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Eyes wide shut?

Anyone else shave with their eyes closed?:closedeye
Lately I've noticed i don't watch so much what I'm doing in the mirror. I seem to either be looking off at nothing or closing my eyes and going by feel. Usually to better success.
Anyone else shave with their eyes closed?:closedeye
Lately I've noticed i don't watch so much what I'm doing in the mirror. I seem to either be looking off at nothing or closing my eyes and going by feel. Usually to better success.

When I used cartridges and shaved in the shower without a mirror I shaved by feel and closing my eyes helped. It just seemed natural.
When I used cartridges and shaved in the shower without a mirror I shaved by feel and closing my eyes helped. It just seemed natural.

That's how I did it too... seems that habit has followed me to my str8 shaves.

I'm hoping this is the precursor to "Zen" shaving.... then maybe I'll be able to take my str8s into the shower with me. (there goes the hot water bill through the roof!):lol:
I shave my face and head 5 or 6 days a week in the tub with no mirror. I assume shaving by feel without a mirror is much more common for head shavers, in which case it doesn't help to have eyes open. I use a Gem micromatic open comb and with my eyes closed I can concentrate on shaving by sound as well as by feel.
I miss spots looking in the mirror, I'd be a useless patchwork with my eyes closed.:laugh:

I can't locate the rough spots without running my fingers over them anyway. I only use the mirror to be sure I don't take off a piece of an ear or my nose. Think of J. J. Gittes.
When in the touchup phase I don't look in the mirror; just feeling for the rough spots with my fingers. However, for the bulk of the shave I do look in the mirror.
I've alwaysed watched and now also wear glasses. Once I started wearing the glasses, I was amazed at how much stubble I was missing.
A few years ago, a computer tech came in to retrain some of the gals in the office of the company I worked at. Just by looking at his face, you could tell he used an electric razor and no mirror. Probably shaved in the car on his way to work. He had lots of stubble and a small thatch under each nostril. He came in for a week and he looked the same, shaved everyday but missed alot. Finally one of the gals in the office actually said somthing to him about shaving better and that he should used a mirror. The next day he came in clean shaven, even under his nose.
I've alwaysed watched and now also wear glasses. Once I started wearing the glasses, I was amazed at how much stubble I was missing.
A few years ago, a computer tech came in to retrain some of the gals in the office of the company I worked at. Just by looking at his face, you could tell he used an electric razor and no mirror. Probably shaved in the car on his way to work. He had lots of stubble and a small thatch under each nostril. He came in for a week and he looked the same, shaved everyday but missed alot. Finally one of the gals in the office actually said somthing to him about shaving better and that he should used a mirror. The next day he came in clean shaven, even under his nose.

I hope I don't look like that guy...
I should admit that I do look in the mirror, but the best parts of my shave are when I've got my eyes closed and am trying to feel the pressure. And the mirror seems to confuse me:blink:
It's not like I set out to learn to Str8 shave blind, and I don't think I even could, but I'm so horribly near-sighted my eye sight seems almost redundant to the process.....
Use the force Wdwrx :a45:

How do you think I've been doing it?
Next i'll try hands free:

New Thread: "anyone shave without their hands?"

Latley I've found that I've been shaving without using my hands. Saves all kinds of problems in trying to use my dumb left hand. And now I hardly ever get any nick or cuts!
How do you think I've been doing it?
Next i'll try hands free:

I can see the new Gillette Fusion/Stealthy/Power ads now:

"Wdwrx, Procter & Gamble is your father..."

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