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FILM NOIR ..... any fans ?

great movie and the director, Robert Florey, never broke out as a famous director, but made quite a few really good movies.
Florey made so many classics, in every genre...Cocoanuts would be my favorite and Murders in Rue Morgue #2 , but almost all his films were fun to watch...Here's a few:
A daylight-noir classic, "Body Heat". William Hurt is a great sleazy lawyer. Kathleen Turner's character shows that safe sex is an oxymoron. The final scene is chilling.
Watched Rudolph Maté's Union Station last night, a police thriller where the criminals are known and chased from the start. Nice staging of shots in a manner similar to D.O.A., with Barry Fitzgerald basically playing the same role he played in Naked City.


that's fun having the foreign titles. there were two I couldn't guess from the foreign title of the film (partly because I'm sure our names made no sense translated) the others I've seen and knew
foreign artwork is very different in style , but very interesting and alluring..
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