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Help me get a gift for my wife...

...My wife has her Birthday on Feb. 17 as well and I am thinking of possibly combining Valentines Day and her Birthday into one gift. Some things about her/us:

1. She uses DE for her legs, etc :001_tt1:
2. She is an athletic (ex-collegiate/semi-pro soccer) artist who is just now getting into her feminine pretty side (liking jewelery, perfumes, etc and does not have much of it)--btw, she was never "manly" just more interested in art, school, soccer than being "fashionable", etc.
3. She LOVES to cook and I like to eat.
4. We are now both teachers and on our own she still does art and I coach water polo.
5. Because of #4 I have a budget of under $150.00 or so.
6. I am already taking her to dinner with no kids (we have two boys) on Valentines day.

Gifts she has recently liked:
1. Cashmere Mist By Donna Karan For Women
2. Le Crueset Dutch oven
3. Nice Earrings
4. Anthropologie gift card

Possible ideas: Another scent (suggestions?); jewelry (kinda boring to me though); Another Le Crueset item (she loved the dutch oven and keeps saying she wants to build to a full set...what comes next?); Maybe a trip down the coast (CA) to Carmel or something; Something to do with shaving--she shower shaves using brushless trader joe's cream...anything for her skin after or maybe even a nicer cream that can work that way?

I am having a hard time deciding what to do! Any help is welcomed?
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My go to gift for my wife is Vera Bradley. She has 4 purses with matching accessories, two diaperbags, and an overnight bag. She just got a make-up bag and matching hairbands for Valentine's.

The purses are great looking, extremely durable, and washable. They have a variety of colors with tons of nice patterns. It's "designer" too. For $150.00, you could get a nice purse and deck her out with most of the matching accerssories for it too (planner, checkbook wallet, sunglasses case, etc.).

I have fun buying her all the stuff to boot. I am doomed if I have a daughter.
For the trip to Carmel, go here.

This above recommendation comes from our forum's esteemed founder. He views it as one of the best places he's ever been and he knows what he's talking about.

Jewelry, you can't go wrong with the little blue box.

Scents, Penhaligons.

Most of the wives/girlfriends aren't into the shaving thing regardless of the pampering aspect. They don't think it's cool, they think we're weird. This is certainly not absolute but for the vast majority, this holds true.
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Zenas: I like it...right up her alley and she does not have anything like it (purse). She spent a lot on a diaper bag already though...lol.

Timmy: She always talks down about Tiffany's (too much $ for the name, etc...not her thing). However, I have bookmarked the hotel and think that is what we will be doing for our 10th anniversary this summer. THANKS!

Keep the suggestions coming...please.
Zenas: I like it...right up her alley and she does not have anything like it (purse). She spent a lot on a diaper bag already though...lol.

Timmy: She always talks down about Tiffany's (too much $ for the name, etc...not her thing). However, I have bookmarked the hotel and think that is what we will be doing for our 10th anniversary this summer. THANKS!

Keep the suggestions coming...please.

Take a look at amazon.com 's Valentine's Day listings/suggestions. It's where I got mine.

You babysit and send her to a spa for a day? I hear women like being pampered.

$150 will get you a really nice exotic wood end grain cutting board. "Cooking" gifts can be a bit hard without knowing what she owns already and what she cooks.

Personally, I would like a mahogany (or similar attractive hard wood) french rolling pin. I don't know if she would use a rolling pin much though. I use the hell out of my cheap frenchie (mostly for smashing things).
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Commander Quan

Commander Yellow Pantyhose
I totally understand you wanting to combine V-day and the Birthday, but don't do it, or at least make sure you have SOMETHING to give her on each day, if even a bouquet of flowers.
le Crues site mentions two sets. A Classic and an Essentials.


Essentials is the same set without the casserole dish.

So either a lidded saucepan or a grill-bottomed skillet?

I'm not a fan of that sort of skillet myself. When cooking meat inside, I like to get a full surface seer for flavor (since you don't have as much of the smoke element or the extreme heat contributing to it)... but that's just my opinion. That said I'd get the saucepan over that skillet.
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I'm always a fan of the gift for oneself on Vday... Lingerie.

But then again I have been single for the past few Vday's so maybe my advice on women isn't the best.
I totally understand you wanting to combine V-day and the Birthday, but don't do it, or at least make sure you have SOMETHING to give her on each day, if even a bouquet of flowers.


My wife's BD is 1/22 and I have tried , once, to combine Christmas and BD. I learned my lesson. The wife thinks that she is getting jiped. After all it wasn't her fault that she was born so close to another holliday. Sound familiar?
hmmm...combining shouldn't be a big issue. as stated, i will be taking her to dinner valentines day without the kids (babysitter). she will enjoy that, got the sitter 6-10pm so probably a wine bar or movie after.

considering the purse recommendation earlier as those are the types of purses i could see her liking. great advise on le crueset also.

its pretty much a done deal for the 10th anniv. this summer...carmel with linked hotel it is!

lingerie is also a thought...she will wear it (and its always great when she does) but it doesnt stay on long :001_tt1: and she doesnt wear it often enough. still considering though.
Done. Thanks for the Vera Bradley suggestion. This is totally the stuff she will love and every woman I showed at work told me how thoughtful I was...sorry Zenas, I did not mention you :001_tt2:. Even her sister sounded a bit jealous when I called her for the final opinion. Listed below is the exact order.

Stephanie in Bali Blue
Turn Lock Wallet in Hope Garden
Medium Bow Cosmetic in Night Owl 1

Antique Hoosier

Sounds like you are doing very well on your selections. The whole "combining" concept is a Man Thing trust me... WE see the practicality of combining but WOMEN have polar opposite thoughts on this and as they tell their friends and female co-workers about your combining Valentines with Birthdays... You will unfortunately be lumped into a category of men you would not find appealing.

I'd make a specific effort to keep them seperate and uniquely special.
its all good now. we aren't big on valentines anyway...everyday is valentines. sitter, dinner, night out on valentines. gifts for brithday. we are all good.
It went off perfectly. Not only my wife but her friends and family loved it. I was a proud giver :thumbup: Thanks for your help.

The Vera Bradley suggestion was perfect! Purse, Wallet, Makeup bag...the perfect trio. She is totally pumped and keeps telling me she loves it.
Excellent. I recommend Vera Bradley whenever I can because I believe the products are great. I have never been less than pleased with something I have gotten for my wife, and niether has she. The variety of styles and colors coupled with durability and attractiveness make the line a real winner in my book.

I wish she made men's clothes, other than ties and cuffs.

BTW: Good pick with Bali Blue. My wife has a backpack tote, headband, and makeup bag in that pattern. :thumbup: Speaking of all of this, I need to look into getting her a reversable purse for summer.
OK I know it's past the birthday but let me offer a WONDERFUL gift I got my wife a year or so ago.

I purchased a massage table with a set of rocks and a warmer so I could give her a "Hot Rock Massage". You can get the tables from a bit over $100 to some really nice ones for $250 or so. A stone heater can run aroudn $60 and up (or you could use a crock pot) and stones run from around $45 and up.

The you would need some massage oil - not expensive......

So this is a bit over your price range BUT if you quit drinking coke/coffee and pocket the savings, or just take your pocket chande out of your pants every night and put it in a piggy bank you should have more than enough for a nice Christmas present.

I think you will enjoy the gift as much as your wife :)
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