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Calling all Shave Brush owners (Kent)

The Stewards heading the Shave brush Compendium need your help !!!!

We need pictures of all Kent brushes... Please post in this thread your pictures of your Kents... we could sure use them for the wiki :thumbup1::thumbup1:

As we move through to the different manufacturers we will be calling for pictures in different threads

SO... show us your KENTS !!!!!!!
Great idea! I've noticed there is not much info on Kent brushes out there (esp. old ones). I've got a W21 badger/bristle that I'll post pics of in the morning. It's about 3-7/8 inches tall (98mm) with a knot diameter of 22mm and loft of about 49mm.

Also, I have an old butterscotch that I'm fairly certain is a Kent, but need verification from Kent.


*edit* Added photos.
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Not my best work but here is a lineup photo of my BK's...


  • $kent-lineup1.jpg
    35.5 KB · Views: 782
Should take one in some sunlight but I just couldn't wait when I did it. A Kent CP3C brush with original knot. Fun to look at, mucho dense knot, but my fingers hate trying to work with tiny brushes. :laugh:

How do you tell the difference between BLK4 and BLK2? I mean, the measurements are pretty much the same..
I recently bought a second hand BLK4 and I really can't tell..
I also noticed the old Kent logo, so I'm guessing its fairly old? (it has the silver ball and then has KENT written on it)
I really like the brush, and i'm sure its BLK4 but just wanted some assurances that it really is what it should be..

How do you tell the difference between BLK4 and BLK2? I mean, the measurements are pretty much the same..
I recently bought a second hand BLK4 and I really can't tell..
I also noticed the old Kent logo, so I'm guessing its fairly old? (it has the silver ball and then has KENT written on it)
I really like the brush, and i'm sure its BLK4 but just wanted some assurances that it really is what it should be..

The BLK2 and BLK4 have the same dimensions, but the "2" has Pure hair, while the "4" is in Silvertip. So, the 2 should be pretty uniformly gray, whereas the 4 should have whitish tips.
The BLK2 and BLK4 have the same dimensions, but the "2" has Pure hair, while the "4" is in Silvertip. So, the 2 should be pretty uniformly gray, whereas the 4 should have whitish tips.

well, its got whitish tips but so does my EJ best badger...so it kinda hard to distinguish...
thanks for the pic..
I guess I do have the BLK4..
mine looks exactly like that... almost like, you took a pic of my brush..
is that an old logo on the brush? that's what i have as well..

I have had my BLK4 for over a year and the logo is the same as the one on my Kent B&B LE 09.

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I just saw this thread.

I have a butterscotch KS5 with original knot that was flea market find.

I'll post some pix tomorrow.
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