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My "new" barber hone - is it worth keeping?

While perusing the stalls at a local antique mall, I happened up on this Swastika Razor Hone. I have never used a straight, but I did just buy one and will soon start the process of learning what it takes to use an maintain.

I had no idea if this is something I would use, but based on the a recent Ebay auction, I should be able to at least recoup my losses if it's not something I can use.

I'm not sure how much you can tell from the pictures, but should I keep this? Is it something I'll use when I start using a straight? Should I clean it, and if so, how?

You can see the tape residue on it, from the price tag. I'm not too happy about that. I'll have to figure out how to get that off without ruining the stone.




OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
I say keep it. You will probably end up with a bunch of hones once you get started, but this will get you started and allow you to maintain an edge.

Give it a clean with some liquid kitchen cleaner and a scotchbrite pad. That should take off the sticky marks and clean the surface, then a good rinse with water. They are not very delicate.
I don't want this to turn into a political discussion about the origins of the symbol, the historical meaning, or the modern day meaning. I just want to know if this is a useful tool to own when I start my journey into straight shaving, and it appears that it is, and that I should clean it up first. Thank you to those that have answered those questions.

If it's not something you would own because of the symbol on it, I respect that, but the fact remains that this hone exists and it can either be owned by someone collecting it because of the symbol, or by someone buying it because of the function. I bought it because of the function. If it had said "Acme Razor Hone", it would have no less appeal to me.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
I find it highly offensive.

Understandable, but I have a good idea that hone pre-dates the Nazi party by quite a few years. In fact, it was probably made in America. You can bet the company abandoned that trade mark with the onset of WW2.
An object like that stirs emotions whether you want it to or not. You are making a choice to use a hone with a swastika symbol on it when there are, literally, thousands of other hones just like it (sans swastika) available for little money. If that were the only barber hone left in the world, then the swastika imagery would be beside the point. Given the ubiquity of these hones, however, that little symbol instead becomes the point. There is simply no getting around that.

Our choices define who we are. You don't want to be that guy alone in a room sharpening his razors on a Nazi hone do you?

Thus endeth the lecture. Talk amongst yourselves.
An object like that stirs emotions whether you want it to or not. You are making a choice to use a hone with a swastika symbol on it when there are, literally, thousands of other hones just like it (sans swastika) available for little money. If that were the only barber hone left in the world, then the swastika imagery would be beside the point. Given the ubiquity of these hones, however, that little symbol instead becomes the point. There is simply no getting around that.

Our choices define who we are. You don't want to be that guy alone in a room sharpening his razors on a Nazi hone do you?

Thus endeth the lecture. Talk amongst yourselves.

Why not?
I would be "that guy" using a swastika hone (it's not a NAZI hone). I don't understand why I would be "alone in a room" though.

There was a straight razor about a year ago on eBay, had a swastika and the initials A.H. on it (factory stuff, inlays if I remember correctly). I didn't buy it, but I wish I had. That doesn't make me a Nazi, or anti-semetic or whatever the hell you call it. It's a piece of history, like it or not. It doesn't make one racist by owning it. If that were the case, then every Luger owner, and every military collector with evil German items is in the same group.

In the end, it's a barber hone, and it's in good shape. If it helps the OP maintain an edge, then it's doing it's job.
Why not?
I would be "that guy" using a swastika hone (it's not a NAZI hone). I don't understand why I would be "alone in a room" though.

There was a straight razor about a year ago on eBay, had a swastika and the initials A.H. on it (factory stuff, inlays if I remember correctly). I didn't buy it, but I wish I had. That doesn't make me a Nazi, or anti-semetic or whatever the hell you call it. It's a piece of history, like it or not. It doesn't make one racist by owning it. If that were the case, then every Luger owner, and every military collector with evil German items is in the same group.

In the end, it's a barber hone, and it's in good shape. If it helps the OP maintain an edge, then it's doing it's job.

TOS and gentlemanly restraint prevent me from saying anything else.
Keep it. Barber hones in good shape are getting harder to come by and it's all I use to maintain my blades. I also use a crox pasted balsa in between the times I use the hone and my razors stay wicked sharp.
Keep it. Barber hones in good shape are getting harder to come by and it's all I use to maintain my blades. I also use a crox pasted balsa in between the times I use the hone and my razors stay wicked sharp.

Would you consider this one to be in good shape?
I'd say keep it and use it.
as far as the symbol goes, I could think of a few other symbols that have been misused that most would not object to seeing on their shave gear. I dont think owning this makes you a nazi, but ya probably shouldn't let your kid take it for show and tell either.
Looks in good shape and once lapped and works great, Why not keep it!!!

The history of the hone or the company, no one knows for certain where it came from. Yeah yeah, the symbol, yoppiie big deal. This is not a neo-nazi forum where 5savages is praising the symbol and found it on a hone. This is a shaving forum where people want to learn about something special they bought and want to know if this is any good to use. 5savages is curious of the honing capabilities of this hone and that should be the focus of this thread! If you are going to comment on the symbol, please refrain because 5savages asked for this not to be about that and we should respect that.
Would you consider this one to be in good shape?

Looks good to me but, you would need to clean it of the tape residue and dirt to really see it. As long as it doesn't have big chunks missing on the surface or deeply dished you should be good to go. There are several videos on using barber hones on youtube you should watch. Very fast working stones, I think you'll like it.
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