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Damn Comfortable Shave

Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
Wednesday's shave was unique.

My shave today was very late. I slept late, having the day off, but was called by wife to meet her for lunch, unshaven, but presentable in a casual Mexican place. I then went shopping at Tuesday Morning and acquired what I was looking for.

From there I was called to attend a friend who seems to have had another TIA, but her granddaughters arrived and took her to the ER. I believe she'll be fine, but she's got to take care of her blood pressure and quit with the salt shaker. She was a little bit confused and had a small amount of word finding aphasia. I love her very much, and my wife and I are very close to her. She is remarkably healthy and strong for her age. She's eighty-two and raising her four year old mildly autistic great-grandson, if you can imagine that.


I came home to shower and shave, but had a little project first.

This is my new shaving corner. New in the sense that I just purchased and loaded an even larger shelf set for the area. The smaller metal cart I replaced was very nice indeed. Actually the old cart is rather elegant and lovely, but it is also not quite large enough. This new shelf is just about exactly right. I might built or buy and install a small wall shelf above and behind this unit, but what I have will do for now.

My shave was unique.


The razor was a never before used MMOC. In fact, this was my first ever shave with a GEM or Ever-Ready razor. I decided to work one in before the beginning of the Fixed Four tomorrow.

I used both the Proraso Pro brush and the Omega Mighty Midget brush. Two boars. I was sorta hoping the Proraso might be soft enough for me to consider it for the Fixed, but it is not quite there. The Midget is softer, and still under consideration, but doubtful.

I was not wild about the shave of the MMOC. It was okay, but a bit rough around the edges. Let's say it was somewhat harsh. Okay for a first shave with the platform and the blade, but not great enough for me to say, "Oh, wow, this it the one." It won't be considered for the Fixed, but that is no surprise at all. At least I felt like I knew how to use it, and I got a decent shave. Some blood, but nothing which needed the styptic pencil.

The shave was N-S and S-N, and the results were less than stellar. It's been forever since any shave was not DFS on my neck but this one was not.

I did not find the razor hard to use. Nor particularly easy. I was not in the league with my injectors or the Colonial General or the SE1, but I am more familiar with them, so it's not a fair comparison with only one GEM shave.

No products so far except homemade shave oil, and witch hazel, but I know I need a splash and, more so, some Cremo Moisturizer. My skin feels less excited about the shave as I type this.

Happy shaves,


Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
I quit school at 15 and went to work. High school wasnt working for me and I actually ended up in court over it. I refused to go and I said to the judge, "Your Honour, if I'm smarter than the teachers and I cant learn what I want too learn, I see no point and I may as well go to work." After a few minutes discussion with him, where I used the two points below as reference, he agreed and let me out a year early.

The geography teacher pointed at the African continent when he referring to Brazil on a globe. I corrected him and was chastised for it out of his own humiliation.

I had to take an "arts" class so I chose music because I wanted to play the sax. The teacher insisted I should play the trombone instead, I refused. Needless to say I didnt bother going back to either of those classes.

The only high school credit I left with was welding, which was going to be my major. Mr.Brooks was my teacher and I had missed 22 days in a row when I decided to go back. He told me I'd never catch up and not get a credit anyway so what was the point because I couldnt do it if I tried. However, he said if I did want to try, I could stay after class until caught up. So, for spite, I did. I was fully caught up in two weeks and I ended that class with a 98 average.

I only know one phrase in another language, French. "Je mal a la tete", and only because my teacher said it so often, its the only thing that stuck LOL.

That was in Grade 4 or 5, a Catholic school and we still had nun's as teachers, but not for French. I was also an alter boy for several years. You did not want to misbehave in Sister Margarets class! She was a very good teacher, but very strict. She was always prowling the aisles between desks with her hands behind her back. A wooden ruler in one and those soft silent soled shoes on lol. Quick as a cat she was...

I think I knew her.


There was a parochial school and a church and a convent at the end of my street, visible from my house, and only a long stone's throw. No, I didn't throw a rock through her window.

Where I grew up it was usual to be Catholic. We did Hail Mary's before every football game I ever played. I learned the catechism along with my buddies I quizzed as they learned it in 8th grade. If you didn't have ashes the day after Mardi Gras you were weird.

I have more schooling than you'd believe. Never much liked it at all, but I did like learning, and I was pretty good at the school game for a guy with a bad attitude.

Mike, you didn't quit school, you just skipped a few grades.

Happy shaves,


Raven Koenes

My precious!
Wednesday's shave was unique.

My shave today was very late. I slept late, having the day off, but was called by wife to meet her for lunch, unshaven, but presentable in a casual Mexican place. I then went shopping at Tuesday Morning and acquired what I was looking for.

From there I was called to attend a friend who seems to have had another TIA, but her granddaughters arrived and took her to the ER. I believe she'll be fine, but she's got to take care of her blood pressure and quit with the salt shaker. She was a little bit confused and had a small amount of word finding aphasia. I love her very much, and my wife and I are very close to her. She is remarkably healthy and strong for her age. She's eighty-two and raising her four year old mildly autistic great-grandson, if you can imagine that.

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I came home to shower and shave, but had a little project first.

This is my new shaving corner. New in the sense that I just purchased and loaded an even larger shelf set for the area. The smaller metal cart I replaced was very nice indeed. Actually the old cart is rather elegant and lovely, but it is also not quite large enough. This new shelf is just about exactly right. I might built or buy and install a small wall shelf above and behind this unit, but what I have will do for now.

My shave was unique.

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The razor was a never before used MMOC. In fact, this was my first ever shave with a GEM or Ever-Ready razor. I decided to work one in before the beginning of the Fixed Four tomorrow.

I used both the Proraso Pro brush and the Omega Mighty Midget brush. Two boars. I was sorta hoping the Proraso might be soft enough for me to consider it for the Fixed, but it is not quite there. The Midget is softer, and still under consideration, but doubtful.

I was not wild about the shave of the MMOC. It was okay, but a bit rough around the edges. Let's say it was somewhat harsh. Okay for a first shave with the platform and the blade, but not great enough for me to say, "Oh, wow, this it the one." It won't be considered for the Fixed, but that is no surprise at all. At least I felt like I knew how to use it, and I got a decent shave. Some blood, but nothing which needed the styptic pencil.

The shave was N-S and S-N, and the results were less than stellar. It's been forever since any shave was not DFS on my neck but this one was not.

I did not find the razor hard to use. Nor particularly easy. I was not in the league with my injectors or the Colonial General or the SE1, but I am more familiar with them, so it's not a fair comparison with only one GEM shave.

No products so far except homemade shave oil, and witch hazel, but I know I need a splash and, more so, some Cremo Moisturizer. My skin feels less excited about the shave as I type this.

Happy shaves,

Jim, That is one cool shaving stand. I love it.

Raven Koenes

My precious!
I think I knew her.


There was a parochial school and a church and a convent at the end of my street, visible from my house, and only a long stone's throw. No, I didn't throw a rock through her window.

Where I grew up it was usual to be Catholic. We did Hail Mary's before every football game I ever played. I learned the catechism along with my buddies I quizzed as they learned it in 8th grade. If you didn't have ashes the day after Mardi Gras you were weird.

I have more schooling than you'd believe. Never much liked it at all, but I did like learning, and I was pretty good at the school game for a guy with a bad attitude.

Mike, you didn't quit school, you just skipped a few grades.

Happy shaves,

Mike, I agree with Jim you just skipped a few grades. In my life, I just took every art class I could for years. I never got a degree because my focus was on that. Sometimes I have regrets about that and other times I dont.


I didnt know
I have to say I got a better education at home reading. I was a voracious reader for most of my life, and I read everything. Even Stephen Hawkings books on quantum mechanics and physics. Robert Ressler and Park Dietz, Carl Sagan. A very long list of nonfiction books spanning many subjects as well as fiction and 'proper' literature.

My best education however, came from my father and all the years of door to door sales with quite a list of characters, who themselves have been in a book or two lol.

Rave I've always wanted to be artistic and be able to draw, but I can barely manage a passable stick figure lol. I appreciate art though, as you know.

I was not wild about the shave of the MMOC. It was okay, but a bit rough around the edges. Let's say it was somewhat harsh. Okay for a first shave with the platform and the blade, but not great enough for me to say, "Oh, wow, this it the one." It won't be considered for the Fixed, but that is no surprise at all. At least I felt like I knew how to use it, and I got a decent shave. Some blood, but nothing which needed the styptic pencil.

The shave was N-S and S-N, and the results were less than stellar. It's been forever since any shave was not DFS on my neck but this one was not.

I did not find the razor hard to use. Nor particularly easy. I was not in the league with my injectors or the Colonial General or the SE1, but I am more familiar with them, so it's not a fair comparison with only one GEM shave.

My thoughts mirror your words. I have 10 blades coming. I only bought 10 for a reason.

Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
Jim, That is one cool shaving stand. I love it.

Thanks, Rave. That means a lot. I know you have a good eye.

It is attractive enough, and sturdy enough, but it is all eaten up with roomy. There's a barely visible bottom shelf which has loads of room, particularly vertically, so I could manage to stack and store a lot more there than my shaving towels which are there now, along with some cotton balls, and my blade bank.

The new shaving supplies stand has more than twice the real estate of my last one. It's nice to add items to the mix, and spread things out a bit, too, and know there's room in case another brush arrives from China sometime soon.

Happy shaves,


Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
First shave of March. Fixed Four.


Very good shave, but my skin was a bit under the weather from yesterday. Not a big deal, but the splash really stung.

Homemade shave oil. Witch hazel. Cremo Moisturizer.

Happy shaves,


Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
My skin today feels so much better than it did yesterday with the GEM shave. Tomorrow will be even better I suspect.

Happy shaves,

A late Saturday shave satisfied me reasonably well.

Again, I used the Maseto Shaving 30 mm silvertip fan. I noticed yesterday no hair loss, but there were a few today. No big deal. I expect some with a new brush.

My razor was the ATT SE1 loaded with a Proline blade. Nice!

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This soap really is quite fine.

The brush was every bit as good as yesterday, but no brush is likely to blow my mind two days in a row. Today I was expecting it, and I got it.

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The SE1 is a super nice razor. It is not as easy for me to use as my injectors. It does not inspire the confidence for to throw it around on my face and neck that the injectors do. It does not smooth the very difficult area right under my lower lip as well as the injectors (and they, in turn, don't do that area as well as a DE razor).

What I believe better about the SE1 is its ability to smooth the left side of my neck a bit better than the injectors. I think this entire an issue of my grip (the position of my hand) being better on the SE1 for that area of my neck. I'm working on improving the shave of that area with the injectors.

The SE1 is easy enough to use for sure. It is smooth. It is reasonably efficient (the caveat: There is no razor and blade combination I've tried as efficient as I'd like the kit to be). I'm glad I have the razor.

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I want one of these brushes, too, but I'll be patient with my desires. Beehives appeal to me.

Happy shaves,


I own the 30 mm 2 Band Beehive in Ivory and it is a great brush. Every time I use it, I'm blown away by its lack of cost. I keep thinking that it doesn't make sense that it was less than $60 shipped! The wait didn't matter. I had planned on getting another Maseto( 30 mm Silvertip Fan) but had forgotten until seeing this post.

Well actually, I purchased a Zenith Manchurian in Cobalt which made me forget.

I just finished ordering the Maseto! These brushes are great right now-what the future holds, I have no idea but I bet we'll be saying remember when a Maseto was less than $100?


Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
I own the 30 mm 2 Band Beehive in Ivory and it is a great brush. Every time I use it, I'm blown away by its lack of cost. I keep thinking that it doesn't make sense that it was less than $60 shipped! The wait didn't matter. I had planned on getting another Maseto( 30 mm Silvertip Fan) but had forgotten until seeing this post.

Well actually, I purchased a Zenith Manchurian in Cobalt which made me forget.

I just finished ordering the Maseto! These brushes are great right now-what the future holds, I have no idea but I bet we'll be saying remember when a Maseto was less than $100?


I think that's right. These brushes are at the introductory price. We are the marketing team.

When you get your MS silvertip I hope you'll post a comparison between it and the two-band, but in the meantime, how is the softness of the two-band vs silvertips you've used?

I have enough two-band brushes (if there's such a thing as enough), and wish the beehive was available in silvertip, but it isn't. I'm going to get talked into buying a beehive, two-band or not, but not today.

To me, the MS 30mm silvertip fan feels like a cloud with a backbone. I don't see how a brush could be any better. That's why I ordered a second brush, same thing, with a different colored handle.

Happy shaves,

I think that's right. These brushes are at the introductory price. We are the marketing team.

When you get your MS silvertip I hope you'll post a comparison between it and the two-band, but in the meantime, how is the softness of the two-band vs silvertips you've used?

I have enough two-band brushes (if there's such a thing as enough), and wish the beehive was available in silvertip, but it isn't. I'm going to get talked into buying a beehive, two-band or not, but not today.

To me, the MS 30mm silvertip fan feels like a cloud with a backbone. I don't see how a brush could be any better. That's why I ordered a second brush, same thing, with a different colored handle.

Happy shaves,


The 2 Band Beehive when dry doesn't feel as soft as any of my silvertips or even the Chubby 2 & Chubby 3 in Best. However, once wet and loaded it performs like my other 2 Bands (Canica Chubby, M&F Chief, and Vintage Blades).

I believe the main difference is the wall of badger hair and the shape of the bulb. The only other brush that comes close is the Canica Chubby which is a 30mm also. In comparing the 2, the Maseto appears to be set deeper into its handle which also adds another level of firmness.

The Maseto is very soft on the face but does have an idea of scritch. Why did I say an idea? mainly because of how the bulb splays on your face. It seems like the scritch is there at the point of the bulb but only there. If loaded w/ lather, you don't even realize it. Since I exclusively face lather now, I enjoy the idea.

With the brushes pictured on the website, they appear to not be set as deeply as mine is. I believe that would make for a softer experience. As you said, though, it does feel like a cloud with backbone.

First shave of March. Fixed Four.

View attachment 864208Heyya Jim, what is that big brush in that last picture? That's a beaut. Also, what has more backbone in your opinion, the maesto 2 band, or Razorock Chubby Silvertip? Cheers, JM.

Very good shave, but my skin was a bit under the weather from yesterday. Not a big deal, but the splash really stung.

Homemade shave oil. Witch hazel. Cremo Moisturizer.

Happy shaves,


Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
Jim, what is that big brush in that last picture? That's a beaut.

FixedFour.3-18.JPG MS.30mm.Fan.Bloomed.3-18.JPg MS.Fan.30mm.Horn.3-18.JPG MS.30mm.BloomedDamp.Yaqi.New.24mm.Cropped.JPG

The brush is the MS 30mm silvertip fan. Soft as a cloud with backbone. I don't have a photo with a great angle, but these are several views of the bloomed knot. The blue brush is a Yaqi two band, new and unbloomed.

I was concerned this brush might not have good backbone, but it has backbone galore. Yet, it is amazingly soft. I have another just like it one the way. What a brush!

Also, what has more backbone in your opinion, the Maseto 2 band, or Razorock Chubby Silvertip? Cheers, JM.

I don't have either so I don't know at all. It also might depend on the size of the MS knot. I'm not sure about any MS brush other than mine.

People say two bands have more backbone than silvertips, but some silvertips break that rule of thumb. It's not just the knots, but also how deeply the knot is set in the handle. The loft is important, too, of course.

You notice that my MS is wide waisted but with a low loft.

The RR Chubby Silvertip is made by Zenith. Scroll down to read the description here, link.

Happy shaves,


Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
The 2 Band Beehive when dry doesn't feel as soft as any of my silvertips or even the Chubby 2 & Chubby 3 in Best. However, once wet and loaded it performs like my other 2 Bands (Canica Chubby, M&F Chief, and Vintage Blades).

I believe the main difference is the wall of badger hair and the shape of the bulb. The only other brush that comes close is the Canica Chubby which is a 30mm also. In comparing the 2, the Maseto appears to be set deeper into its handle which also adds another level of firmness.

The Maseto is very soft on the face but does have an idea of scritch. Why did I say an idea? mainly because of how the bulb splays on your face. It seems like the scritch is there at the point of the bulb but only there. If loaded w/ lather, you don't even realize it. Since I exclusively face lather now, I enjoy the idea.

With the brushes pictured on the website, they appear to not be set as deeply as mine is. I believe that would make for a softer experience. As you said, though, it does feel like a cloud with backbone.


Thanks, Marty.

You really helped me see what the brush might be like. It sounds like a really nice, very comfortable, very useful brush.

I consider acquiring the beehive brush. I'm not entirely sure whether I want the handle enough to get another two band right now. Were it silvertip it would be an easy decision I think.

Happy shaves,


Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.

Actually, I don't know I want one. If it were silvertip, I'd want one for sure. I'm sure the two-band is great, but I'm not sure I want another two band brush right now. Since I'm not buying any more brushes right at the moment (until my credit card is paid off and such), it's a non-issue for me.


If they put up for sale this brush in silvertip and butterscotch at about the same price I'd over ride the credit card issue.


It's not like this MS beehive is the only brush I like either. There's a Zenith or two I have my eye on.

Happy shaves,


Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
Friday's shave was aggressive.


Homemade shave oil. Formula T. Witch hazel. Cremo Moisturizer.

In spite of being aggressively in pursuit of baby my efforts were unsuccessful. To a degree.

However, it was a good shave and a comfortable shave, so I want to celebrate it rather than complain about it. This shave would be worth raves on days when things go really off course. Not that I have any of those anymore, so there is something else to celebrate.


What I think of as a bad shave now would have been a good shave then. Beside, my neck could be worse, and it's hard to shave with hooves.

Happy shaves,


Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.

Have I mentioned how nice this MS 30mm silvertip fan brush is?

It is so big and wide and fat and short lofted that it can't help having backbone. It's almost like it has the backbone of a pillow which is just the right shape and size so it doesn't need a backbone to be exactly firm enough.

Every time I use it, it blows my mind. Soft as a cloud. As gentle as a mother's whisper to her newborn. Built like an ox.

Oh, the razor. It may be the best razor ever made! I love the handle, and not just because of its appearance. It is so exactly right in my hand.


Getting jiggy!

Happy shaves,

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