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March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month

46 and had my second colonoscopy last Friday. I'm on a 5-year rotation, thanks to my Mom's colon cancer. She's so happy I'm sticking with it; moved to tears, actually. My older sis hadn't had one in over 10 years, so I let her have it & she's scheduled for next Tuesday. We even got my bro-in-law, who's 50, but has no history, to schedule his. All in all, it's a little inconvenience that can save you from life-altering illness or much worse.
Do it!


Fridays are Fishtastic!
I had mine on Oct 28th of last year. The wife finally convinced me to get a problem checked out, after dealing with it for 15 years (yeah, I am stubborn). She found it humorous that she scheduled it for our anniversary :biggrin: Seriously guys, this isn't a big deal. They wheeled me in and shot something in my IV. Two seconds later I felt a very slight flush and said "that was quick". The nurse said "nighty night" and I was out cold. Forty five minutes later I was walking out with the good feeling that nothing was wrong, just IBS. Don't be dumb like is was for too long- get it checked out. It is not a big deal.


Fridays are Fishtastic!
I had a colonoscopy performed on me last year because of a bloody stool. quite the scare. luckily that's all it was. A scare, thank goodness. It definitely is NOT pleasant, but the peace of mind is worth the temporary discomfort
The scoping wasn't unpleasant, it is the day of "cleansing" leading up to it.
On the lighter side, as I was getting cleaned out thanks to Suprep, I had this discussion on Facebook with a physician friend of mine:

Doc: I got to do MoviPrep a few weeks ago. Raw deal, it didn't come with a movie.

Me: Mine didn't come with soup!

Doc: That's the bonus - you get to make your own soup! :wink2:
God bless all of you who had to fight I will get checked even though I dont think its in the family but you never know. My mother died from cancer so to me being safe is best. Let's hope the va can get me in before 6 months lol
God bless all of you who had to fight I will get checked even though I dont think its in the family but you never know. My mother died from cancer so to me being safe is best. Let's hope the va can get me in before 6 months lol

I use the VA. So far, so good. There can be a wait, but it is usually 3 months. Keep in mind there are probably quality variances throughout the VA system, it is quite an immense network. Best Wishes.
Had it done as a 50th birthday present to myself after a doctor told me there's no reason for anyone to die from this disease. No big deal. I won't hesitate to do it again when I turn 60.
Just get it done Gents. My father had prostate cancer and a history of polyps, so I've been checked regularly since 45 and have had 3 colonoscopies. First had three suspect polyps removed (benign) second time nothing to remove, third check to make sure and nothing. My Dr. put me on the 5 year plan which is due again in two years. It's best to get early detection.

my first screening my Dr. said we could do the in office scope, I said only if I do you first, he laughed and sent me to the hospital for my first colonoscopy. Just tell the Dr. you don't want to remember anything!

Better safe than sorry. As someone already mentioned the prep is worse than the procedure, Don't let pride prevent a longer life!
I was awake, but rather sedated for my first one. Honestly, the procedure itself is no big deal.

I will admit, however, that I enjoyed the sensation -- for the millisecond it lasted -- of being knocked out during the next two procedures. I did not mind at all being woken up while the scope was still -- well, you know where it was -- there. There are those ocassional nights when I wish the anesthesiologist made house calls.

I'm having some GERD issues, so the doc said I should have an upper GI next. For once, when someone said, it's no big deal -- not even prep for this one -- I believed him. So, that's up next. And, I get more anesthesia.

For anyone doing the prep, a good trick to make it less unpleasant is to start an all-liquid diet 24-hours before you start the prep. Clear soup and beverages, jello and the like. It does work. You'll still find yourself getting more familiar with the household plumbing than you ever could imagine, but the whole thing is easier on your system this way.
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