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Razors that help find the correct shaving angle?

RazoRock Cyber razor. Smooth and works great.

Cyber Razor.jpg
I have decided to go with the Henson AL13 Mild (it will be a Christmas present). It's just so easy for me to find (and keep) the correct shaving angle, to keep light pressure during my shave, and it takes off a lot of hair with so little effort. All of these reasons and it's mildness really won me over!

I can't thank everyone enough for all your help and patience with my thousands of questions. You all have been incredible with your honest advice and your guidance throughout this whole process! I truly appreciate everything!


Other choices if you're interested...
Razor blade: really like the Astra SP, but did order 5 blades each of Personna Platinum, Feather, Gillette Platinum, and Gillette Nacet to try
Cream/Soap: loving the Proraso green cream right now but am receiving a bowl of Cella Milano Aloe Vera for Christmas to try, so I can compare how a cream works to how a soap works
Aftershave: currently using witch hazel followed by Nivea, but am receiving some Speick aftershave for Christmas to try
Passes: right now I'm just doing a two pass shave...with the grain and across the grain
Backup razors: '67 Gillette Super Speed TTO, vintage Schick Injector J series

mot of the later era GEM blade SE razors have a built in head angle.. if the angle is right, it shaves. If the angle is wrong, it just pulls lather off.

Schick Krona has a built in angle guide in the silo doors. Not following it, for me creates a sensation like floor scrapper on the unmentionables
While I do believe most razors are fairly forgiving on the angle thing, in my years of wet shaving and trying tons of razors, there have been a few that I could just never get the hang of. They were hit and miss as you say but usually came away with irritation, typically on my chin. But, for me, the most forgiving and easiest to learn have been the Leaf Twig and the Merkur Slant. Yep, you heard me, a slant. Shaves like a dream for me as long as I pay attention to what I’m doing. Nicks usually occur when you get careless and the blade, not the gard or cap make first contact with your skin. There is nothing wrong with trying to find a razor that works for you and if it’s a Twig, then that’s ok too.


My exploding razor knows secrets
Since entering the wet shaving world about a month ago, I've been able to try the following razors: Super Speed TTO, Rockwell 6C, Parker Variant, and Leaf Twig.
Once you learn to ride a bicycle, you can ride any bicycle. You no longer need to look for a bicycle with training wheels.

If you’ve just switched to wet shaving and you’ve tried so many razors in a month – that’s a sign that you haven’t had enough time to get used to one razor and you’re too busy dealing with a bunch of different angles.

By using the same razor for more than a month, you will become accustomed to its optimal angle; after rotating through several razors for a period of time, your hands and skin will be able to easily navigate the optimal angle of any razor.
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