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Bump Fighter Razor

I saw mention of a modern cartridge razor called a "Bump Fighter". Can anyone tell me about it, who makes it what is it's rationale? I don't know about your area but the stores in my area keep the razor blades and razors locked up. I would imagine in the near future Mach3 and Fusion blades may be used as currency.
Here is a link. The bump fighter blades are designed for black men specifically, or anyone who may be prone to ingrown hairs. The handle reportedly will fit Gillette Trac II and Trac II style cartridges. That makes it one choice for anybody who wants to use the Trac II, but has trouble finding an inexpensive handle locally.
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Here is a link. The bump fighter blades are designed for black men specifically, or anyone who may be prone to ingrown hairs. The handle reportedly will fit Gillette Trac II and Trac II style cartridges. That makes it one choice for anybody who wants to use the Trac II, but has trouble finding an inexpensive handle locally.

The BumpFighter cartridges are a single blade cartridge, that has a guard over the edge that prevents a close shave, thus helping to prevent ingrown hairs.

I own the handle, and it most certainly does fit the Trac II carts, which are dirt cheap at Wal-Mart, and Dollar General. ($3.54 for 10, and $1 for 6 respectively.)
I had been using my Trac II razor that I had bought in 1978 and I had to go on a trip for work and I did not want to lose this razor. So, I bought a Bumpfighter razor to use with Personna Twin II blades. The cartridges fit a bit loose and slid a little while shaving; and the angle did not seem correct. So when I got back from my trip I emailed ASR and asked if the Bumpfighter was intended to fit Twin II or Trac II blades. Their response was no and they sent me a free TwinII/TracII razor. The razor they sent me is very nice. It is like no Trac II type razor I have ever seen, inexpensive yet rugged.
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I had been using my Trac II razor that I had bought in 1978 and I had to go on a trip for work and I did not want to lose this razor. So, I bought a Bumpfighter razor to use with Personna Twin II blades. The cartridges fit a bit loose and slid a little while shaving; and the angle did not seem correct. So when I got back from my trip I emailed ASR and asked if the Bumpfighter was intended to fit Twin II or Trac II blades. Their response was no and they sent me a free TwinII/TracII razor. The razor they sent me is very nice. It is like no Trac II type razor I have ever seen, inexpensive yet rugged.

This is interesting. I've been using my Bump Fighter loaded up with either Personna Twin IIs or original Gillette cartridge blades off and on for about 8 months now and it works fine for me. Yes, the cartridge can slide sideways if pushed, but in the course of normal shaving it stays right where I want it.

But now you've gone and made me want one of those handles they sent you!:lol:
This is interesting. I've been using my Bump Fighter loaded up with either Personna Twin IIs or original Gillette cartridge blades off and on for about 8 months now and it works fine for me. Yes, the cartridge can slide sideways if pushed, but in the course of normal shaving it stays right where I want it.

But now you've gone and made me want one of those handles they sent you!:lol:
Yeah, me too. The Personna Twin II carts fit my bump fighter handle perfectly, but if there's another Trac II handle being made I'd sure like to know what it is. I'd like to get a hold of one. Was there an item number or something? Please post the WHOLE upc number off the package. Or better yet, post a pic of the upc code and I'll scan it with my phone. I wanna track this sucker down. Thanks!!
Yeah, me too. The Personna Twin II carts fit my bump fighter handle perfectly, but if there's another Trac II handle being made I'd sure like to know what it is. I'd like to get a hold of one. Was there an item number or something? Please post the WHOLE upc number off the package. Or better yet, post a pic of the upc code and I'll scan it with my phone. I wanna track this sucker down. Thanks!!
Don't know about US vendors, but dridiot sells a couple of different Trac II handles on his ebay store. I got his very cheapest, $2.59 + $2.99 shipping, just out of curiosity. It's okay, but the Personna Twin II cartridge I tried with it was pretty rough. If I were going to use a cartridge, my Atra is much better.

There is also this fancy one, and probably a few other fancy upscale models.
Funny you should mention that, I saw this today......

At the risk of blowing my chance a potential million dollar fortune, I had this same idea the other day: a razor head on top of a ring-type handle. It's probably been tried already, and failed.
At the risk of blowing my chance a potential million dollar fortune, I had this same idea the other day: a razor head on top of a ring-type handle. It's probably been tried already, and failed.

Someone tried it once and got a nasty cut . . . :tongue_sm

Or have I got my threads cross-linked?? :lol::lol:
I had been using my Trac II razor that I had bought in 1978 and I had to go on a trip for work and I did not want to lose this razor. So, I bought a Bumpfighter razor to use with Personna Twin II blades. The cartridges fit a bit loose and slid a little while shaving; and the angle did not seem correct. So when I got back from my trip I emailed ASR and asked if the Bumpfighter was intended to fit Twin II or Trac II blades. Their response was no and they sent me a free TwinII/TracII razor. The razor they sent me is very nice. It is like no Trac II type razor I have ever seen, inexpensive yet rugged.

My Bumpfighter fits perfectly with the Personnas. Did you try bending the tracks a little with a pair of pliers? Might be worth a try.
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