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help with choosing a razor

I am new to B & B and would like some help choosing a second DE safetey razor. Have been wet shaving for about a year with an E & J 89. I really enjoy the results i get. however I'm looking for a new razor maybe something more agressive. dont know if I should go open comb or slant or something similar to my jag with longer handle. I have been looking at the muhle R89 or merkur 38C but dont know if there will be noticable difference from my E & J any thoughts
Muhle R89 is the same as your EJ89. If you're looking at OC, Fatip. Slant 37C or 39C with longer handle.
My personal favorite is the 37C even if they all are very nice razors.
I would highly recommend an open comb. If you want something modern, the reviews on the FaTip are hard to deny and make it an absolute must. A vintage suggestion would be the Gillette Long Comb New, or short comb. Both great razors that make it almost a no Brainer to shave with. You can't go wrong!
I would highly recommend an open comb. If you want something modern, the reviews on the FaTip are hard to deny and make it an absolute must. A vintage suggestion would be the Gillette Long Comb New, or short comb. Both great razors that make it almost a no Brainer to shave with. You can't go wrong!
I'm going to recommend a Gillette NEW too. If you really look (and don't mind a little finish wear), you can easily pick one up for under $20. It's a good inexpensive way to find out if you like OC's.

If you can find someone that still carries them or get one used, the Merkur 11C and 12C are also excellent choices. Haven't tried a Fatip yet, but they look gorgeous and seem to get high marks around here.
I would highly recommend an open comb. If you want something modern, the reviews on the FaTip are hard to deny and make it an absolute must. A vintage suggestion would be the Gillette Long Comb New, or short comb. Both great razors that make it almost a no Brainer to shave with. You can't go wrong!
I agree with Bigbull and I also like slants
If you're looking at OC, Fatip. Slant 37C or 39C with longer handle.

OC? Long comb NEW- very great performer for me and inexpensive; tons of them < $20 on the bay. +1 Slant get the Sledgehammer. Expensive %50-ish but wow bought one two weeks ago and getting BBS every day, no nicks. BUT I am careful (blade angle, NO pressure) and slow.

My prep is improving so that might expain my love for these two, and the results I'm getting. Bicarb solution after face scrub in shower. Wash face with transparent Neutrogena bar at sink. Lather GFT Lime soap and Omega 49 brush. Alum rinse witch hazel then splash AB/AS after.

With that routine-YMMV- I'm getting easy very very smooth shaves.

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