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Elliot's Journal

Well, tomorrow is the day.

I have been using a straight razor for a few years and, before that (GASP) basic cartridge crap. I may still use straights here and there and toss that in the journal, but tomorrow I enter the world of safety razors.

I have a half dozen or so razors on the way (I am awful) but the first has arrived: The Henson Mild.

Feedback to come, but tomorrow's shave!

RAZOR: Henson Mild
BRUSH: Semogue 1250
SOAP: Antica Barbieria Colla
AFTER: Pre De Provence Bergamot and Thyme

Well, I am not a patient man. Couldn't wait for the morning for the new journey.

The shave was very relaxed. I can see why the Henson is referred to so often as the "Henson Mild." I maintain a beard and so only shave my cheeks and neck. I completely lack a jawline and so it's better for all parties, most notably my wife, if I mantain a beard.

For my cheeks, I did two passes: One WTG and one XTG. It is not BBS but more than sufficient for my needs as someone who works from home and is just starting to try to take appearance a little more seriously. As for my neck, I did three passes: WTG, XTG and very lightly ATG. It's pretty damn smooth. I have very sensitive skin and have just one tiny nick that I didn't even feel. It's probably good this razor is so mild as it was my first time using a safety razor.

Lots of different razor and blades to experiment with but this was stress free and easy; surely a good place to start. I have long loved this soap and haven't used this after shave much but I must admit I enjoy the smell of Bergamot.

I have a fair amount of other soaps and after shaves that I will continue to cycle in, and three other brushes. You will surely hear from me asking for advice/guidance on more options there.

I very much look forward to expanding my toys, as they are so appropriately called, and perhaps finding some joy in the routine beyond seeing it as a necessary task to not look lazy and disheveled.

I will end with a question: What else is of value for people in these journals? Does age, occupation, blah blah, interest anyone here? While this is part to document for me, I would hope there is some semblance of value that can be provided to the collective.

Thanks to anyone that's read this far. I appreciate you.


Lounging On The Isle Of Tugsley.
Thank you. I logically know that open blade shaving is just one more way of knocking stubble off one’s skin, but I buy into the hype of it being better for one’s skin like a partisan political junky hearing campaign speeches.

That Henson razor looks futuristic in the non-dystopian way and I hope it gives you close, drama-free shaves as you get more familiar with it.
Safety Razor shave #2: Narrative to follow after coffee :)

Razor: GEM 1912 Damaskeene, beautifully replated by Chris Spencer
Blade: Personna GEM Coated and Wrapped
Brush: Rudy Vey B&B 2020 Shavemac DO1
Soap: Barrister & Mann Cheshire
After: Taylor of Old Bond Street Jeremy Street Collection Sensitive Skin.




Mr. Shavington

Knows Hot Turkish Toilets
You have nice and interesting stuff, @Elliot. That Rudy Vey brush caught my eye - it’s an unusual shape I haven’t seem before and it looks great in the blue and white colours. I’ll be interested in your thoughts about the GEM 1912 - just something that is well-liked and I have no experience with (or indeed any GEM format razor).

As for what else would be interesing here - honestly, anything you care to talk about. I always appreciate descriptive comments about razors and ancilliaries, and pics of course. I like to hear why something is good or bad for you, what it feels like to use, etc. I’d say stick with what you’re doing and maybe use your shave reviews as a regular topic in your journal, but intersperse it with anything else that you feel like talking about. I seem to like these journals most when it starts to feel like going to a friend’s house, seeing who’s there too, and having a chat.

Anyway, it’s a very nice start and I’m watching this thread.


I shaved a fortune
I love the ebb and flow of journals. I'd have to say, I've learned more from journals and PMs and exploring old threads about a particular topic. This isn't to say I don't read and enjoy all the new threads and the established running threads as well.

I'm with @Mr. Shavington . I view B&B like I would a small gathering of friends bantering back and forth and sharing their life experiences.
The GEM definitely is nice to hold. I had a feeling I would like single-edged blades and this first shave does somewhat confirm it. More on plans later, but back to the shave.

The razor felt smooth on the skin. I only did two passes, one WTG and one XTG. There is still the tiniest bit of stubble on my neck if I run my fingertip ATG, but this razor did leave my skin feeling considerably "warmer" than the Henson and I didn't want to tempt fate. I work from home 20+ days a month, so shaving is personal for me. No one cares how "put together" I appear.

Oddly, no nicks really but my skin definitely feels a little more irritated as compared to the Henson. I have another GEM waiting already in the cabinet and two more arriving in the next couple days. Between the GEM Jr., MM closed and push button, I am not sure which I would try next. Open to input from the masses, ofc. My intuition suggests the push button may be the most mild of the remaining three but my understanding is that the Damaskeene is on the milder side of the GEM bell curve, so perhaps not relevant.

That said, I have gone ahead and, as is my M.O., jumped off the deep end and have quite a few more razors on order. Soaps, aftershaves and brushes en masse as well, but that's for another entry. This week, not counting the other GEMs already mentioned, I should take delivery of a RazoRock Superslant L1, which I am thinking will be my next shave, and a Blackbird Ti. The BB is surely aspirational, as I don't think it's nearly as mild as some of the other things, but I just felt drawn to it... I do blame, at some level, all of you.

I have also added my name to waitlists for both the Athena and Wolfman. As I understand it, the latter is probably a fairly long wait (anyone know?), so my thinking is that by the time my turn comes up, the Blackbird, slant, various GEMs and a pre-war Tech getting replated by Chris as I write (not to mention what else I order), should help form my decision as to what gap I want from the WR2. Overall, I imagine something like 0.95 will make the most sense for me. I don't think I need anything more efficient than a BB Ti ever really. I do maintain a beard and I do work from home. For my business travel and client meetings, which have slowed as business travel has, a two-pass shave is all one "needs." So it's really for me, which is a nice spot to be in. My profession is also one that doesn't require formal wear, even in the most high-stakes meetings. Nice jeans and a blazer is the farthest I have gone.

I'm excited to try the slant, as there are several others that have caught my eye. Notably the ATT X1 and Konsul. And as mentioned earlier, I really like the single-edge vibe, so may look at something like Vector as well. I have NO doubt the Sabre is lovely, but it doesn't call me since GEMs are around.

Thanks for following along here. Ask anything ya like. I will probably sprinkle some of my straights back in here and there and plan to have at least one, if not two or three, giveaways in the coming weeks.
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I love the ebb and flow of journals. I'd have to say, I've learned more from journals and PMs and exploring old threads about a particular topic. This isn't to say I don't read and enjoy all the new threads and the established running threads as well.

I'm with @Mr. Shavington . I view B&B like I would a small gathering of friends bantering back and forth and sharing their life experiences.
I have felt the same! I enjoy the journals. I am not the most social and extroverted man in my personal life, so this is, as @Mr. Shavington put it, visiting a friend's house.
You have nice and interesting stuff, @Elliot. That Rudy Vey brush caught my eye - it’s an unusual shape I haven’t seem before and it looks great in the blue and white colours. I’ll be interested in your thoughts about the GEM 1912 - just something that is well-liked and I have no experience with (or indeed any GEM format razor).

As for what else would be interesing here - honestly, anything you care to talk about. I always appreciate descriptive comments about razors and ancilliaries, and pics of course. I like to hear why something is good or bad for you, what it feels like to use, etc. I’d say stick with what you’re doing and maybe use your shave reviews as a regular topic in your journal, but intersperse it with anything else that you feel like talking about. I seem to like these journals most when it starts to feel like going to a friend’s house, seeing who’s there too, and having a chat.

Anyway, it’s a very nice start and I’m watching this thread.
Yeah, love this brush. Haven't used it as much as I should since getting it in 2020, but it will be part of the lasting rotation. It's a joy.
Oh lawd, he buying’!

The problem with 800,000 top notch toys is hair only grows so fast. Well, I mean, I think that’s the problem. Only have 751,000 top notch toys over here.
Already something I wish would change haha. I shave every 3-4 days at most. After a once around with all the new toys, I probably just need to sit with one for a month to REALLY understand if I like it. Good problem to have overall, but a hurdle nonetheless. All the more reason to not seek BBS.
Shave #3

Razor: Razorock Superslant L1
Blade: Gillette Nacet Stainless
Brush: Paladin Ebonite
Soap: SV 70th Anniversary
After: Barrister & Mann Fougere Classique

Mostly comfortable shave here today. The razor was smooth and effortless. Far from efficient, but almost no irritation until the end (more later). The razor was really quite smooth and easy. I wish there was more to say about it but there really isn't in that department. Typical two-pass shave, first WTG and then XTG. As is typical, cheeks are pretty darn smooth but neck still has a little stubble. Under the beard, it's perfectly reasonable and as this is a new renaissance in shaving for me, with increased frequency, I am trying to be careful.

Unfortunately, not a big fan of the after. It was a little thin for a cream, which I don't typically love, and it did sting, even on the cheeks, where there is no discernible irritation, nicks or anything else. With my sensitive skin, I tend to lean toward the more balm-like aftershaves.

The brush was quite nice. Felt good in hand and soft on the skin. I think I under-dosed the soap a little, but it was my first time with that soap as well so I will surely get more comfortable. This may just be part of basically using exclusively new things for what I imagine will be another 1-2 weeks. New razor with a new blade, new soap, new aftershave. Brushes will begin to rotate quicker, but still...

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