offer up their services. Doesn't quite fit in the vendors section -- maybe a section for "craftsmen" or "services offered?"



B&B membership has its percs
I hope a real expert happens by soon, but if it is simply a bent safety bar on one side, you might look at it, see one that one side is "wrong" get a screwdriver between the bar & the bed, and very gently move it into position ..
I think that is what is going on. I had to tweak the safety bar as you described to get the silo doors to open again. I think this adjustment is more subtle, though, and I'm not sure I want to risk my BBS skin trying to get it right again!
This is a clear case of nonalignment on the dropped side.You will notice the the silos will be unevenly seated, when closed.
The bracket that holds the doors may have got bent. You can determine this if you find the door is not seated in a straigh line with the safety bar.

If you so desire you can send it to me. I will repair it free of cost. Shipping wiil be to you.

Just a follow-up for anyone interested. My Fatboy made the transoceanic trip for a much needed adjustment, realignment and bonus cleaning. Just got it back and it looks better than it ever has -- and is back into shaving symmetry. Thanks, Vijay!

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