I was about 13 when I first started to shave. I had a full on mustache when I was in junior high and I kept it all through high school and didn't shave it off until I was 19. I'm teh one in all the year books that looked like I was a hoodlum and went out back after class to smoke behind the bleachers. I wasn't that way at all but I looked the part. So now I have a five o'clock shadow by noon and sometimes I just let it grow for a few days.
So how old were you when you first shaved? I'm not talking about a few stray hairs on your chin either, I'm talking a full on shave. And what do you remember about that first time.
So how old were you when you first shaved? I'm not talking about a few stray hairs on your chin either, I'm talking a full on shave. And what do you remember about that first time.