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First ever B&B Knife Sharpening Stone Group Buy

Many wet shavers know that sharpening a knife is quite different from honing a razor. There's different techniques employed as well as different stones used. The feel and feedback that a stone gives back to the knife sharpener is crucial to the sharpener's ability to hold steady the angle to which he's working at. Dave at JapaneseKnifeSharpening has tried and tested just about every stone that is sold and has come to rely on a few key stones as his "core stones" because they do what he needs them to do and are consistent for the most amount/types of knives encountered.

B&B has joined with JKS to bring to you a great set of knife sharpening stones and an instructional DVD at a reduced cost - "Dave Martell's Core Set of Sharpening Stones" paired up with Dave's "The Art of Knife Sharpening" DVD set.

This set will fit the bill for the newest knife sharpener to the seasoned veteran looking for an upgrade. These stones work great with both European and Japanese knives.

If you should have any questions please ask them as Dave is here to answer all concerns.

Dave Martell's Core Set of Sharpening Stones + The Art of Knife Sharpening DVD 2-Disc Set


Set includes the following:

Beston 500x - A fast cutting yet very slow wearing stone, essential elements that make up a good coarse stone. This Beston 500x leaves a fine finish for this grit range and is an excellant stone for fixing edge chips/nicks as well as more serious grinding tasks. This stone cuts like a 220x but leaves a 500x finish. For knives that skid on diamond plates this stone will grab and go to work. I use this stone to remove edge nicks/chips, to set new bevels, thin edges, and flatten the blade roads of single bevel Japanese knives. I find it to provide great feedback and ease in "feeling the bevel" which helps in holding the knife steady and staying level in use. I keep two soaking in my bucket at all times and have always kept back-ups on hand "just in case of emergency". This stone is a must have in my opinion.
Requires at least 30 min. soak time in water before use, however, it will work a lot better if left soaking for many hours prior to use. Also, this stone is best used after being lapped a couple of times to remove the harder outer layer of the stone. Some downward pressure (while sharpening) is advised to help bring the water to the surface for proper lubrication. For heavy metal removal do not flush the stone's surface clean during use, allow for a slurry to build to aid in cutting performance.

Size - 200 x 70 x 25mm

Bester 1200x - This is a nice wide fast cutting yet slow wearing coarse stone. It leaves a fine finish in this grit range and is an excellent stone to start off a normal sharpening session with as it cuts a bevel quickly. I find it to provide great feedback and ease in feeling the bevel which helps in holding the knife steady and staying level.
Requires 30 min. soak time in water before use.

Size - 210 x 75 x 25mm

Suehiro Rika 5k
- Here's a great value waterstone. The Suehiro Rika 5000x is one of the best feeling/feedback waterstones I've ever used, a pure joy to work with.

This stone offers, what appears to be, a 3000x edge (not very shiny) however the edge quality is 5000x, no question about it. This stone makes a great stopping point for double bevel knives.

Stone comes mounted on sturdy plastic base (wood base shown in picture is old style).

Requires soaking in water - but only soak for as long as it takes to stay wet on the surface. If stone goes dry quickly it needs more time in the water.

Size - 210 x 75 x 23mm

The Art of Knife Sharpening DVD 2-Disc Set by Dave Martell - "Tactical Knives" Magazine Editor Steven Dick wrote (in the April 2008 issue), "I would have to rate this as the best DVD yet on using waterstones to sharpen Asian style knives"This DVD set, "The Art of Knife Sharpening" is an introduction into the world of hand sharpening knives. It concentrates on the use of waterstones and Japanese kitchen cutlery but is suited for all types of knives regardless of make, design, or purpose.


Total cost including Conus Shipping is 157.84

To make a purchase please do so directly though JapaneseKnifeSharpeningStore.com
Order> HERE

Directions for checkout:Enter both of the following coupon codes:

BnBGroupBuyWooHoo - This provides 10% OFF of the group buy set

BnBFreeShipping - This allows for no shipping costs to be charged at checkout. Free shipping applies for CONUS orders only.

*Submit your B&B username in the notes section.
You must be a B&B member to take part in this group buy.

ATTENTION international members! (outside of CONUS)

To make a group buy purchase we will have to do a manual invoice for you versus you using the shopping cart directly. Please contact Dave via PM or email.

Please feel free to take advantage of the FREE shipping (from the group buy set) and add in additional items from the JKS store, Dave won't mind. Knives and handles are excluded.

Group Buy end date - September 15th

Orders will ship by -On or about October 20th

Have a question? PM Dave or myself.
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Hello gentleman, thanks for allowing me to take part in another group buy here at B&B. :001_cool:

If I can be of any assistance with any concerns you may have please feel free to ask. I'll be checking this thread often as well as my PM's too.

Thanks again,


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Sharpening DVDs included? Great googly moogly!

I would recommend this setup to anyone just starting out with high end knives, or looking to upgrade his existing stones. This threesome will sharpen anything you throw at it for a lifetime.

Another fantistic B&B project. I wish I had a chance like this ten years ago.
Sharpening DVDs included? Great googly moogly!

I would recommend this setup to anyone just starting out with high end knives, or looking to upgrade his existing stones. This threesome will sharpen anything you throw at it for a lifetime.

Another fantistic B&B project. I wish I had a chance like this ten years ago.

Great Googly Moogly indeed! the DVDs list at $45!

that's no meatloaf.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
I find the Beston 500 to be the finest arato grit stone I ever used, bar none. I'll probably throw out my other four coarse stones. It cuts fast, as fast as most 220s, has the best feedback of any coarse stone I can name, and leaves an edge that's a perfect base for further refinement.
Looking forward I'll probably move to straight razor eventually, and who wouldnt like to sharpen their kitchen knives as well?

I've only begun looking into stones, these can obviously sharpen both, but the techniques will be different? Id assume I would also need something with a finer grit to finish the SR? Thanks for any info regarding the above..
I find the Beston 500 to be the finest arato grit stone I ever used, bar none. I'll probably throw out my other four coarse stones. It cuts fast, as fast as most 220s, has the best feedback of any coarse stone I can name, and leaves an edge that's a perfect base for further refinement.

I thought you loved the shapton glass 500!!!!


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
Hello gentleman, thanks for allowing me to take part in another group buy here at B&B. :001_cool:

If I can be of any assistance with any concerns you may have please feel free to ask. I'll be checking this thread often as well as my PM's too.

Thanks again,

HI Dave, and thanks for taking part!!

So ... for us straight razor guys, we're used to lapping our hones on an almost constant basis to maintain the uber-flat surface that razor honing needs. How often (if at all) do we lap these knife-honing stones? And what's a good item to use for lapping? (I have a DMT diamond grit 325 plate for lapping ...)

Directions for checkout:Enter both of the following coupon codes:

BnBGroupBuyWooHoo - This provides 10% OFF of the group buy set

BnBFreeShipping - This allows for no shipping costs to be charged at checkout. Free shipping applies for CONUS orders only.

*Submit your B&B username in the notes section.
You must be a B&B member to take part in this group buy.

International customers will be billed shipping costs at the time of order fulfillment.

So the international (ie, non-CONUS) buyers enter both codes at check-out, and will later get a second invoice for whatever the shipping cost is to Canada, Australia, Northern Fangoolistan, or wherever it is that the stones are being sent?
Looking forward I'll probably move to straight razor eventually, and who wouldnt like to sharpen their kitchen knives as well?

I've only begun looking into stones, these can obviously sharpen both, but the techniques will be different? Id assume I would also need something with a finer grit to finish the SR? Thanks for any info regarding the above..

Hi Sean,
While I use straights myself I won't state that I'm a honemeister by any stretch of the term so please don't take my words on razor honing as coming from anything other than a hobbyist standpoint.

I have used these stones to hone razors before and truthfully it wasn't a great result at all in the shave quality. The 500x is too coarse for anything but major repair work on a razor and the 5k isn't fine enough. The 5k Rika leaves a toothy edge on knives which works great for grabbing tomato skin but that's gonna be rough on your face. :biggrin1:

The one stone from this set that I do often use on vintage razors when I first get them or when re-setting the bevel is necessary is the Bester 1200x, this I find to be exceptional in this role. It's wide, long, hard, slow wearing, and white colored which shows contact and steel removal on the stone's surface very nicely. To me this is a perfect straight razor bevel setter.
HI Dave, and thanks for taking part!!

So ... for us straight razor guys, we're used to lapping our hones on an almost constant basis to maintain the uber-flat surface that razor honing needs. How often (if at all) do we lap these knife-honing stones? And what's a good item to use for lapping? (I have a DMT diamond grit 325 plate for lapping ...)

I like to keep my knife sharpening stones flat but they don't need to stay nearly as flat as your razor stones do. I simply let the stone tell me when it needs lapping and then I do. If I see a lot of steel showing on the surface, if I feel grooves or wear marks, or it's just been a couple of knife sharpenings I will flatten my stones. I don't make a religion out of it but I am more pro-active with lapping than most knife sharpeners and I think that's because I've come to realize that it's a lot easier to lap a little bit often than a lot every now and then, plus I've experienced that if you let a stone begin to dish it begins to wear at a much greater rate as the dishing becomes worse so it's best to not let it dish at all.

My preference for stone lapping is diamond plates, the coarser the better. I can't stand fine plates that stick through suction (aka - sticktion) to the stones while I'm lapping, this drives me nuts. In the past I've used DMT plates (120x) but in the last year or so I've switched over to the Japanese made ATOMA 140x plate. The ATOMA plates are more expensive but have some key features that make them superior. The surface is made up of tiny posts that have the diamonds embedded into them which leaves the areas around the post to become channels that work in preventing the sticktion effect from occurring. This doesn't word for every stone but it's at least 50% better than DMT's in this regard. Also, the plate is comprised on two parts, the base and diamond surface pad, the latter being replaceable at a lower cost. For use on knives I also prefer the ATOMA plates since they cut faster yet are far less aggressive causing zero edge fracturing which is a problem that I've seen commonly with DMT plate use on hard thin Japanese knives.

As I mentioned above my preference for stone flattening is a coarse diamond plate (140x) but I've found that finer grit stones work more efficiently if their surface is smoothed over so for stone in the >4k range I follow the diamond plate with a 6000x synthetic nagura. I chose to use a nagura because it doesn't stick but a finer grit ATOMA plate like the ATOMA 600x would also work great here as well.

So the international (ie, non-CONUS) buyers enter both codes at check-out, and will later get a second invoice for whatever the shipping cost is to Canada, Australia, Northern Fangoolistan, or wherever it is that the stones are being sent?

Yes this is correct however I will note that the shipping charge will be discounted with a credit of $10. This is only fair for you international folks. :001_smile

Thanks for your questions.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
I thought you loved the shapton glass 500!!!!

I do love that stone (great memory), but I don't consider it a true arato stone. It's really more of a fast 1K. By comparison, the Beston works more like a 220 in terms of removing metal, but with the ease of a medium stone .
Sharpening DVDs included? Great googly moogly!

I would recommend this setup to anyone just starting out with high end knives, or looking to upgrade his existing stones. This threesome will sharpen anything you throw at it for a lifetime.

Another fantistic B&B project. I wish I had a chance like this ten years ago.

Me too. This is a smoking deal!
Me too. This is a smoking deal!

Without a doubt, one of the best ways for someone to get a set of great stones and a great instructional DVD at an amazing price.

This is basically all most folks will need to keep their knives sharp for a lifetime.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
This seems like a great deal!

One question, on behalf of the "international" customers. What region code is the DVD? Some of may have issues if it is Region 1.
This seems like a great deal!

One question, on behalf of the "international" customers. What region code is the DVD? Some of may have issues if it is Region 1.

I have to say that I don't know, however, I do know that it's been sent all over the world and it works everywhere it's gone.
ATTENTION international members! (outside of CONUS)

To make a group buy purchase we will have to do a manual invoice for you versus you using our shopping cart directly. Please contact me via PM or email.

I'm sorry for this inconvenience.

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