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Help me out, messed up facial hair.

So basically ever since I was 14 I started growing this abnormal patch of dark dense facial hair. I'm 19 now and it really didn't start to bother me until this year where I dropped out of college because of my complete lack of self-esteem. I grow facial hair in other places as well, just nowhere seems to be as dense or populated as this area. I can grow a stache and sideburns, but this truly phucks with me, any tips on what I can do? Even after shaving in the morning, it's still there - permashadowed.. I shave everyday. :thumbdown

What kind of razor/ blade are you using? Are you shaving with the grain? Across the grain? Against the grain? Lots of questions, but they can all help point to a solution.
I'm using a gilette fusion proglide, usually shaving in a hot shower. I shave with the grain, across the grain, then against the grain. But nothing seems to do the trick. To be honest I've even done 2 sessions of laser hair removal on that spot in the picture, and it's still booming like the monster it is. I've scoured the web and yet to find somebody with the same problem as I.
Prep is very important. A hot shower is great, now try rinsing your face with cold water before you shave. It will close your pores and make for a more smooth shaving surface. Also, try 3 passes; with the grain, across the grain, and finally against the grain. Pay special attention to the direction of the growth of your hair. Finally, have you tried using a double edge safety razor? The sharper, single blade can really make a difference in closeness, as well as smoothness. If you need help getting into safety razors, there are many here in the forums (myself including) who can help you out. Hope this helps!

I have a very similar problem, as my chin stubble is much more coarse than the rest of my hair. Once I switched to safety razors, my shaves have dramatically improved.
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What kind of beard growth does your dad have (heavy, moderate, mild...)? You are still young, I wonder if the rest of your beard will catch up one day...
First off welcome to B&B! Secondly, I'm sure we will be able to help you get better/closer shaves but your chin doesn't look bad at all to me, I have areas that are tough as well and if my technique is off I walk around with a similar result right in the middle of my neck. My issues is that the hair grows outward right in the middle of my neck, under my chin and the only way I can get a stubble free shave in that area is to lower my chin and shave towards the middle of my neck. This makes it impossible to see what I am doing and I have to use a proper blade/razor to get it nice and smooth without going over the area so many times which can lead to irritation (which looks worse to me than the stubble itself). My advice would be to first accept that you will not be baby butt smooth after every shave, but you are still a handsome man anyways. Second, be patient and purchase a nice shave brush, some good cream and a good starter razor/blade. I managed to get some good shave out of my Fusion, but I can now get better results using traditional shaving tools. I will recommend doing some research on good starting gear because you will receive all sorts of varying advice that can be overwhelming for a new traditional shaver. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have and we will do our best to answer them.
You're still you enough that your beard may not have caught up yet... I myself inherited my fathers bald cheeks so I can only get a good goatee going and my beard overall was patchy til my mid to late twenties... My younger brothers's was patchy till his 30s... I would wait and learn to embrace what makes you different I know guys older than you that have a patchy beard it's nothing to be emberassed about....
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