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Cool New Toy

So, at 62 my eyes aren't those of an eagle anymore and I was finding my loupe very difficult to use when examining nibs, etc.

I got a tip on one of these and got one and it's a blast to play around with and I believe it will be very useful. It's the Tomlov DM9 LCD Digital Microscope off Amazon for a little under $70.

It comes with a Micro SD card and is capable of capturing photos and videos. I haven't figured out how to do that yet and I doubt I'll ever take advantage of those capabilities much, so I just took this shot with my phone to show what the whole thing looks like and how the screen looks.

On display is a Medium nib from a Sailor 1911. I'm not sure what magnification this is as to change that you raise or lower the camera/screen on the rack and pinion stand then also use that fluted silver wheel knob thing just above the camera to refocus. As you can see, the nib has some alignment issues. I hadn't noticed it so I doubt if I'll even try to correct it. With my eyes, I never would have noticed this using my cheap loupe.

At a little less magnfication than that shown in the photo, I could move the nib around freehand to get good views of it from different angles without too much shaking. The two lights on the flexible stalks are very easy to reposition and stay where you put them to get the best lighting you can.

I guess the biggest drawback is that, if you have a nib you can't or don't want to remove from the pen, there's not enough travel in the support arm to stand a pen on end as I believe the main use for this thing is looking at coins, etc so it's not designed to accommodate something 6" tall. But, the camera/screen unit comes off the stand very easily and you can just hand-hold it over the pen using enough magnification to get a good view of the nib without things being too shaky.

Money well spent if you ask me! Kids would love this thing. I never would have even seen this misalignment using my cheap loupe. Plus, it's just fun to examine all kinds of things with. I consider it $70 well-spent and would highly recommend one of these to anybody.



Slickness is a sickness
Right off the bat I can see this being invaluable when removing slivers and reading the fine print on Chinese user manuals and prescription bottles...or checking the edges on my straight razors...and checking nibs too.

I think I may have just rationalized getting one. 😄😄😄
Wow. But can you use it and work on the tip at the same time?

By "misalignment" do you mean the gap between the tines?
To my eye, the left and right tines are slightly misaligned. The one on the left in the photo looks lower and the one on the right looks higher.

That clear plastic shield does come off to create another 1.5" or so of space between the camera and the base. If you removed that and raised the camera to its highest position, you could probably hold a nib in your hand under there and tweak it with your fingers while still being able to see it on the camera. I'll have to give it a try and report back.
Really, I'm just amazed at what 70 bucks will buy, considering the entire package, including the monitor.
No kidding! The one I saw somebody demonstrating was a $35 one with a 4.3" screen and no adjustable lights so I decided to spend twice as much for the 7" screen and the lights. Not sure if the cheaper one could take pics/videos. In the short time I've owned this one, I've found that the adjustable lights (you can also dim them) make all the difference when it comes to seeing the details you want to see.

I took that photo of that nib within 5 minutes of putting the thing together. Now that I've played around with the lights some more, I could get a better/clearer photo.
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