The other day a buddy and I were talking about wet shaving. He does wet shave. But, he uses disposable blues from the dollar store and and green gel from a can, which surprised me. he is a true local, and except for a stint in the navy, has lived in the same home as his father and grandfather before him. he is a retired cabinet maker and has accumulated quite a lot of wood working tools over the years. We got to talking about SR's and stones. he said he still has several SR's from his grand dad. I, offered to hone them up and give him a short shaving demo. he politely declined the offer. then he offered to have me come over and have a look at his 'shelves' of old stones. some are his and some, he said are his dad's and grandpa's. The picture in my mind blossomed into a treasure trove of unrecognized and under appreciated, gunk covered beauties. "hmm", I said "that sounds cool". I bashfully offered to buy or trade for a few stones. He said, " nah, I can give you some". I said I am looking for a ark black or translucent for finishing SR's. he said he bets there some like that in there. I started to get that anticipatory feeling; you know what I'm talking about. Not sure if he will follow up on his offer. You know how it can be wen people offer free stuff in a casual convo. sometime the "big box" can a bit of a let down. and other times the buddy changes his mind, upon reflection on the thought of parting with 'grandpa's stuff". I'm saying this because similar "come take a look" offers of beekeeping equipment and ham radio stuff have ended up evaporating. But... our wives often get together. so there's that. and I definitely dont want to queer the deal by applying any pressure. So, I'm choosing to relax about it and going to let him bring it up.
but if Im allowed into Aladdin's cave of hones and it doesnt turn out to be a dusty box of broken grinder wheel fragments, the question is:
what should I be keeping an eye out for?
but if Im allowed into Aladdin's cave of hones and it doesnt turn out to be a dusty box of broken grinder wheel fragments, the question is:
what should I be keeping an eye out for?
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