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First post on this forum.

I thought I'd offer a newbie perspective on the Razorock Game Changer 68 Safety Bar. I understand this razor has been reviewed many times already but maybe it will help someone in the evolution of wet shaving as I'm experiencing now: only a few months into it and trying to learn.

I started with a used Parker 71R (purchased for $15 Canadian dollars) with Shark and Astra blades but after a month of precarious shaving and lots of Badger & Blade lurking, realized it was too aggressive. So I purchased a Razorock Game Changer 68 Safety Bar as it seemed a 'safe' choice for a beginner.

The Game Changer felt easy to shave with and didn't draw blood unless I got careless or lazy with technique. But to get a close shave I felt like I had to paw at my face like a dog at a door wanting to go outside. The Parker 71R was very efficient but required me to really pay attention to angle and pressure.

After using the Shark and Astra blades on the GC, I wasn't satisfied with the process nor end result of the shave so to gain efficiency I tried shimming which I did not find helpful as it became too aggressive. I then tried Feather blades which seemed to increase efficiency or maybe there was a placebo effect because of the Feather sharpness reputation. I then discovered Kai blades having a hair wider platform which transformed my shave.

The GC with the Kai blade should keep me content for a while. I think I'm prone to seeking incremental improvements and most likely will try another razor/blade combo but until that happens the RR GC 68 SB has become a very, very satisfying razor to use.

Final notes to beginners like me: go slow and take your time shaving! At first I was trying to just get the shave done like I did with my old electric razor (because I didn't enjoy the process) but wet shaving has become a moment of time for me to not rush. Almost therapeutic. And learn your face; ie, getting a satisfying shave requires knowing which direction your whiskers point on each part of your face then using care in sensitive areas to avoid burn or blood. This may be blasphemous to some, however, a baby butt smooth (BBS) shave is not always the goal...for me.

Thanks to all the B&B members for posting reviews, information, photos, and thoughts, etc which helped get me to the point where I look forward to shaving!


Born to häckla
Welcome to B&B and thank you for sharing of your journey. Seems like you are off to a great wet shaving journey. Regarding the RR GC.68P you can always just "upgrade" the base plate to make it a more efficient razor. They have .68 OC, .68 JAWS, .76-P, .84-P, .84OC, .84 JAWS, .1.05-P. You might be helped by a .76-P or a .84-P so that you can more easily use other blades than KAIs. I have the same issue as you with the .68-P plate, but the .84-P plate makes short work of it for me. Now if you are happy where you are just stay where you are. Again welcome and we are very happy that you decided to join us.
Welcome on B&B!
First post on this forum.

I thought I'd offer a newbie perspective on the Razorock Game Changer 68 Safety Bar. I understand this razor has been reviewed many times already but maybe it will help someone in the evolution of wet shaving as I'm experiencing now: only a few months into it and trying to learn.

I started with a used Parker 71R (purchased for $15 Canadian dollars) with Shark and Astra blades but after a month of precarious shaving and lots of Badger & Blade lurking, realized it was too aggressive. So I purchased a Razorock Game Changer 68 Safety Bar as it seemed a 'safe' choice for a beginner.

The Game Changer felt easy to shave with and didn't draw blood unless I got careless or lazy with technique. But to get a close shave I felt like I had to paw at my face like a dog at a door wanting to go outside. The Parker 71R was very efficient but required me to really pay attention to angle and pressure.

After using the Shark and Astra blades on the GC, I wasn't satisfied with the process nor end result of the shave so to gain efficiency I tried shimming which I did not find helpful as it became too aggressive. I then tried Feather blades which seemed to increase efficiency or maybe there was a placebo effect because of the Feather sharpness reputation. I then discovered Kai blades having a hair wider platform which transformed my shave.

The GC with the Kai blade should keep me content for a while. I think I'm prone to seeking incremental improvements and most likely will try another razor/blade combo but until that happens the RR GC 68 SB has become a very, very satisfying razor to use.
Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

If you haven't, don't miss out to try a Gillette Nacet in your razor. You just can't beat the combo of a mild razor loaded with an upper medium sharp blade (if and to the extent a mild razor works for you).

Final notes to beginners like me: go slow and take your time shaving! At first I was trying to just get the shave done like I did with my old electric razor (because I didn't enjoy the process) but wet shaving has become a moment of time for me to not rush. Almost therapeutic. And learn your face; ie, getting a satisfying shave requires knowing which direction your whiskers point on each part of your face then using care in sensitive areas to avoid burn or blood. This may be blasphemous to some, however, a baby butt smooth (BBS) shave is not always the goal...for me.
That's a bunch of shaving related wisdom in your first post! And I fully second your advices. It's almost hard to believe this comes from a noob 😉👍

Enjoy your time here @ B&B!

Greetings from Germany!
Welcome to B&B and thank you for sharing of your journey. Seems like you are off to a great wet shaving journey. Regarding the RR GC.68P you can always just "upgrade" the base plate to make it a more efficient razor. They have .68 OC, .68 JAWS, .76-P, .84-P, .84OC, .84 JAWS, .1.05-P. You might be helped by a .76-P or a .84-P so that you can more easily use other blades than KAIs. I have the same issue as you with the .68-P plate, but the .84-P plate makes short work of it for me. Now if you are happy where you are just stay where you are. Again welcome and we are very happy that you decided to join us.
Hey @blethenstrom, after realizing I wanted a more efficient shave with the GC 68 SB I was about to order the 76p and the 68 Jaws base plates but didn't want to chase improvements with a lot of money, not yet anyway. That's when I learned of shimming to replicate the next step in gap distance. I think it changed more than just the gap but I don't have any way to accurately measure that claim. I do appreciate the info though.

I also saw a member that sanded down the top edge of the top cap but I didn't want to alter the razor in case I wanted to sell it later on. I'm still considering this option but with the Kai blade I'm very happy with my shaves now. Glad to be a part of the community as well!
Welcome on B&B!

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

If you haven't, don't miss out to try a Gillette Nacet in your razor. You just can't beat the combo of a mild razor loaded with an upper medium sharp blade (if and to the extent a mild razor works for you).

That's a bunch of shaving related wisdom in your first post! And I fully second your advices. It's almost hard to believe this comes from a noob 😉👍

Enjoy your time here @ B&B!

Greetings from Germany!
Thanks and cheers from Canada!
Welcome, keep on having fun..glad you are starting out shaving smart.
I have been traditional wet shaving for over 50 years, still enjoy every shave...
@ButterfaceX, I feel a bit like I've missed out all these decades when I was electric shaving. Lots of time to make up for! I might even start shaving daily, something I did 30 years ago when I had to for office work.
I jumped big and went straight to Karve and Wolfman and am glad I did. One thing that I respect Razorock for is the ability to order a Cap and Base plate separately from a handle. As a Light Handle Fanboy this makes all the difference when you start accumulating heavy handles you will never use. Others include Karve, and Wolman both Canadian, as well as the discontinued Above The Tie. Above The Tie is supposed to come back by way of being bought by Blackland, but, I don't have much hope that they will sell heads only ATT razors as they don't for their own razors or for the Tradere that they also took over years ago. At any rate Enjoy your Game Changer. Others to look out for is the Lupo.
I jumped big and went straight to Karve and Wolfman and am glad I did. One thing that I respect Razorock for is the ability to order a Cap and Base plate separately from a handle. As a Light Handle Fanboy this makes all the difference when you start accumulating heavy handles you will never use. Others include Karve, and Wolman both Canadian, as well as the discontinued Above The Tie. Above The Tie is supposed to come back by way of being bought by Blackland, but, I don't have much hope that they will sell heads only ATT razors as they don't for their own razors or for the Tradere that they also took over years ago. At any rate Enjoy your Game Changer. Others to look out for is the Lupo.
@tehnothing, the Karve Bison and Christopher Bradley were on my short list but ultimately the value proposition and availability of the Razorock won me over as my first real investment into safety razors. The Game Changer is, in my opinion, a solid utilitarian tool. The Karve razors have artistry and manufacturing skill deserving of their price. I will keep my eyes out for a second hand RR Lupo though as I've read many glowing reviews. In my limited experience I have not tried an aluminum or lighter razor so curious as to the difference in feel.

Not sure of others progress of razor selection but I've already considered an adjustable as my next razor (months away) to get an idea of where on the aggression scale I'm comfortable. I started out too high but now maybe I overcompensated and went too low??

I just shaved this morning with the Game Changer and it confirms my satisfaction with it (with Kai blades). How much better can it get?
@tehnothing, the Karve Bison and Christopher Bradley were on my short list but ultimately the value proposition and availability of the Razorock won me over as my first real investment into safety razors. The Game Changer is, in my opinion, a solid utilitarian tool. The Karve razors have artistry and manufacturing skill deserving of their price. I will keep my eyes out for a second hand RR Lupo though as I've read many glowing reviews. In my limited experience I have not tried an aluminum or lighter razor so curious as to the difference in feel.

Not sure of others progress of razor selection but I've already considered an adjustable as my next razor (months away) to get an idea of where on the aggression scale I'm comfortable. I started out too high but now maybe I overcompensated and went too low??

I just shaved this morning with the Game Changer and it confirms my satisfaction with it (with Kai blades). How much better can it get?
I’ve bought a bunch of razors in the hopes that I wouldn’t have to even shave I think and that the hair would just vanish or something. Eventually I answered your question and would say incrementally at best. It’s just shaving, so if the razor works for you and you aren’t a collector I’d recommend using what you have. But this is badger and blade so trying all the things is a great plan b.
How much better can it get?
Short answer a lot. As far as the adjustable go my recommendation would be a vintage Fat Boy or Slim. The Pearl Flexi Gets a lot of love here but it weighs a ton. While I have a Rex Envoy, I can't recommend an Ambassador at current prices. They were a lot more fair when priced a $150. That is what a newly marketed Oliblade costs, and, it looks a lot like an ambassador and is also made in Arizona. Makes you wonder. I would watch the reviews for a while before laying down cash on a newly brought to market razor but first looks are promising. There are a lot of Gibbs like adjustables I would put some feelers out for one of these from Yaqi though I have never used one of theirs and really don't want to. Another alternative is the Merkur Progress. I have often thought about getting one of those. They are sharp. The Futur is another option as is the Qshave that is based on it. I forgot to mention the black handled Gillette super adjustables when mentioning the Fat Boy and Slim. They are fine shavers as well. I guess if you are still with me the answer is still there are a lot of options in an adjustable. They are all talked about here quite a bit. Good luck.
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