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Head Shaver's Check-In

4 days growth
Shane Nation Chubby razor
Astra green SP
Custom boar in elk antler
Gentleman Jack Sandalwood post shave

This was an interesting shave. I started shaving and halfway through I realized next to nothing was coming off. I thought the 4th use Nacet was too dull so I put a brand new Astra SP in. Same thing happened. I thought surely my razor was assembled correctly and it wasn’t the base plate was backwards. That’s the first time that happened since I started wet shaving a year and a half ago. Hopefully that never happens again.

After that was sorted I had an easy WTG ATG shave. I love the TOBS Oud, it’s about a 7 on the strength scale. I like the Shave Nation Chubby it does all the work weighing in at 160 grams, I have to even lighten the touch some. The fresh Astra was great as well.

No alum feedback

9/10 DFS

Thursday, May 23, 2024

RazorKarve Overlander (SS)
BladeTreet Platinum (3 / 10) [5]
BrushSemogue SOC Boar (Taj)

LatherStirling Eucalyptus Mint (Sample) [2]
PostClubman Virgin Island Bay Rum

7 / 10

The SS Overlander seems to work better for head shaves than my prior AL version, though it's still giving me some trouble around the back of my crown — harder to hit the optimal shaving angle with this razor, back there, for some reason.


Thursday, May 23, 2024

RazorKarve Overlander (SS)
BladeTreet Platinum (3 / 10) [5]
BrushSemogue SOC Boar (Taj)

LatherStirling Eucalyptus Mint (Sample) [2]
PostClubman Virgin Island Bay Rum

7 / 10

The SS Overlander seems to work better for head shaves than my prior AL version, though it's still giving me some trouble around the back of my crown — harder to hit the optimal shaving angle with this razor, back there, for some reason.

The back of my crown is a trouble spot for me as well. The only DE razor that leaves me satisfied with the results in that area is the Henson. Honestly if it wasn't for the Henson I would have gone back to cartridge razors. I shave using a HeadBlade for over ten years and that one was awesome. I still have it but I haven't used it 2019.
Henson/Crystal Israeli this morning. 10/10


Sunday, May 26, 2024

RazorKarve Overlander (SS)
BladeTreet Platinum (3 / 10) [9]
BrushSemogue SOC Boar (Taj)

PrePAA Cube
LatherProraso Green Shave Cream [x+2]
PostLustray Blue Spice

7 / 10

Blue Spice Sunday.

This morning I wanted to check out my Merkur 34C with a Personna Med Prep blade installed. Decidedly not for head saving but my beard stubble wasn't sufficient for the test. So I pre-treated the old dome with hot water and PAA 2.0 tube (mentholated) pre-shave soap. Once the cooling sensation set in, then applied the whipped up Stirling Executive Man tallow based shave soap to the dome. Shaved with the 34C with that sweet Personna blade with, against, and across. But as usual with a DE headshave, it turned out less that stellar. Lots of missed spots. Frustration that I've been dealing with my whole head shaving "career". So I busted out the ol' Leaf triple blade loaded with Lord half blades (Egypt) on their second use. That flexible head rounded every corner and found all of the stray head hairs. Mowed them down like Audie Murphy with a machine gun. Headshave turned out smooth as the Utah Salt Flats. Rubbed on some Myrsol emulsion as an aftershave and basked in the afterglow of an amazing headshave. Not taking anything away from the 34C. Great shaver. For the face and neck. When it comes to the dome, there's really nothing (in the wetshaving world) that can beat a Leaf razor. It's the better mousetrap.
Karve Christopher Bradley D plate
Croma Diamant stainless
Mitchell’s Wool Fat vegan formula
Semogue finest badger
Bartigan and Stark Nil balm (unscented)

This blade has a couple shaves on it, and it showed. It felt a bit rough and did glide through my hair like it used to. I finished the shave and binned it. Ended up being a good shave with no irritation, but didn’t have any life left in it by the end.

The Karve did a great job as usual, this razor really suits me for head shaves.

Had a couple more head shaves during the week (Wednesday and Friday) with my Karve Bison and Perma-sharp blades. Had a couple of pretty solid BBS shaves that were very comfortable.

Tonight I had another shave with the same razor/blade and it provided an outstanding BBS shave. So smooth and comfortable.

I have a new piece of gear and it’s a Captains Choice heavyweight copper lather bowl and it is amazing. I was able to create the thickest and most voluminous lather using my TOBS sandalwood shaving cream. It was so thick that it was able to prop my brush up in the bowl.

It was a birthday present and I was thrilled to use it tonight. Very happy with it for sure.
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