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Cart Suggestions

Gents, need some suggestions. I'll be headed off to the field for a month and need to pick a cartridge razor since I won't have hot water or a very good mirror.

My choices from the bottom of the sink are
1 Fusion Power
2 M3
3 M3 Power
4 Quattro Platinum
5 Sensor Excel (Missing, but I'll find it)

Whatca think?

(Grr and going to take Nivea canned goo too :thumbdown)
May I express my condolences?

Given the choices, I'd go with the sensor: cheaper cartridges and fewer blades.

But why the canned goo? Couldn't you pack a tube of a good brushless cream, such as KMF?
Given the choices, the only one worth remotely using is the Sensor. It's actually a pretty good razor, having just two blades, and the blades being spring loaded.

The closest you can come to the feel of a DE with a cartridge razor is the Trac II, as it's doesn't pivot. :biggrin1:
Out of what you have available, I'd pick the Sensor or the Mach 3. I'd also suggest investing in a tube of KMF cream if you can get some before you hit the field. It'll save some room and weight in your pack and it works well brushless.
Walgreen's disposables! :thumbup1: Actually, if I had to choose, I'd take the cheapest one... only for a month right? Then back to DE? Why waste money, for example, on Fusion cartridges, when they only lasted me 3 shaves if that!?

Gents, need some suggestions. I'll be headed off to the field for a month and need to pick a cartridge razor since I won't have hot water or a very good mirror.

My choices from the bottom of the sink are
1 Fusion Power
2 M3
3 M3 Power
4 Quattro Platinum
5 Sensor Excel (Missing, but I'll find it)

Whatca think?

(Grr and going to take Nivea canned goo too :thumbdown)
The canned goop is probably not your best choice for travel. Even when I was using canned stuff at home I took a tube of cream when I was in the field or camping (nothing like shaving by the side of a little brook, small camping mirror in one hand).

You don't need a brush with many, just rub in with your hands and a little of that cold water.

I think Quattro and Fusion razors give a pretty good shave if you keep them wet and slosh them around in the water to keep them from getting clogged, but what about a non-aggressive travel DE like the feathers?
Thanks for the help guys. I was thinking of taking the sensor too but wanted some other opinions. I once tried cold, brushless shaving in the field and had a bloody nick fest. Beard was just too tough to even work with a fresh blade. Used the proraso green once with some single blade disposables and it took forever to get through a shave.

How much KMF do you typically use, since my one experience with it was with a brush and didn't do very well?
For the win!

Excel - hands down in that pile. Get cartridges with lotion strips on em. Can shave with just the tiniest bit of water then!
For the win!


Sensor all the way.

Now, I remember watching this scene from Predator in the movies. They're all sitting around, basically waiting to be pounced upon, and this guy decides it's a good time for a dry shave with a Good News. Priceless!!
Gents, need some suggestions. I'll be headed off to the field for a month and need to pick a cartridge razor since I won't have hot water or a very good mirror.

My choices from the bottom of the sink are
1 Fusion Power
2 M3
3 M3 Power
4 Quattro Platinum
5 Sensor Excel (Missing, but I'll find it)

Whatca think?

(Grr and going to take Nivea canned goo too :thumbdown)

Go with the Sensor or the M3. You don't want anything that needs batteries to work, and the Quattro is a bit funny to look at IMHO... You know what, on second thought, go with just the M3. Sensor refills may be hard to find in some places, but M3 refills should be everywhere.
Thanks for the help guys. I was thinking of taking the sensor too but wanted some other opinions. I once tried cold, brushless shaving in the field and had a bloody nick fest. Beard was just too tough to even work with a fresh blade. Used the proraso green once with some single blade disposables and it took forever to get through a shave.

How much KMF do you typically use, since my one experience with it was with a brush and didn't do very well?
I use a large squirt, about the size of an almond or so. There's usually enough lubrication left on my skin after I rinse following the first pass that I could shave another pass without adding more cream, but I usually use another medium squirt just to be safe. The only downside to KMF is that it's a little tougher to rinse out my razor when I use it brushless.
If you're going to have to buy cartridges anyway and don't mind springing a few bucks for a razor handle, I'd recommend a Trac II. The Bump Fighter razor handle, which is fairly easy to find, will work with Trac II cartridges.
From experience in some hostile climes, see if you can find a single edged disposable. Gunk has a habit of getting inbetween multiple blades and drying there if the running water is alkailine. Makes for a tough second shave. Wilkinson made one, the Bonded, and they can be found on the Bay. When I fly with bag in hand, its a toss-up btwn that and a Trak-2!

Not sure but I think Bic made a decent disposable. Others will have to supply the details.
Bic Sensitive are single bladed disposables. You can get them easily at most drugstores. CVS and the like also have generic version but I don't know if those are good. I'd stick with the Bics. If you must use canned foam, I'd go for Aveeno, but some kind of brushless tube cream from the health food store might be a better bet.
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