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Each day is better

Over two weeks DE Wet shaving every shave gets better. It has been a learning curve. With the great suggestions from other forum members and videos posted each day is an improvement. When I shaved with a multi-blade disaster, I was accustomed to shaving against the grain. I now realize that a two passes north to south that I can get a great shave. That going against the grain is no longer needed. I have also learned that different blades shave differently, each blade has its own personality. I am really enjoying the asta blades. The suggestion of a blade sampler is great for newbies to start with. That way you can try different blades that shave best for you. I enjoy the using my vintage Gillette Fatboy. I know that it has its fans and distractors are on this forum. I enjoy using the a brush to apply to shave soap. It feels so luxurious to apply to the face. I am using Nivea after shave balm and Aqua Velva splash. I do not how many blades they put into a razor, a double edge blade it will always give you a better shave.
I want thank those that have helped me, I want to thank those that have taken time to make videos, taken the time to write tutorials. This is a great site that is not only about shaving about hanging with guys that appreciate a great shave.
Glad to hear it's getting better for you with regards to shaving. It's nice to know you can, at any time, speak to a bunch of guys regarding shaving tools and techniques. Now, I wonder if women have similar sites about shaving their legs?
I'm glad de shaving is going well for you, coyotewhisper. My face doesn't like against the grain passes at all, but it doesn't matter. I get great shaves going with the grain and across the grain.
:thumbup:I really look forward to shaving now that I started DE shaving. Before, it was a chore I wanted to skip on weekends when I did not need to go to work.
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