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Do you guys keep your razors shiny, or just clean them once in awhile?

I was just poking around the site and found a way to look at old posts of mine. I found the original post where I bought my old SS. It was SO shiny. I am really doing a lousy job of keeping this thing tip top. Do you guys keep your razors in mint condition? I just do the soak/scrub with toothbrush/hit it with some shower cleaner- which makes it look nice, but definitely not mint or anything.
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I clean them to a sparkling shine once per week. Otherwise, they get a rinse and shake before they are put away. I don't mind water spots on the razor if I'm actively using it.
It's hard to keep mine as super clean as I'd like, all the time. Hard water doesn't really help. After I shave I dip my razor in some alcohol to help get off the "scum", and about once every two weeks or so I give them a good boiling water and vinegar bath.
I keep mine shiny and clean after every shave. I rinse off the blade and keep it on a paper towel for the next shave.

Once I get 'em clean, I keep 'em clean.

The razor I'm actively using gets a toothbrush scrub every couple of days, and before it gets sat down on the bench in favor of another.
Whenever I switch out a razor, I just wipe it down with a clean, dry towel. I don't obsess about getting every nook and cranny sparkling clean.
I keep mine looking like new. If it is nikel plated I clean it and then polish after I am done using it and then it goes on my display shelf. If it is gold I just clean it and use a polishing towel to bring it to a shine (no actual polish). I guess I obsess over them a little, but they all sure do look nice :wink2:
Rinse after every shave...scrubbing bubbles once a week on my DEs. Havent polished them in over a year of use...I like shavers...not ones for the showcase! :)
I want my razors to be clean, but don't obsess about the shine. For me, regular cleaning is a WHOLE lot easier that letting the soap scum build up prior to cleaning!
Most of my vintage razors required a lot of cleanup when I first got them, and I don't want to let them get like that again. I give them a quick clean when putting them away for a while and moving on to something else. Don't care that much about keeping them shiny shiny, though; they're for use rather than display. Most of them are no better than good condition anyway. If I had a display cabinet full of mint condition stuff, that would be different.
I give them a thorough rinse after each shave and scrub them with a toothbrush and soap when I change blades after 3-4 shaves.

Roughly every six months, I boil my razors and give them a polish.
Is it a purely cosmetic thing? In other words, do you think that a clean razor glides any differently than one that is a bit neglected (not one that is in terrible condition or anything)? Some days i think that cleaning it does make a difference. But there are so many other factors that still affect my shave quality these days that its hard to tell.
Is it a purely cosmetic thing? In other words, do you think that a clean razor glides any differently than one that is a bit neglected (not one that is in terrible condition or anything)? Some days i think that cleaning it does make a difference. But there are so many other factors that still affect my shave quality these days that its hard to tell.

I dont think exactly that. I just have a problem with things that i purchase to bet less than excellent shape.
I just rinse them and rub the junk off of them after a blade goes kaput. If need be, I brush them down with a toothbrush. It seems to keep them nice and shiny so far. Haven't had any of my razors long enough to see how well just this will do over the long haul, though. May have to do something more involved to clean them every once in a while.
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