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Check 6 - Colorectal cancer awareness month

March is colorectal cancer awareness month. The recommended screening age has been dropped to 45 because the rate of colorectal cancer is increasing fastest in the under-50 age group. While a colonoscopy is the "gold standard", people at average risk do not have to have that done. There are less invasive procedures that can be done and should. If you have a family history or concerns request a colonoscopy. 9 years ago today I checked out of the hospital after having a third of my colon removed at 50 years old. No symptoms other than being a little tired, and slightly anemic. Thankfully a new intern at the family practice suggested I get my "Happy 50th Birthday" colonoscopy. It saved my life. If you don't do it for yourself, do it for those that you love and are depending on you.


System Generated
Last summer I did a poop test, 3 day no red meat etc and it came back normal. Easy peasy.

I had asked for a colonoscopy at my last physical, as Dad had colorectal cancer in his 80s and had 1/2 his upper GI removed but it was successful and no bag needed after surgery. He is cancer free now. Because of his age, I wasn't high risk for family history, so they declined my initial request for one. Fast Forward 6 months and somewhere along the way, a colonoscopy was ordered up.

I had my first colonoscopy done in December, just a few months ago. The prep was horrible. Basically peeing poop out my butt every 15 minutes during the Colyte prep along with laxatives for a few hours the night before. Then the same thing a few hours @5 am the morning of.

Then it was off to the Dr. A light sedation to take the edge off and onto the table. CPU monitor in front of me as I laid on my side and then the show started! I watched the camera go in, look around and then out. Talking to the Dr and Nurse during the procedure, it was quite the event. Seemed to be 15-20 min on the table. Zero pain or discomfort. I mean ZERO. My wife drive me home, took the day off work and watched TV. Easy peasy.

They said I would need a pop test again in 5y. But I'll be asking for another full scope, it was that easy.

I even got take home pics!

Talk to your Dr. Ask for a colonoscopy. It could save your life.
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I smell like a Christmas pudding
Wise words above. I had my first colonoscopy in December 2022 at 55 years old, after a positive home test. I had 4 polyps removed from the sigmoid and the samples sent for testing. Thankfully my results were benign and I am now on a three year program. I had no sedation, just Entonox gas, and watched the entire procedure on a big screen - fascinating. Not a pleasant experience by any means but nothing like as bad as I had imagined and it is true that the prep is worse than the procedure - four litres of Clean-Prep and no solid food; in truth even the prep is not 'that' bad. Get checked everyone and don't ignore the signs.

Old Hippie

Somewhere between 61 and dead
This is important. I know some o' you guys are a little sensitive about it, but let me tell you from personal experience with a family member that a little bit of psychological discomfort is nothing next to the kind of pain cancer can generate. Because of that family member I was considered at higher risk for cancer, hence I got my first colonoscopy for my 40th birthday. I've had several since, about every three to five years depending on the doc. Last time in they found some pre-cancerous polyps that were snipped off, tested, and declared benign. That got me on the three-year test list.

Then we got the pandemic and suddenly hospitals were for the sick, not the maybe-sick. I've now done two of the "FIT" tests, which are different than the old "no red meat" smear tests we used to get. Fecal Immunochemical Tests look for different things than simply blood in the stool so there's no lifestyle changes necessary before taking the test. "No studying," I suppose. :)

There are other things besides cancer that can change bowel habits (or any body system habit, really) but as with most sciencey questions, a "no" answer is as important as a "yes" answer. Ruling it out is as important as ruling it in!


The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
Great read...and just I got my 5yr colonoscopy (a few polyps removed),
and esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD...a test to examine the lining of the esophagus, stomach, and intestine),...last year and both came back w/ negative pathology. :thumbsup:

"Laughter is the best medicine". Unknown Author
FIT test/Cologuard test...its being used on younger people...I suspect in the next decade were are going to see an increase in both survival and detection if the money grubbing medical world allows us to consider it will always be cheaper to early screenings than treat it later.

A kid I went to school with had stage 4 colon cancer...and this kid was no lazy unhealthy guy...a good athlete etc...it was a shock when I heard.

The worst part is the preparation for the colonoscopy...I had a polyp removed... a single one, hopefully no more. Better early than never...do it...if you have consistent issues..rule it out.

Rudy Vey

Shaving baby skin and turkey necks
Had an upper and lower GI scope done last December, one of my conditions was they do the upper scope first:lol:.....I had part of my colon removed in 1998, and have since then done a few colonoscopies. Yes, the worst part is the prep....always was and will be. In 1998 I have four preps done between September 30th and December 6th...NOT FUN!
Saved my life.

I never had an issue with prep until this last time. Some of the traditional prep items can be in short supply so my doctor substituted. The new prep didn’t work so I had to reach out to the on- call doctor and tell him . He instructed me to find the traditional prep and start again. I was up for 30 hours and I have to say it was one of the more miserable experiences I have had. I know what works and I will find the original prep next time. Unfortunately, it will be in two years.
Saved my life.

I never had an issue with prep until this last time. Some of the traditional prep items can be in short supply so my doctor substituted. The new prep didn’t work so I had to reach out to the on- call doctor and tell him . He instructed me to find the traditional prep and start again. I was up for 30 hours and I have to say it was one of the more miserable experiences I have had. I know what works and I will find the original prep next time. Unfortunately, it will be in two years.
Glad you caught it in time and sorry to hear about the prep issues. I have done a couple of different preps and "prefer" the golytely though I haven't had issues with any of them. Best wishes.
Had an upper and lower GI scope done last December, one of my conditions was they do the upper scope first:lol:.....I had part of my colon removed in 1998, and have since then done a few colonoscopies. Yes, the worst part is the prep....always was and will be. In 1998 I have four preps done between September 30th and December 6th...NOT FUN!
Had an upper and lower GI scope done last December, one of my conditions was they do the upper scope first:lol:.....I had part of my colon removed in 1998, and have since then done a few colonoscopies. Yes, the worst part is the prep....always was and will be. In 1998 I have four preps done between September 30th and December 6th...NOT FUN!
Ouch,Ouch,Ouch… I had a time when I was peeing like a Chihuahua. It was literally every 20 minutes and I was up day and night. I slept in the basement with a McDonalds cup and would pee in it and empty it in the morning so I wouldn’t wake everyone up. I finally got into the doctor and he decided I needed a prostate exam. He called my wife in and said he had an appointment at the urologist scheduled in an hour. He told me not to be surprised if something was wrong. I got to urologist and he said I needed another prostate exam. He couldn’t find anything, but then recommended a bladder exam. He pulled out the scope and I said, That doesn’t look like a 9 iron and I don’t think we are going golfing. He laughed and said, Well you will get a hole in one. He did the procedure and I swear it felt like the scope was in my ear. The conclusion was that I had passed a small kidney stone and it caused irritation. In one day : Two prostate exams and a scope. I kept thinking of the movie Fletch with the Moon river scene.

I can only imagine all that prep for you. Multiple preps in the amount of time would be awful.
I went in for my 3rd in my life colonoscopy last month. While still not pleasant, the prep is much better. I remember how it went... 1st scope decades ago..prep then was Mag Citrate. That stuff is the devil incarnate. Drink a small bottle? Not bad you say. Then after about half an hour you take one loooong step to the bathroom and just camp there. Your insides explosively become your outside, you see into the future, you meet Jesus, and you decide he has declared you will now go to the inner circle of poo hell. Even the next day after the scope, you are still afraid to eat or drink because it may come flying out immediately. Fast forward to about 10 years ago and they give you this nasty powder called mirlilax. You can get it OTC now. The problem is they gave you a pound of the stuff. You are to divide the container into 2 bottles of any color gatorade EXCEPT red. Now keep in mind the usual dose is one tablespoon to a glass of water. But no, you are going to ingest a full pound of the stuff. To this day I cant drink green gatorade. Then you wait. After a while you think you might need to go to the bathroom. When you do, take a book. Better yet, take a series of books. Cause once you start, you dont leave the restroom. Its not explosive, just continuous. Finally the 3rd time is the charm. A jug with some powder, a packet of flavoring (or you can add your own) then you mix a gallon of water and drink all you can over 3 hours. A much more civilized clean out. The moral of the story however, GET SCREENED.
I’ve posted many times about my experiences in these annual threads. I have a family history of colon cancer going back to my paternal grandmother, losing her at 43, her sister at 48 and my Dad at 55. Had my first colonoscopy at 32, then avoided it like the plague for 12 years. When they went in, they found 6 polyps including a couple straight out of the Dungeons and Dragons monster guide. Every 3 years since then and they have found at least 1 every time. I am now 55 years and 8 months old. I outlived my Dad who didn’t make it to 55 and 5 months. Without those colonoscopies, there is no doubt in my mind that I would be dead now.

Yes, the prep stinks. I even did it on Easter Sunday one year. Driving to the hospital and finding parking was harder than the actual procedure. I get sedated with mine (I get upper and lower). Just do it. Inconvenience and discomfort for a couple of days are better than cancer, especially since this cancer plays the long game and it’s so easy to catch the polyps in time IF you get the test done.

We’ve been doing these threads every year for about 10 years now and I can’t tell you how happy I am that 15 of you posted before me. It used to take awhile. If you’re not sure or need to discuss it, send me a PM.
I’ve posted many times about my experiences in these annual threads. I have a family history of colon cancer going back to my paternal grandmother, losing her at 43, her sister at 48 and my Dad at 55. Had my first colonoscopy at 32, then avoided it like the plague for 12 years. When they went in, they found 6 polyps including a couple straight out of the Dungeons and Dragons monster guide. Every 3 years since then and they have found at least 1 every time. I am now 55 years and 8 months old. I outlived my Dad who didn’t make it to 55 and 5 months. Without those colonoscopies, there is no doubt in my mind that I would be dead now.

Yes, the prep stinks. I even did it on Easter Sunday one year. Driving to the hospital and finding parking was harder than the actual procedure. I get sedated with mine (I get upper and lower). Just do it. Inconvenience and discomfort for a couple of days are better than cancer, especially since this cancer plays the long game and it’s so easy to catch the polyps in time IF you get the test done.

We’ve been doing these threads every year for about 10 years now and I can’t tell you how happy I am that 15 of you posted before me. It used to take awhile. If you’re not sure or need to discuss it, send me a PM.
Thanks for sharing your story. Wishing you many more years of health
I had a colonoscopy at 38ish. There is a history of cancer in the family (general cancer of the everything) so the doctor wanted to be sure. She really went at me. Then recommended a colonoscopy just to be thorough. I kept thinking, "she knows I'm not 40 right?". The specialist had a quick poke then gave me Pico-Salax to prep for the colonoscopy. Everything came back clean which is good news for me.

They all went at me like they were trying to get the last pickle out of the jar, but frankly the worst part of it all was that damn Pico-Salax. Don't be further than 2 minutes or 10 feet away from a bathroom at any point in time after taking that stuff!
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