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N00b in dire need of help to choose correct strop!

Excuse my n00bness, but I have been trolling this site for quite some time now.

I'm so close to start straight shaving I hardly sleep at night! :biggrin1:

There is tons of info on this site that has helped me so far, but on the strop issues I am at a major loss.

I see there is different types of strops, paddle/belt/leather/linen etc. I have heard of this "Tom Miller" whom apparently is a god when it comes to strops.

My main malfunction at the moment is ----- how many strops do I need? Would one suffice? Do I need a belt strop for one day and a paddle for the other? What's all the fuss about abrasive paste? Do I need to use paste? Should I?

Any information would help. And if this topic has been beaten to death time and again, I'm sorry!


Wanting for wisdom
There is no one right answer. There is a ton of information on this site. No one of us can possibly do this question the justice it deserves. My best advice to you is explore what has been said . . . check out the sticky messages at the top of the various forums.

Good luck
yeah, it's been beaten to death (but what topic around here hasn't? :001_smile)


Tony Miller makes nice strops, and the link that I provided has a good discussion of which strop to consider. His are very nice, and my personal favorite of his is the Linen/Horsehide combination. It is very nice, but the horsehide takes quite a bit of time to break in well.

Hand American's Old Dog strop is really nice but pricier.. as is the

Kanayama is a good option with a range of prices and strops

Straight Razor Design's Premium IV English Bridle is a great choice as well.

Ken Rup has a couple of good options for a low cost strop

So, you have plenty of options, these just happen to be the ones that I've researched or owned.

Of all the strops that I've used, my favorites are the SRD English Bridle and TM's Horsehide/Linen. I believe that you do need a linen/cloth component, but I'm not sure what material is the "best" (I currently prefer the linen but am really really liking the synthetic material on the SRD strop... A LOT)

There are a lot of good choice, and I wish you the best with whichever you decide on! :001_smile


use 'em or don't... that question really is more geared towards honing/refreshing edges instead of daily maintenance. Seraphim uses the white dovo paste on his strop IIRC with good results, but most guys don't use them daily
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Thanks for the input guys.

I see now... well first things first, I will purchase a strop. I may as well go with the Tony Miller since I have been hearing great news and plus the price is very fair!
Thanks for the input guys.

I see now... well first things first, I will purchase a strop. I may as well go with the Tony Miller since I have been hearing great news and plus the price is very fair!

Then I recommend you also get the $7 practice strop he offers.
Tony Miller is the yard stick of strops! I took the same advice and it worked out great. I will say that the Latgio leather has a heavy "draw" that I dont care for now. "Draw" is the feeling of resistance when you bring the razor across the leather.
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