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Just finished my first straight shave!

Well yesterday I did do a couple strokes and finished up with the DE...but today I did straight only, using a Dovo from vintageblades.

I need to get to know how to switch hands, as well as getting a good grip on the razor. Sometimes it's hard to keep the entire thing flat when I'm going for the side of my face. Also, getting the right angle is...important. I felt it dragging, probably because I was going too slowly and had the wrong angle. Once I placed it flat and attempted 30 degree angle, it felt like it was gliding, and that worked better. But it was tough to get that just right, only did it a few times.

Since I was being cautious and slow, the shave was not very close, and probably doesn't look that great. But I feel satisfied in that I went through two passes and finished the shave. I got a few nicks, one on the side of my face, and one on the chin area. But man, this is fun!:001_smile

Also, how do most people get rid of the lather that accumulates on the razor? I used my finger, after watching one tutorial video, but I figure that running it under water, or dipping it in a bowl, i.e. the usual stuff with the DE could work as well.

i kinda swipe it across a wet towel in a stropping motion to clear the hairy lather from the edge.
I second the towel idea, though you might be able to get away with a wash cloth depending on how much lather you like to use. I use a dry wash cloth personally. As soon as the lather dries out I can shake the stubble out of the cloth and it's ready to be used again.

Congrats on the shave, it sounds like you're hooked already :biggrin:.
Congratulations! Welcome to the brotherhood. Yes, it is fun isn't it? Now that your first shave is behind you, and you know you're not going to kill yourself or slice off a cheek, you can begin to concentrate on the other skills. They will come, but take time to develop the muscle memory necessary.

For a long time I used a towel, but now I rinse under the faucet for no other reason than I like the feel of a warm blade. Just be careful not to ding the edge.

For lather, i saw this video were the guy just wiped it on his left wrist.

To calrify, this was not a cross the veins potential suicide wipe, but rather, Give a thumbs up, ben your thumb forward, and use that area between the fleshy bottom of the thumb, your wrist and that first inch of forearm.

I keep my latherbowl bathed in hotwater in my sink, and my sink is small, so rinsing isn't an option, and i find with towel wiping, i always end up touching the edge which abrubtly dulls my blade and leaves me finishing with a shavette or de.

For lather, i saw this video were the guy just wiped it on his left wrist.

To calrify, this was not a cross the veins potential suicide wipe, but rather, Give a thumbs up, ben your thumb forward, and use that area between the fleshy bottom of the thumb, your wrist and that first inch of forearm.

I keep my latherbowl bathed in hotwater in my sink, and my sink is small, so rinsing isn't an option, and i find with towel wiping, i always end up touching the edge which abrubtly dulls my blade and leaves me finishing with a shavette or de.

ive wiped on my hand before.

ive also stropped on the side of my palm (the meat between pinky finger and wrist) when I was away and forgot a strop!
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