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Calling All Tech Fans

SOTD Gillette Post War Tech, Personna Red (1), Schaffmilch, Colonel x2L

This was my first shave with my new Tech which arrived Saturday afternoon.
Now I know what all the enthusiasm is about.
The first shave was a bit scratchy at the beginning.
It's not too common, but every so often, a new Personna Red is a bit rough at first and then gets smoother during the shave. Ordinarily they are sharp and smooth start to finish.
Overall the shave was smooth and comfortable.
The first pass was efficient, and surprisingly comfortable.
I used a fairly shallow angle riding the cap.
At times I didn't feel the blade but heard it.
The first pass was remarkably smooth.
The Second pass was XTG and very smooth and clean.
I shaved XTG from my left ear towards my right ear below my jaw because I have a significant band of growth in that direction below the jaw line.
Nailed it!
My third pass was touchups around my mouth and below the right corner of my jaw.
Overall, a smooth and comfortable shave with no cuts, nicks, or weepers..
There was a bit of mild irritation on my right cheek where my shave started.
I will pay more attention to my angle and pressure tomorrow.
Perhaps "Mister Hands" thought he needed to control this razor.

If anyone is looking for a smooth, efficient and comfortable razor, they should give a Tech strong consideration.

I forgot the picture.
View attachment 1045886

Great report. Glad you enjoyed the razor. I couldn't recommend a Tech more highly. It baffles me that these aren't the first response to the question 'What should be my first DE razor?'. I can only assume that it's because they're not shiny, new razors. That fact might've put me off, in all honesty.
Great report. Glad you enjoyed the razor. I couldn't recommend a Tech more highly. It baffles me that these aren't the first response to the question 'What should be my first DE razor?'. I can only assume that it's because they're not shiny, new razors. That fact might've put me off, in all honesty.

I could most agree more with you. If Gillette made an authentic Tech - not a clone with their logo - I would wait in line for one.
I know I need to get dialed in with this razor, but it is smooth, efficient, and comfortable.
It is a “Goldilocks” razor so far.
Thanks to everyone on this thread for their input.


I didnt know
June 10 2017 was my first ever shave with a post war Tech:

This Post War Tech, in my mind, should be the starting razor for everyone entering into the DE world. It's virtually foolproof. Use to applying pressure? No problem, this razor will warn you well in advance of hurting you. Technique a bit off and getting the occasional nick from loosing concentration? No problem, it's got you covered and you'll correct yourself before blood appears.

For all you people just starting out in the DE world, and you, yes you, lurkers, I'm talking to you as I was one myself in search of a better shave, try one! For those of you who havent yet used one of these, I highly suggest you do. If you regularly have issues with tugging or irritation, no matter the direction of stroke, try one. Your shaving experience is incomplete without using and knowing this razor. It really is as good as they say it is. Try it and see.

My thoughts havent changed between then and now either.


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June 10 2017 was my first ever shave with a post war Tech:

My thoughts havent changed between then and now either.

Amen! Well said!

Shaving doesn't have to be uncomfortable or painful. The Techs from the 1930s - 1950s will guide you down a wonderful path of shaving discovery. :)

I have two English Tech's.
A Ball End with aluminum handle and baseplate, date unknown, and a Fat Handle that I believe is made 1946-1948.

Fat Handle is a little more aggressive than Ball End but both are absolutely wonderful shavers.

Ball End is an excellent shaver for daily use but is not as effective if I only shave every other day or maybe twice a week.
If I use my Ball End on a two or three day stubble, I get slight irritation on my neck and chin no matter what blade I use.
This also applies no matter what soap or cream I use and the irritation always starts with the first pass (WTG).

Fat Handle on the other hand is no problem to shave on a two or three day stubble without any irritation at all but as usual, YMMV

Tonight I had a two and a half day stubble and shaved with my Fat Handle and Lord Silverstar (2nd use), Muhle boarbrush and Arko shavestick.
Three passes, WTG XTG and ATG, and got a lovely wife approved BBS.
After the first pass, virtually all stubble was gone on the cheeks and chin.
Rinsed off the face with lukewarm water and lathered up again and after the second pass it was almost a DFS.
Rinsed off and lathered up again and after the third pass and a small touch up on the neck and chin, the face felt like a baby's bottom.
No skin irritation what so ever, just a small sting from my alum block afterwards.

I used the same razor and blade for the headshave as well, so from the time I went into the shower until I was done with the shave, it took about an hour.

I like to rotate my razors but I notice that I use my Tech's more than I use my other razors.
But maybe there is a natural explanation for this? ;)

Gillette Post War Tech, Haslinger Sandalwood, Personna Red (2), Stirling Fine Badger.
A DFS. Smooth, efficient, and comfortable.
You are so right!
Here's wishing you and all of the guys on this thread smooth, efficient, comfortable and happy shaves tomorrow and through the new year.

Recently acquired a few Tech: a Gold Tech, a N°27 with black case, and a N°26. The 26 & 27 are NOS, never used.
I hesitate to post this following that EXCELLENT fat handle above. I do have a nice nickel prewar fat handle & have 2 more project grade (cheap) fat handles enroute to me.
I also recently got this brand new Gillette 'Tech'. Unlike the Heritage, the cap on this beauty is embossed Gillette; like the Heritage, I'm confident it's made by someone else (China, via AliExpress for around $2 bucks). The handle is an upgrade from the JingJili (hollow, but the hole is centered - not so with the YingJili). The bottom plate bar has finer serrations than the YingJili. The shave is the typical Tech smooth, especially with a little heavier handle. For über-cheap clone shaving, this edges out the YingJili & actually merits the expense of a better handle:
Chinese Gillette Tech.jpg


Imagining solutions for imaginary problems
That's interesting. The 34C and Tech are like chalk and cheese to me. It proves that the YMMV thing, despite being annoying when trying to apply a scientific approach, really is true.
Wow -- great thread!!! I'm definitely in the "Love the Tech" / "The 34C not-so-much" group. I swing between "mild" and "wild" with my taste in razors....typically the "older the better" is my guiding principle. But in thinking about "Tech"-like shavers in my DE and SE collection, here's where I come out:
  • DE Razors: Gillette New SC or LC (although I find the SC a touch more comfortable but just as efficient); any of the Gillette/Rotbart/7 O'Clock New RFBs; Mamba .70 and RR Game Changer .84P

  • SE Razors: Gem Featherweight, Gem Pushbutton, Gem Contour; Schick Type L
Honestly, the more razors I use, the harder it is for me to tell them apart. I'm hard pressed to come up with a razor that I won't shave with, or one that I couldn't at least coax a SAS shave from....some require a near-extreme focus on technique (i.e., those I would consider "wild") and most you can practically use in your sleep (the "mild").

Good job of creating a very informational and conversational thread....it's been fun!!!
Wow -- great thread!!! I'm definitely in the "Love the Tech" / "The 34C not-so-much" group. I swing between "mild" and "wild" with my taste in razors....typically the "older the better" is my guiding principle. But in thinking about "Tech"-like shavers in my DE and SE collection, here's where I come out:
  • DE Razors: Gillette New SC or LC (although I find the SC a touch more comfortable but just as efficient); any of the Gillette/Rotbart/7 O'Clock New RFBs; Mamba .70 and RR Game Changer .84P

  • SE Razors: Gem Featherweight, Gem Pushbutton, Gem Contour; Schick Type L
Honestly, the more razors I use, the harder it is for me to tell them apart. I'm hard pressed to come up with a razor that I won't shave with, or one that I couldn't at least coax a SAS shave from....some require a near-extreme focus on technique (i.e., those I would consider "wild") and most you can practically use in your sleep (the "mild").

Good job of creating a very informational and conversational thread....it's been fun!!!
I agree! Over the years I've shaved with a variety of razors, and currently have a comprehansive razor rotation, so that it's simple to just pick up any razor & adjust the shave angle during the first stroke or 2 of the first pass.
Tech's are always reliable & shave consistently great for me whenever i reach for them, only problem is i have a variety of them, so a few get used whilst the rest get neglected, today morning i was torn between using the 3 that i got out which don't get used as much as my English Flat Bottom variant.


Pre War (Made In Canada) ^ using my own unique stainless steel handle

English Post War Tech ^ (aluminium baseplate) which also comes with a light aluminium handle which i switched out for a short Merkur 33c clone brass handle

Rotbart Tech Clone ^ (clear plastic baseplate) comes with a nice handle that looks amazing with it's pattern as the light hits it, pictures don't do it justice.

Ended up picking the Rotbart, using it with a Kai blade on it's 2nd shave, I buffed & shaved over the same spots multiple times without a hint of irritation, nicks or cuts, very smooth shave, With Tech razor's i use soap or cream that doesn't lather up too thick, a thin lather that doesn't clog up these mild razors razors helps glide across without missing hairs, also short fast buffing strokes help me get a very clean smooth shave.

Most of these Techs shave similarly but not quite, they all have slightly different characteristics you get to know by using them more & more.
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I didnt know
From my journal;

About 50 hours since last shave.

Canadian tech, fat handle. Derby Extra (1).

P&B Iceni.

Maggard synthetic.

First pass N>S. Second pass S>N. Third pass and two clean ups ATG.

Nice and smooth but no surprise there. A close first pass too.

Second pass S>N, directly ATG on my cheeks, under my chin, face of my chin and sides of my mouth. No pulling, no tugging, no problem. Actually, very comfortable with light buffing.

Third pass and clean ups. Just as smooth but a lot of buffing on my neck increasing pressure. Weeper left side swirl which I assume was a remnant of my last shave. Second clean up was a smaller version of my first, no issues.

My skin is cool and comfortable and I have a BBS finish but I can tell it wont last my usual 12 hours and thats okay.

Almost as nice a shave as I expected. Derby Extra isnt enough blade in this razor which is what I suspected. Its still a very good blade but lacking the blade exposure of my Grande it just doesnt do the same job as easily. Not a bad thing, just not what I'm use too.

Good shave, good razor. Needs more blade. :tongue_sm
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