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How old were you when you first started shaving?

I was about 13 when I first started to shave. I had a full on mustache when I was in junior high and I kept it all through high school and didn't shave it off until I was 19. I'm teh one in all the year books that looked like I was a hoodlum and went out back after class to smoke behind the bleachers. I wasn't that way at all but I looked the part. So now I have a five o'clock shadow by noon and sometimes I just let it grow for a few days.

So how old were you when you first shaved? I'm not talking about a few stray hairs on your chin either, I'm talking a full on shave. And what do you remember about that first time.
14 or 15. I can't remember anymore precisely. But my dad gave me a Trac II handle, and I bought the same soap and brush as he did. And like he still does, I also still use a small plastic container for the hot water ... much more efficient than filling your sink. The plastic container also doubles as a travel shaving box, if I wrap the razor in a piece of cloth first.
Around 15. Gillette SS and a can of GIllette Goo. Lots of nicks at first but I eventually got better when I learned not to hurry. I think that was back in 1964/65.
I was about 12 or 13. I remember that I started to grow a mustache at 13 and my girlfriends mom refused to let me in the house unless I shaved it. At that time I was using my dad's Schick Injector. Probably Colgate or Noxema canned shave cream.


My wallet cries.
How old... oh my... maybe 15? I honestly forget, but I still have my first shaving gear, a Braun 100? or 101? A black rectangle of an electric shaver, changed the foil and cutter block once in 8 years. Push and mow, push and mow. My upper lip would get red and itchy after shaving.
13. People kept asking if I was growing a moustache. Started with a Schick injector and whatever foam my dad had. Started wet shaving when I was 18, when by dad started.
About 14 with my Dad's orange handled, single blade disposable Bic and his can of Barbasol Shave Cream. That first shave at his sink with him giving me pointers along the way is a fond memeory.
I shaved for the first time on my 12th birthday, and have been ever since. At 16, when I got my first real job, we had to be clean shaven. My boss would fuss at me when I came in after school about not shaving, until he realized that I *did* shave before school but my 5 o'clock shadow showed up by 3 :)


Needs milk and a bidet!
I was 12-14. can't remember. no older than 14 because I know it was in 7th or 8th grade.

My dad kept "gettin on to me" about shaving. "you need to shave boy" "when you gonna shave boy?". He's a southern gentleman but when it came to me shaving he gave me his sensor excel, canned goo, some AS (wish i could remember what kind) and said something like "just go slow, take short strokes downward and try not to cut yourself". Then he left me alone and never came back to check on me or gave me further instructions nor did I need to ask. Pretty self explanatory process.

I'd say he did pretty well since I made it to B&B.
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