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Bombay Sapphire East?

Went to Costco yesterday after work & did a quick browse of the liquor section. Nearly picked up a Laphroaig, but then this caught my eye:
I'm a fan of the 'regular', but have not had this. Anyone else? Good/bad? Better for a specific type of drink?


Smoking a corn dog in aviators and a top hat
I haven't had it, but I looked it up. Wikipedia says: "In September 2011, Bombay Sapphire East was launched in test markets inNew York and Las Vegas. This variety has another two botanicals, lemongrass and black peppercorns, in addition to the original ten. It is bottled at 42% and was designed to counteract the sweetness of Americantonic water."
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I haven't had it, but I looked it up. Wikipedia says: "In September2011, Bombay Sapphire East was launchedin testmarkets in
New York and Las Vegas. This variety has another two botanicals, lemongrassand black peppercorns,in addition to the originalten. It is bottledat 42% and was designedto counteractthe sweetnessof American
tonic water."

I'm a huge Sapphire fan, but I think I'll pass on this iteration for a while. Maybe try one in a bar. Gin should be at least 90 proof, IMO.
Sapphire oh wow do I love the flavor of that stuf. But for some reason it does not react to my medication I have no reason for it I can drink a six pack, several shots of whiskey various proofs I am good to go. I drink gin and I am in the hospital. Damn I miss sapphire oh well.Cheers.
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