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Castle forbes lime.why do guys praise it so much?

Guys first I know how to lather, I have soft water in my area, and I am used to batching up a lather even with little amounts. I can say I am really good at it.....but WHY cant I get this to lather? I dont like the smell that much but hey its true to its word, it smells like a lime....a stale lime.

I have been using tobs generally and I love it. When I read all the reviews and noticed the few negative ones saying it was a big upset I just thought, oh well maybe its their water or technique. But they were absolutely right. It seems I have to use a lot of product to achieve anything close to what TOBS gives me with three swirls. I go slow with the water but even when I put it on my face it just seems like a weak cream.

I will say one thing that is good about it is its moisture/glide.....only reason why I havent sold or taken this thing to the shooting range. But guys 40 bucks for this? wasnt worth it, it really has ruined my desire to pay this much for a cream again because really is anything out there really worth twice the price of something with TOBS quality? Just a bit ticked off cause there are soooooo many reviews I was so amped up for this cream and was disappointed so much

.....brush is a two band finest TGN XH 28x50.
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I love the CF Lime over my TOBS Grapefruit, but prefer the TOBS Sandalwood over the CF Cedarwood. The CF Lime needs very little water to load up, and the scent and the protection/glide is amazing.

i just prefer the scent of the Sandalwood over the Cedarwood, but would love to somehow combine the two to tone down the scent of the Cedarwood, but keep the lather and protection.
That is strange. We have water that is hard but not very hard and just a little bit of CF produces huge amounts of lather. It is my easiest and most copious soap or cream. Maybe the chemicals and salts in the water have a huge impact.
Are you using it like a cream or a soap? Because of the density, you should load CF like a soap. That will yield the results that so many get and you are unable to so far. It truly is amazing stuff.
I love the CF Cedarwood and use it on a weekly basis. The Lavender is not my favorite but that goes for any Lavender. Maybe try a different brush which sometimes makes a big difference. Usually my EJ or Rooney silvertips or Somerset Simpsons with better flow thru are preferred. BTW, my water is on the hard side from a well and still there are no lather problems.


Are you using it like a cream or a soap? Because of the density, you should load CF like a soap. That will yield the results that so many get and you are unable to so far. It truly is amazing stuff.

+1. Castle Forbes is a dense cream and needed to be treated/loaded like a soap; IMHO.
We praise it because it's an excellent cream.

+2 for above comment. CF Lime (and Lavender),IMO,the best all around creams on the market.In terms of overall performance and scent. The only cream thats on a par with CF is the expensive Italian XPEC(unscented)cream. Its marvelous !

I'am for sure a big fan of CF Lime. Makes a ton of lather and I enjoy the scent as well. Sorry that you having troubles with it. Maybe post a short video or pics and we could offer some suggestions to help you.
You guys are right , its a great cream when you can get it to LATHER. I also went down the rabbit hole with the CF. Its just not worth the trouble to me. When you have soak it, use special brush, light candle, get a priest to bless it & throw salt over your shoulder, to me that not a great cream. I know there are others here who also feel this way but I am sure I will get slammed for attacking the holy grail. All the best. Grayson


System Generated
It probably the easiest firm cream there is to lather. Sure some of soft creams you can scoop lather as easily, but 15sec or so of swirling on the puck, generates lather for a 3 pass shave every single time.

no soaking, no special brush, no special water.

sure it costs a bit more, but its a huge tub and a little goes a long, long way and they are all EO scented and paraben free.
I even asked your advice bruce on this when I first got CF. I still can't get a decent lather without screwing for 10 minutes or so. Just not worth the aggravation to me when so many other products out there work so much better. To each his own.
I even asked your advice bruce on this when I first got CF. I still can't get a decent lather without screwing for 10 minutes or so. Just not worth the aggravation to me when so many other products out there work so much better. To each his own.

It only takes you 10 minutes to do all this?! :lol:

soak it, use special brush, light candle, get a priest to bless it & throw salt over your shoulder
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This surprises me, Castle Forbes was my first "luxury" purchase for wet shaving, my wife actually bought me the lime for my birthday back in July. I was impressed that it took such a small amount of cream compared to my Palmolive, Proraso, and and AOS(sample). I simply dipped my brush in it and got a little on there and got my most impressive lather up to that point. It's actually what sold me on venturing out to the higher end soaps and creams(Soooo glad I did!) I actually used only this for about 3 weeks and struggled a bit going back to Palmolive with producing a lather because I actually had to work at it.
I just dont get it. Could it be possible I have a bad bbatchas ridiculous as that sounds?? I have to sit there and work a lather in a bowl for atleast 2 mins minimum and even then when I try to plaster it on my face I get nothing. I experienced this last night and washed my face off. Grabbed my tobs and after 3 swirls I applied to my face and it just exploded with lather......wth is going on!!

This surprises me, Castle Forbes was my first "luxury" purchase for wet shaving, my wife actually bought me the lime for my birthday back in July. I was impressed that it took such a small amount of cream compared to my Palmolive, Proraso, and and AOS(sample). I simply dipped my brush in it and got a little on there and got my most impressive lather up to that point. It's actually what sold me on venturing out to the higher end soaps and creams(Soooo glad I did!) I actually used only this for about 3 weeks and struggled a bit going back to Palmolive with producing a lather because I actually had to work at it.


System Generated
I just dont get it. Could it be possible I have a bad bbatchas ridiculous as that sounds?? I have to sit there and work a lather in a bowl for atleast 2 mins minimum and even then when I try to plaster it on my face I get nothing. I experienced this last night and washed my face off. Grabbed my tobs and after 3 swirls I applied to my face and it just exploded with lather......wth is going on!!

3 swirls of TOBS is going to get you a ridiculous amount of product on your brush if you are talking about the Cream.

For soft creams like TOBS or GFT, I always scoop using into a bowl or mug. For firm creams like CF, I swirl on top but treat it like a soft soap

I'm looking forward to breaking out my CF Lavender soon, after I get thru a few other products I'll give it the 3017 treatment and use it up.

Here is one way I lather my CF:
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Okay good video but I am comparing myself to this guy right here......one swirl!!! What the hell am I doing wrong? I do a minimum of 3 swirls and I still dont get nothing. However the previous posters video shows the guy swirling it several times. With the Tobs I literally swirl it 3 times and I am drowning in lather...
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I'm not quite sure about the 3 swirls thing. To load CF or a soap, I swirl around on the puck for a good 30 count to pick up enough to lather. My guess would be you aren't getting enough product. You could try to add some water to the CF to loosen it up a bit, but I haven't tried that. If anything, CF produces a sometimes too thick of a lather that I have to thin out. Hope you get it to work.

That said, if the CF is proving to be more work than you want, enjoy the TOBS. Cheers!
That's a pretty big brush you are using. Try swirling on top of the cream for ten to fifteen seconds than start building your lather. It is way denser than TOBS. Three swirls with TOBS is a whole lot of product, I can't imagine using that much. With TOBS I either scoop some out into a bowl or just dip the tips of my brush into it. Takes longer to load CF because it is much "harder".
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